Camp Boulder - Comments

  • afilmbykirk

    afilmbykirk (100)

    United States
    I appreciate the fragility portrayed by Parker in this chapter so much. Also, the idea that Stone and Junior may have or may have not discussed Parker is blowing my mind.
    June 28th, 2020 at 11:53pm
  • animal soup

    animal soup (100)

    United States
    I LIVE for butch stone I have left my body I LOVED THIS SO MUCH you’re a fucking wickedly talented little genius <3
    June 26th, 2020 at 05:23am
  • PaigeyPantsFTW

    PaigeyPantsFTW (100)

    United States
    [for chapter 14]


    HELLO this is long overdue I deeply apologize. I still yelled at you via messages but we both know that isnt the same? Where’s the introspection. Where’s my panting after Stone’s hot hot bod like Parker does. Where is she. SHE’S HERE.

    Okay anyway

    This seems silly but I really like when like…..there’s inclement weather in stories? Like aside from I’m an in general “I love rainy days” bitch but like when stories do it it’s a whole other level of cosy??? Just…..immediately my brain is soothed by the sound of rain pelting glass even as Parker’s losing his shit because he’s a caged raccoon who isn’t allowed to run his beans off in the bright Colorado sun. Which, lol, he’s a little bitch about being dirty but also loves running around and being sweaty it’s such a good contrary look on him and honestly I’m in love.

    There was no sense of stability or comfort when the wind was tearing at the rickety tiles, threatening to uproot the very foundation of the wood cabins.

    My point still stands about it being nice and soothing Parker’s just a little bitch about thunderstorms happening in the woods. This is a Money camp like I’m almost...positive the cabins would be absolutely fine and can withstand a thunderstorm and in fact they sound better in thunderstorms because shit’s louder??? I love. You’re fine you sweet pampered little feral raccoon. But also Parker mentioning that wind velocity was something to worry about and I’m literally imagining him??? Eating shit every time he goes outside because the wind blew him over. Which, listen, I know strong winds can knock a perfectly stable muscle boy over but I’m just imagining lithe Parker baby just….blowing away in the wind. It’s only funny okay? Stone being even more “oh my god” about Parker vs. the outdoors because the wind can take him out. Wow I’m in love with this.

    The rec building was wet, over-crowded and smelled like someone microwaved dirty gym socks.

    Boys? Are disgusting? I realize athletics in general has this Smel but this fuckin sentence is revolting and i hate it.

    Prashant was playing Pac-Man with everyone’s nerves, the kid had run nine miles on the treadmill, lifted a total of forty-five minutes (before lunch) and still had enough juice to bounce from camper to camper.

    I realize I’m just pulling nearly every quote I can find at this point but lmao Prashant has?? Too much energy. Imagine being able to harness that power. Prashant Energy in a giant hamster wheel. He has the promise of getting his dick wet and he’d run forever???? Imagine. Renewable energy endlessly. I just solved global warming.

    LMAO Stone in sweatpants like I’m gonna sit here and thirst just as hard as Parker is here because listen men in sweatpants? Should be illegal. Yeah maybe you’re newly aware of stone’s dick but like SWEATPANTS LEAVE NOTHING TO THE IMAGINATION i don’t care what kind of underwear you’re wearing that dick is out and free thank you good people of the world. Plus Parker’s all shy because his GUT know about the feelings that he’s caught even if they haven’t caught up with his brain but he’s FEELING them. Oh no parker honey

    I got all stupid obsessed, thought the sun shone out her ass and then she dumped mine.

    This?????? Wow I’m going to need so much backstory here because wow Pain. Baby Parker’s afraid he can’t have feelings without getting hurt so he’s proceeding extremely cautiously and I’m? So sad for him??? Madison didn’t even necessarily do anything bad (per se) but Parker baby??? He didn’t understand that or himself but he’s just a little baby who doesn’t want to be hurt again? But okay is Parker the kind of person who like?? Doesn’t really like the idea of dating around, he just wants his person to love and cherish?? But he hides behind the bravado i don’t exactly know where this question is going but the best way to explain my q is parker like me?? Even a little bit. Moving on now

    Okay but the GIRLS are here now and Prashant immediately getting his ass handed to him? That’s what I love to hear. And it’s what he deserves.

