A Twist in My Story - Comments

  • Be My Escape

    Be My Escape (100)

    United States
    March 1st, 2011 at 03:01am
  • Nanook

    Nanook (125)

    United States
    Whoa... looking back on when I left that last comment, it has been a while! Longer than I thought, even, but that's okay. I understand hectic schedules. :)
    Loved the update! You made it interesting... very interesting. With them going to the bull fight and all, then the two guys spotting them! :o As for who they are, bodyguards, maybe, of her dad who is like a ruler... or something. Maybe her dad's a dictator and that's why she wanted to escape from her life. I imagine being a daughter of one isn't too grand... but that's just a wild guess. That's all of my prediction as to what's going on.
    I like how Luciana is becoming fascinated with Joe, by watching him and drawing him and stuff. And she was finally starting to be careless, but now she probably won't now, seeing as those two guys found her. :(
    Overall, amazing update! Can't wait for the next chapter! :D
    P.S.- Catherine, talk to me! I haven't talked to you in forever, it seems like! :( And Natalie, feel free to talk to me too. :D
    March 1st, 2011 at 02:07am
  • Nanook

    Nanook (125)

    United States
    Loved the update! Great job with it, as always. Aw, I'm glad to see Danielle with someone that is able to bring a real smile to her face! She deserves this happiness that Spencer is able to bring to her. While I do feel bad for Kevin, since his wife has found another man that's making her happy, Kevin just needs to, like Be My Escape mentioned, realize what he's doing. I mean... yeah, and then once he does then goes to Danielle and apologizes, she'll take him back. But for right now, I like how Spencer is making her happy. :) It's nice that she's happy. :)
    Oh, and another question, what does Spencer look like? I'm having a hard time picturing him, and I've noticed you haven't added him to the character's page... or is he just going to be a not that big of a character? If so, never mind then.
    Hm... and Kevin kind of went through some stress at the party. And his dad... I think Papa J should loosen up a little as well. I predict if Kevin doesn't change that in the future... Papa J will be him. Like father, like son, after all. I wonder how Denise has been able to put up with it?
    My comment feels... critical. Sorry if it is. Seriously, though, it was an amazing update! And I can't wait for the next chapter! :D
    February 4th, 2011 at 01:51am
  • lizzzzzzx

    lizzzzzzx (100)

    United States
    awww i feel so bad for both of them. Kevin should realize that family comes first. >:0 haha. great update thooo!
    February 3rd, 2011 at 03:15am
  • Be My Escape

    Be My Escape (100)

    United States
    Gosh I feel so bad for Kevin, but at the same time, I just want him to REALIZE what he's doing!
    February 3rd, 2011 at 02:22am
  • Bubblegum Pops

    Bubblegum Pops (100)

    United States
    I'm so happy Olivia found someone other than Nick. I mean, I think she was getting a bit obsessive over him. But Serena does seem like a bit of a trouble maker, lol. I LOVE Olivia and Carter. He seems like a sweet guy! I love him and I always have loved Olivia's character. She's seems like a sweet person to be friends with. I loved the whole roomate scene too. It was cute. But Nick wasn't in this chapter?? ): Hopefully Nick will see Olivia and Carter together and get jealous. Hopefully he'll come to his sences about liking Olivia! That would be awesome :) I love Nick in this story though. Even though he's a bit of a jackass to Olivia. He's a little obsessive of Serena though.

    Great update guys! P.S. this was the longest comment I have written for any story :)
    I guess I just had so much to say :P
    January 19th, 2011 at 10:56pm
  • Nanook

    Nanook (125)

    United States
    Loved the update! Aw, it was cute! I'm glad that Olivia is finally happy with Carter, what with all the drama and sadness she's been going through with Nick. Even though Nick was with Serena at that college party, I was secretly hoping that he would come up in the chapter and see Olivia and Carter together, and get extremely jealous. That would have been great revenge on him, but you surprised me and didn't make that happen, so in a way I'm glad you're not going with my thoughts... because then that means you're making the story more unpredictable and surprising, which makes it more interesting that the cliche stuff. :D So, good job with that! :)
    Um... and I am probably forgetting the mention something, but... as for the next Nick update, maybe the jealousy thing will happen in that one instead. That would make it interesting, but that's just my thought. :P
    Overall, amazing update! Can't wait for the next chapter! :D
    January 19th, 2011 at 10:19pm
  • lizzzzzzx

    lizzzzzzx (100)

