Cut - Comments

  • I love this, it was beautifully worded and quite descriptive. I especially adore how you ended it with the story title. It was quite effective.
    June 23rd, 2010 at 07:06pm
  • Do you mind if I cut this down sentence by sentence? I hope not (:

    Someone flicks the light switch so that dazzling, isolating streaks fill the room, catching on the windows and the mirror.
    ^ Awesome imagery!

    The man checks his reflection in the mirror again, scrutinising every flaw he finds and trying to fix it.
    ^ He sounds very arrogant to me, looking at the mirror like that.

    A silhouette appears at the doorway, heavily emphasised.
    ^ She sounds so pretty! Btw, is that Nicole Kidman in the picture?

    From the blue backlight she walks forward, heels clicking on the floor.
    ^ Like I said, she sounds really pretty.

    She comes into view; blonde curls tumbling to her waist, offset on her black dress, fitted to a corseted figure.
    ^ I want her hair! D:

    He closes his eyes.
    ^ Oh, so the arrogant bastard knows that she's coming, huh? xD

    Slowly, deliberately, considering every step, every angle her body makes, she leans in and kisses him.
    ^ Okay, ugh. He sounds like a dirty old man to me and she seems like...a silent screen siren or something.

    ^ Awesome ending!

    I really like how you used this simple word and put it into so much detail. You say so much in so little (: This is lovely!
    Good luck and thanks for entering! <3
    June 2nd, 2010 at 11:56am