    But lmfao the fact that Stone’s the one who found Parker and forced him to go weightlift? “And not in the sexy way” I love that so much like….Stone is such a good leader? Even when he wants to be dicking Parker down like we know he wants to. Maybe he’s getting a kick out of watching him be sweaty and also vaguely pushing kink about him being a tiny bit weak and helping him beef up. Would love to know exactly where Stone’s thoughts are right here bub.

    Okay but lmao this comedy of errors the girls have had this day??? Truly awful and….hilarious?? Now they get to sleep in the rec room and Parker’s going to be chill and get their clothes dry for them because he’s an angel of a person? He could have also like….cleaned things for them? Drying things for them is nice enough but omg he could have washed them too?? CLEAN LAUNDRY IS MY FAVORITE THING.

    Parker’s also sharing his clothes with these girls!!! I know he’s always been better at being around girls but omg he’s literally just. So sweet. This angel boy. A saint. With raccoon hands.

    Those raccoon hands that are currently rummaging around in Stone’s SHIT and he’s been caught and Lmao thank you for giving me this little scene. Especially because I know what’s to come later ;) lmao and Stone doesn’t give a shit that the girls are wearing gross lost and found clothes he’s just grumble grumble at parker (even though I know he’s not actually salty because he loves those raccoon hands even though he can’t share those thoughts at this given moment? He’s a good angel boy okay.

    “Parker.” Stone glared harder, he eyed the bag I was clutching, as if I was smuggling his food inside it. The truth was, I had annihilated his stash of shitty protein bars a few days ago. Had there been any left I would have kept them for myself.

    I love this fucking dumbass?? And this little shoutout to my baby girl? Soon the world will know. It’s going to be great.

    “Is that the stupid blonde one?” Natalie asked, she was already wearing the black shirt I’d stolen from Stone, layered over the top of a long-sleeve jersey from our lost and found.

    “He’s not stupid. He’s just shy,” I explained, trying not to sound overly defensive.

    I love Natalie calling him ‘the stupid blonde one’ and Parker immediately going on the defensive like…….homie that’s some peak shit right there? I can’t wait to see later in life Parker immediately defending Stone because people don’t understand him? It’s going to be…… fucking good? I’m going to cry. I love soft protective Parker.

    LMAO AND PARKER’S PAWNING OFF HIS EXPENSIVE ASS CLOTHES LIKE THEY’RE NOTHING He’s so fucking annoying like...lmao can someone smack him? Gently punch him in the dick or something like lmfao I wanna strangle him for this entire exchange I KNOW HE CAN’T HELP IT IT’S JUST HIS LIFE BUT STILL LMAO

    Okay but also the brief confirmation that Britt and Molly are in fact fucking with feelings it’s some good shit okay? Happy dicks for everyone.

    But here’s Stone with his sweatpants to share and he’s whispering to Parker and they just wanna kiss but they’re in a crowded room? This is the kind of pent up emotion that I like to read about. They’re so close but so far away. I can’t wait. And Parker’s been so hurt by having feelings in the past that he thinks the only reason Stone’s being nice to him is because he’s good at sucking dick I can’t HANDLE this boy oh my god. Neither can stone. But he just wants to kiss the smirk off his face so like ? we stan these two dumbasses who Have Feelings.