    United States
    Aww adorable! Great update(:
    January 18th, 2011 at 04:48am
  • Be My Escape

    Be My Escape (100)

    United States
    That was such an adorable date. I loved that! And woah, flirting in her stars? That's crazy. I loved the ending too. I'm really interested in this story, well all of the stories, really. =]
    January 18th, 2011 at 03:36am
  • Nanook

    Nanook (125)

    United States
    Loved the new update! So sorry for the delay in comment. I know you two don't mind usually if I'm a little delayed in it, but I always feel the need to apologize, lol. I haven't had a chance to check updates this past week, so that's why I'm just now commenting.
    Anyways, aw, I love how Luciana is able to let her guard down, because being with Joe is putting her more at ease. It's nice, because you usually see her all tense, and she deserves to relax and enjoy the places they're going to. But now that she has let her guard down, for the moment anyways, someone has found her. :o I wonder who is looking for her, and why? My rough-guess, meaning that I probably only have like, half of an idea, is that Luciana is a princess, and is part of like, the royal family. I got that from when she was kind of acting like a princess part, and then when she was thinking about it, and then the thought of her like being rich and being able to stay whereever she so desires. And then the people are after her family, and they want to kidnap her for ransom or something. That sound like a good guess? That's all I got right now. Maybe I'm some-what right..?
    Overall, another AMAZING update. :D Can't wait for the next chapter; Nick's update. :D
    January 9th, 2011 at 11:44pm
  • Be My Escape

    Be My Escape (100)

    United States
    Well that took a turn. Who is following her? Her family? Nah, seems too obvious. This is weird. And I'm soooo glad she's somewhat letting down her guard =]
    January 7th, 2011 at 02:18am
  • life.in.technicolor

    life.in.technicolor (100)

    United States
    I just started reading this story and I love it! Can't wait for more :)
    January 5th, 2011 at 07:25pm
  • Bubblegum Pops

    Bubblegum Pops (100)

    United States
    I love this story :) I really do.
    It's very well written. My favorite story is Nick's (so far). I love Olivia's character. She's seems like someone I'd be friends with. haha.
    But I also love Joe's story as well. :) I like how he's traveling. I wish I could do that! Just travel the world. That'd be amazing. haha.
    It's very good. You guys deserve to get more comments! :D
    January 5th, 2011 at 06:45pm
  • Be My Escape

    Be My Escape (100)

    United States
    Wow. I did not see that ending coming ever. This does not seem good. Like woah. Wow, I'm actually feeling sorry for Kevin at this point. Spencer better not try to do anything. Oh wowzers. I'm speechless.
    December 22nd, 2010 at 04:43am
  • Nanook

    Nanook (125)

    United States
    Loved the update! Aw, Kevin was stressed out in this chapter like he has been... oh boy. I could just... feel the tension myself as I was reading it. Hm... well, if his boss does sense what's going on, I think he should ease up a little on Kevin, and that will be better for Kevin so he can focus more on trying to win Danielle back. Bit geeze... it's like his boss has no soul. :( I feel bad for his bosses family, because he probably treats them the same way. :/ Oh, and I thought it was funny how Riley isn't being too cooperative as well as mean to Kevin. lol. He kind of deserves it, with the way he's been treating Danielle.
    As for Danielle... she's doing a new interior design project... interesting. And she ran into the guy that gave her her first kiss! :D Uh-oh... Kevin better watch out, because that guy already seems like a charmer. :o I already have a feeling that you're going to make something happen between Danielle and Spencer... it's just, a gut feeling. :( But at least someone made her happy for a moment there, even if it wasn't too long. And I'm glad that she's not cracking under the pressure; she's just giving Kevin... what he had coming to him!
    Sorry if it sounds like I'm totally anti-Kevin with this comment. I'm really not, it's just that he hasn't exactly been nice in the story, so... yeah. lol. Anyways, overall, amazing update! Can't wait for the next chapter... Joe in Spain! AH! So excited! lol. :D
    December 21st, 2010 at 02:29am
  • Nanook

