Unseen - Comments

  • dr. faustus

    dr. faustus (1070)

    Wow. . .

    Well, where do I start first.

    Well, your conjuring browns spit it all out, like torn mouths spit the blood of ripped tongues and shredded lips. And I'm the acid burning it all away.

    ^That was what did it for me that line was just written so beautifully well, really the whole story was and that line just made the story for me.

    I like how you had a question and answer thing going back and fourth between the character, like it was fighting within itself and the emotion was powerful I felt it and some parts my jaw would like literally drop. The foundation of the story was different and the sentence structure was written in a creative way giving off and dark and suspense feeling.

    I also like how you said no names like and that's what made the story so good because it caught my attention right from the first lines. I want to know more. I wasn't confused on anything, but even though you said no names I'm guessing the character is a girl who was heart broken or someone had broken her heart, and the person is mad/sad.

    The descriptions were flawless and it made the story more interesting to read. Overall good job.

    I did this for the cult so please read As The City Lights Fade. I had to rewrite this three times and I'm still not sure about it, but you can read it. I trust your opinion.
    March 22nd, 2008 at 12:45am
  • Heartswell.

    Heartswell. (400)

    This was written supposedly as an entry for the fictioners club.
    Comments were disabled back then but now they aren't :shifty
    They're greatly appreciated though <3
    February 10th, 2008 at 01:23am