    GOD but okay I know I yelled about this to you before but like I really love how we’re stressing how much more...daring? If that’s the right word? Stone’s being this time around? I mean he’s literally over here making out with Parker in the laundry room, the very public laundry room, and Parker’s got his shirt off and is trying to get into Stone’s pants like I can’t? With these two? Stone’s really just. He doesn’t care as much?? I think it’s interesting to think about how camp is his safe place from the real world even though camp is also what’s getting him into college (sort of/but not sort of) so he has plenty to lose if he came out at camp but Junior is on his side even if he can’t see it yet and I honestly don’t see Junior’s dad being anything but supportive? It would still probably get out with how big the camp is but also it’s the green team THEY wouldn’t rat anyone out but I just??? Idk I really love this more carefree version of Stone. He’s opening himself up to happiness quicker this time around even if he isn’t aware it’s happening. Anyway back to the laundry room grinding

    “Is it weird that I like this?” I asked, pulling back a little on his grip.

    Stone’s just?? Lmfao this line is so funny. Stone came to get Parker for a Reason and he’s trying be an adult here and Parker’s just a petulant little child playing games with his COLD RACCOON HANDS and just...lmao this scene is honestly one of my favorites between them? They’re both laughing softly at each other and exploring some more and Parker’s trying to be a bit of a freak and it’s honestly just. So good? I love how it’s going to be ruined here in a second too :D

    But I’d never been with anyone like that. Stone was the first person who I’d ever hooked up with that was capable of not only restraining me but could easily chuck me twenty feet if he wanted to.

    I, too, Parker, long to have a man who is willing to dick me down and also throw me easily. That’s the real goal is it not?

    AND PRASHANT JUST IMMEDIATELY COMING OUT GUNS BLAZING WITH THE QUESTIONS!!!!! God I know he knows but Parker’s just going to slowly and quickly find out how much Shit he’s in because lol he’s going to be….pestered so much about this??? Lmao. Strap in Parker you’re going to be Bothered incessantly forever about this.

    At the end of dinner, as we all made our way back to Lodgepole campsite, Prashant mentioned that my shirt was inside out.

    And like this is the line that undid me and I can’t believe you’ve left it at that for such a long time? Like. Andy. Dude. We need more. Parker’s SHIRT was inside out. And the dumbass didn’t even fucking notice. Did anyone else on the team notice?? Or just Prashant? And he’s just solidifying his theories that him and Stone are fucking??? Because WOW is that the most deliciously cliched tell like GOD I love that so much I can’t wait??? For there to be more?? Bring on the boys being stupid and soft up in the woods together like I’m honestly so pumped????

    Boy. I know this one isn’t as long as the others have been but like I LOVE filler chapters like this and soft boys making out in the laundry room and all this still intertwined with camp things like. Honestly I’m just living and I love you so much. As always thank you for sharing this story with us bud <3
    June 25th, 2020 at 06:03am
  • understand

    understand (100)

    United States
    Got locked out of my old ass email without realizing it and missed a bunch of updates. So glad to be caught up. I can only vaguely remember the OG version but I can definitely tell we're in unfamiliar territory. Isn't it weird how much things have changed in ~10 years? Culturally and technologically. It's like its getting a time period update or something.

    I've really enjoyed the last few chapter. Things have really heated up and we're finally getting to the ooey feelings.
    June 9th, 2020 at 05:33am
  • afilmbykirk

    afilmbykirk (100)

    United States
    It's so good to see how character dynamics are evolving, especially Parker. I just love him more and more with each chapter.
    June 3rd, 2020 at 01:33pm
  • Kacen Shea

    Kacen Shea (100)

    United States
    Always worth the wait.
    June 3rd, 2020 at 04:58am
  • animal soup

    animal soup (100)

    United States
    Oh my fucking god I love this so much! You did such an incredible job with this update Andy! I can’t wait to make your video tomorrow:]]]]
    June 3rd, 2020 at 04:53am
  • saeglopur

    saeglopur (350)

    United States
    May 17th, 2020 at 01:33am
  • PaigeyPantsFTW

    PaigeyPantsFTW (100)

    United States
    [for chapter 13]

    Listennnnnnnn i know fluff is hard to write but like. I’m fucking obsessed with this chapter? It’s so soft. And gentle. A calm among the storm that is this fast paced story and camp. And soft kiss to the forehead. That kind of gay shit. It’s the most wonderful thing.