    Nanook (125)

    United States
    Loved the update! Yes, I'm quicker at commenting this time! :) Aw, poor Olivia. Nick's is... not nice. At all. He just met the girl, and he's known Olivia practically his whole life... he should trust her, not Serena! I'm glad that her roommate was there for her after their arguement. It's good that someone was there for her. :) Hm... and I agree with the girl above me about Carter. He does seem like a good guy, for now... that may change though, hopefully it doesn't, but who knows what you two have in store? He's being a lot of a better guy than Nick right now, anyway. Overall, amazing update! Can't wait for the next chapter, Kevin's update! :D
    December 11th, 2010 at 12:33am
  • Be My Escape

    Be My Escape (100)

    United States
    Ugh. Stupid, stupid, stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid Nick. I'm sure I could use the word stupid about a thousand more times. He's so dumb. UGH!!!!!!!!!!!! He really needs to be nice. Although, Carter seems like a greattttt guy!
    December 9th, 2010 at 03:41am
  • Nanook

    Nanook (125)

    United States
    Loved the update! This comment is cutting it close, so the update just wasn't. lol. Sorry about this; I took a while, and I apologize. I took so long that the next chapter is going to be posted tomorro, I believe. I apologize ahead of time if I take a while to comment that one too. :(
    But anyways, as for the update... aw. So Joe finally called back home. And you put the character with my name in the story again, that made me happy! lol. Hm... I'm glad that he finally did, though, because everyone's been so confused and worried about what's been going on for him. And I liked how Denise still gave him space even though she's the one who has been worrying the most about him.
    Hm... and with Joe overhearing Luciana's phone call... you're right. It left me intrigued. I was a little confused by it, but that's probably expected, since it wasn't the whole conversation. It leaves me wondering who her whole family is and what exact drama they're in, not just with the phone call, but also with the different times Luciana's family is brought up throughout the chapter. My guess right now: that her family is famous. I guess that from the part where Luciana thought about how all guys treated her nicely, and then I thought... maybe that's why she's running away from them. That's just a guess, though.
    Aw, and that part where Joe was trying to get the drawing pad from her was cute... I agree. :) Along with that, I think it's cool how Luciana likes to draw. :D I wish I could draw, but I'm no good. lol. Guess I'm like Joe in that department. :P And aw... Luciana is falling for him, or I hope those signs mean that she is. :) Too cute! :D
    Overall, super-amazing update! Sorry again for taking so long with this comment; I wish I could've commented sooner so that I could have let you know that it was amazing sooner, but I wasn't able to. Hopefully it won't take me as long to comment the next chapter. Can't wait for more! :D
    December 5th, 2010 at 04:48am
  • Be My Escape

    Be My Escape (100)

    United States
    wow, even more questions about her past now. I wonder what exactly happened. Kind of sounds similar to how Joe was raised with his dad. Maybe her died stifled her or something? I don't know. Ugh. I hate not knowing, haha. =]. And she's going to Spain too!? YES!!!!! Can't wait to read more about her past. And aw, Joe got her to open up! yeahhh!!!!!!
    November 22nd, 2010 at 10:22pm
  • Nanook

    Nanook (125)

    United States
    Loved the update! Oh, gosh, I was delayed again with commenting; I hate taking so long. Sorry about that. Not that either of you ever seem to mind, but still. Anyways, great update! I liked how Kevin and Dani both talked to their mothers, though Kevin wasn't too nice to Denise towards the end of the conversation. :( Mainly because of his frustration, so considering that, I guess you can't blame him too much. Dani's conversation with her Mom ended on a kind of nicer note, but sad since Dani went back up to her room and cried afterwards. Hm... I don't have as much to cover in this comment... so... I guess that's it? Hm... well anyways, once again, it was a great update! Can't wait for the next chapter, Joe's update! :D
    November 15th, 2010 at 02:44am