    But alright we can get into talking about how fucking…..good this first scene is? Yes, the spicy is good and fun but we need to talk about loose and open Stone. And Parker. And them as a unit.

    Sweet baby Parker. Like, I’m sure you can assume but domesticity is like? One of my favorite things. This entire beginning with Stone just dozing because he’s a big soft baby after sex and Parker’s just scrolling through his phone? It’s perfect lmao. It’s unreasonable to ask for this kind of soft kind of scene on the reg, like just hook me up to an IV and inject it straight into my blood so I can die happy? It’s what I want but I’m sure you’d get bored and I don’t want to make writing boring for you. But that’s how much I love little scenes and fluffy chapters like this one lmao.

    Parker’s texting his mom acting like his life is hard????? Acting like he isn’t curled up in bed with his hot hot roommate who just gave him Orgasm and is sticking around for cuddles? Truly hilarious, Parker. Your dad would pull you outta camp so fast lmao. But all joking aside I love that Parker’s very? !!!!!!!!! About Stone getting back into his bed with him? Like he isn’t extremely tense anymore because like he said he did maul his roommate with his pillows to get his point across that he needed some dick. And BOY was he rewarded. But like lol Stone just crawled back into bed with him and Parker’s understandably confused but like. Parker you’ve unlocked ultimate domestic cuddly Stone.

    It was easier to accept that Stone was horny for my mouth than it was to try and rationalize his wanting to touch me outside of that.

    Parker: the kinky shit is 100% okay with me but why does he want to keep hanging out? Why does it make my chest feel so weird?

    Parker’s like. Lmao i just? I love how antsy Parker feels in his narration but how calm he is outside of it? Ugh this scene was just so fun.

    It even did that thing where he’d push his hair out of his face a million times before reluctantly tying it back into a ponytail—only to take it out minutes later. Repeating the process until he found the right position in which all his hair was pulled out of his face.

    This is unrelated to the previous narrative I had going but like. Stone is me. Stone is me fussing with hair. And that makes me love him more? He has such a beautiful flow and just….. Stone with his hair in a bun during games? Wow. How has Parker been able to focus at all. I know he really hasn’t and is sort of bad at soccer but is it because Stone’s hair was catching the sunshine? Stone throwing his hair up in a messy bun just to have to fix it??? Only keeping it back with a headband and still just sweating and focused on 1 thing? That Ball?

    Anyway so Stone’s just. Hanging out in Parker’s bed. Having a good time. Resting his pretty sated head. Asking who Parker’s texting?? I keep finding myself catapulted to the future with this soft little scene like? Sleepy Stone visiting from college and Parker’s content to let him rest while he minds his own business (for once). Stone’s just happy to dip off to sleep at a moment’s notice (Still in Parker’s bed!!!! That’s still where he is!!!!) meanwhile Parker’s like “let’s touch each other’s dicks again” because we know who HE is now. The Slut Awaketh.

    Stone nodded in recognition, adjusted his free arm so it laid over my knees and returned to his cat nap.

    THIS FUCKING LINE. Lord, of all the golden pieces in this lovely little chapter this is the one that punched me square in the diaphragm. I cannot breathe. Stone’s just so? Casual with his physicality. Stone’s like Parker always is right now. He’s so? Comfortable? In this moment with Parker. It’s why he came straight back to Parker’s bed once they finished up instead of retreating to his bed and putting earbuds in to Hide like he usually does. This sweet, shy little baby is comfortable enough to let his guard down where Parker can see it and like, the part that really gets me is Parker isn’t like….reacting? To this new point of contact? He’s content to keep texting Carlie with Stone’s arm over his knees like it’s no big deal. It’s BIG possessive on Stone’s part and Parker’s not even thinking anything of it?? You can wreck my ENTIRE ass with that, Andrew.

    Carlie. Carlie, Carlie, Carlie. I believe Parker like she’s got some crazy contacts who knows how she gets her information (aside from ...Buns’ [right?] blog) like lol she’s good friends with some random dude from the blue team? From some math camp somewhere way back when and he told her other shit that’s been going on and she’s like HEY PARKER WHAT’S UP. This is me running with an idea you can have your own theories about what you want but like Carlie Knows okay. Almost in the same capacity Prashant knows, but not quite. She’s getting there though. Her resources have a few more blinders on them than Prashant’s.

    To even more punch in the fact that I can see clearly into their future Parker’s over here babbling about Carlie and Junior and various things and Stone’s making little noncommittal noises to show Parker he’s listening and he is listening! He’s just sleepy! Eyes closed but listening. Until Parker gets Rowdy again.

    The notion that Junior and Prashant would fight a girl? Correct and hilarious. Feral goats, those two. But, like, Stone’s eyes are opened now, he doesn’t lIKE it when Parker talks about Prashant protecting him?? Lmao. this big baby. He touched the dick once and he already caught feelings. He doesn’t know it yet but like, he CAUGHT feelings.

    Lmao listen Stone was 100% flexing so Parker would stop asking him questions about Prashant being mad at him. I don’t care what Stone has to say otherwise, and yes maybe he just wanted to put his arm behind his head and that caused his shirt to ride up and his muscles to temporarily flex but listen Part of Stone already knows that Parker’s a slut and this is literally all he has to do to convince Parker that having sex right now is better than talking about whatever it is he’s asking about.

    I was still coming to terms with the way Stone’s smiles made my gut twist into knots. It was a Bimini twist rollercoaster in my stomach that always seemed to get stuck at the base of my throat. Choked me up in the weirdest way.

    Alright, 1. Parker’s also caught feelings he just doesn’t know what it means yet. He thinks it means dick feelings because he’s a dumb boy. 2. I need details about Parker knowing what a Bimini twist knot is. Can we discuss Parker being forced on fishing trips with his dad? When Parker was little his dad trying to do ~man~ stuff with him and Parker’s just like? It’s hot and fish are gross and I’m NOT baiting my own hook and he gets a lil sunburn on his nose and neck but also…….what if fishing is the one “manly” thing Parker actually enjoys? Andy there are so many possibilities here and I ONLY have questions. Tell me about Parker’s forbidden love for fishing. His few good memories with his dad. And his mom hanging on the boat with them smiling and drinking from her Yeti and they’re all wearing those bright ass fishing shirts??? You have to know what I’m talking about. I see it so vividly. I need to move on.

    Lmao Parker’s very not discreetly peeking at Stone’s abs and armpits?? Stone can fucking see you Parker. And Parker’s getting worked up over Stone’s hands and over Stone getting off on just putting his fingers in his mouth. He’s so easily distracted? But a sweet babe who is JUST getting started. Parker’s just over here being wiggly and awkward and working himself up into a tense anxious mess again and what does Stone do??? He just pulls Paker into his lap and then tossed him away so they could switch spots. Catch him off his game. Trip him up. Keep him on his toes. And keep Stone smiling :) He just fucking steals Parke’s spot by manhandling him and then???? Goes back to being casual comfy Stone WOW andy I love this version of Stone so much? He’s so relaxed and carefree and I just. Can’t wait to see more of him like this? Stone at home. Stone surrounded by his loved ones, where he’s safe to be who he wants to be and happy and carefree and WOW now I have more questions about Stone at home with his sisters now. And with Parker there. God I just love soft Stone so much.

    “You’re messing up my pillows.”

    This is literally? So cute. Parker’s getting rowdy and Stone’s getting rowdy back because he’s FLIRTING. Stone would be the pulling pigtails kind of flirty?? And that’s like. Truly the best kind of flirting for Parker to respond properly with? Boy needs to get rowdy in order to get Rowdy you feel.

    Hmmmmmmm interesting here. Why is Maddie reaching out to Parker?? What DOES she want?? My interest is piqued. Why, Andy. And when are we going to see that come back? I know he can’t but I want all of Parker’s school bullies to be like...gobsmacked to know Stone is Parker’s boyfriend? I know Maddie wasn’t technically a bully but she did kick him hard in the dick when they broke up. I don’t have properly angry feelings towards her but like I’m intrigued! I wanna know more! Please tell me!

    “You’re a nosy eavesdropper and a fake vegetarian,” I said, putting a little pressure on his grip and using my knee as leverage against his torso.

    “You think I’m hot.” Stone shifted and my own resistance faltered a little. The knot at my throat twisted like a noose.

    “Well—yeah,” I admitted, quietly. The small utterance burst forth like a cork containing a flood.

    Okay but so many things about this little exchange. They’re teasing each other so hard and Parker’s being rowdy which is honestly just the theme of this entire section right here but Stone “you think I’m hot” is so fucking funny but then like? Parker’s so fragile when he admits that? Like he’s afraid Stone’s going to make fun of him in a bad way? Like Stone knowing that Parker thinks he’s hot is going to shatter this nice little bubble they’re in. Parker’s immediately like?? Shrinking back into his little depression bubble where people were making fun of him for being gay before he was ready to make that admission to himself? This sweet BABY. Stone’s right there. Steady and strong as ever and like, Parker honey of course he noticed the nervousness in your tone even if you’re praying he didn’t. Stone’s just here to be here for you!!!!!!!!

    But see now they’re ready to go again and as you might have assumed I have some thoughts and feelings about this.

    Because Stone? Isn’t going to let Parker just race to the finish?? I feel like they didn’t entirely do that the first time but like. Stone’s still determined to make sure Parker’s okay with all of these things and to make sure it’s ~good~ for both of them?

    “Let’s go slower this time,” Stone whispered into my mouth

    Lmao this? Is so hot. Sweet baby Stone and like I know he’s thinking this is going to be an experiment kind of thing or isn’t thinking past what they’re doing right now like maybe for Stone once he leaves Parker’s bed is when this fun little experiment ends? And he’s not ready to let that go yet. But he’s also not going to let Parker just sprint to the finish line. He wants to make sure it’s shit that’s going to be memorable? Which, lol, especially so because oooooo boy bout to get dat MOUF. stone’s been dreaming of this. The moment has finally come, bub

    I really gotta say I love how? I just love how easy Parker is finding it in himself to go for things. I’m really proud of him for attempting to choke on a dick his first go round, on his first night with a guy. He’s got no fear once he’s made a decision for himself and that’s just such a good look on him. Confidence even in the eye of uncertainty! I love this boy with my whole heart. Bullies, whomst? Depression, WHERE? Not in Parker Nelson’s house. He’s here to suck some dick, alright?

    Stone is such a talker which is mildly surprising and there’s something really sweet about it, too? Like Stone’s so quiet in real life but here in this particular instance part of him knows he needs to talk to Parker? Reassure him?? He’s also just being more talkative in this entire scene in general so maybe when he’s comfortable he just talks more maybe that’s his thing but I’m gonna read into it and pretend part of him is wanting to really make sure Parker’s okay with everything alright?

    Blowing Stone had been unexpectedly stimulating for my own ego and my cock. Who would have guessed?

    Lmao he is born. He has arrived. Hello sweet slutty son.

    Okay and the brief panic of Parker thinking Stone’s trying to skip straigh to fucking and Stone handles it so well?? Like. It’s honestly just so great and incredible that Stone’s able to skirt around what would otherwise be one of those Awkward First Times by just??? Talking?? Taking charge??? This boy. God I’m just so intrigued by the fact that Stone’s so talkative and flirty and happy sunny boy in this scene. Handling all the newness of it with ease and honestly I think that really helped Parker stay calm? God anyway love this i have finally reached the end of the spicy and i can move on

    Stone just closed his eyes and covered my face with his palm when I tried to push him away.

    Just kidding do you fucking see this ?? do you see what you wrote??? Stone just fucking. He’s back to his sleepy cuddly self and just has his hand on Parker’s cheek and being a smiley sleepy boy. Let me die.

    fin -

    Lmao okay like now everyone’s hungover and I? Lmao it’s the suffering they deserve. Lol Parker and Stone got to bone all night and now everyone else is hungover. Truly excellent. And Parker’s already training himself to differentiate between Soccer Stone and Other Stone “that he’s planning on hooking up with for a while” Hm this little line right here is really just. Some good insight to how Parker’s approaching things with Stone now? I know he isn’t going to jump straight into “Oh god I have Feelings??????” and sex is fun it’s just! Idk I’m still really tripping myself over how easily Parker’s just moving on over with things with Stone? It’s refreshing and I don’t want a Big Gay Freak Out obviously I’m in the fact that Parker’s so sure of himself in this. I’m so proud of him.

    And Parker isn’t oblivious to notice something is going on with Prashant. Which, good, because he’s really good friends with Prashant and I’d be concerned if he didn’t notice he was upset but that’s BESIDE THE POINT. Plus the emergence of Parker pestering the shit out of Stone for information he wants??? Iconic. Love that energy. Love this boy. PLUS none of the guys are bothering Parker about his dad visiting which under normal circumstances that would be Prime Material for just. Making Parker uncomfortable. I’m sort of bummed that Prashant isn’t telling Parker in detail how much he’d like to be rawed by his father?? Can we still have Prashant get over his shit and go apeshit at Parker about his dad? Please. It’s what we deserve.

    Lmao this fucking challenge though? Hilarious and silly. Which, like Parker said, is stressful because we’re nearing the end of camp and my boys need to fix their standing in the ranks? Lmao I dunno why I’m stressin about this now but like. Camp is nearing the end!!!! Sort of!!!!! The boys are still too far behind because Junior is a dick and Parker doesn’t know when to shut up!!!! I have a lot of emotions about them fixing it and things have changed enough in the story now that what happened originally may not happen here too so I’m just!! It’s up in the air and I’m stressed. The camp organizer people have them holding Finn above their heads. It’s like that captain’s challenge but a lot less fun to watch? And so much more gentle on Stone’s hands.

    Stone and Britt had to hunch themselves a little to accommodate for the shorter players (cough Alex cough).

    GOD @ Britt and Stone like…..they’re over here working extra muscles all hunched over like that and they did this for an hour and fifteen minutes? Like. I know I talk a lot about how hot it is that Stone could probably kill me with only his hands if he wanted to but the fact that Britt really falls into that category too?? Honestly a lot of them do, just because they’re all really seasoned athletes (Prashant doing it might be the most fun? Hmm will have to think on that more later) but just. Lmao I know the point of these challenges is to highlight the athleticism here, and also force them to work as a team blah blah but as someone who knows nothing I’m just like “haha pretty boy be strong”

    Finn confessed he’d been cheating on Keto and everyone pretended to be shocked.

    Christ lmao this is? So funny. Just while they’re trying to get through this challenge they’re suddenly having this little “heart to heart” I’m literally….picturing Finn just all clutching his pearls getting teary eyed while his friends are holding his caked up ass above them and they’re just like “we’re here for you bro” like. I’m 100% reading this line with a lot more dramatique than is necessary but WOW is it adding a nice layer of comedy here.

    Okay I know we’ve talked about it but it’s honestly so endearingly cute to me that Parker hasn’t been camping before. Which I think would probably go well with whether or not the Nelsons spent a lot of time fishing when Parker was younger but even then they got money they could def have a lake house somewhere that they Weekend to plus the rivers and lakes in CO itself like? Hmm I always have a lot of feelings about Lake Fic but now throwing it in this area is really fun? Anyway Parker doesn’t know what sleeping outside is like and he just knows that he hates it because he’s really that kind of person that can’t handle dirt that he can’t immediately wash off like. I love me this soft pretty boy?

    Don’t even get me Started on Stone being an Outdoors Guy and Parker LEARNING ABOUT THAT? Like. Parker should have maybe taken a hint somewhere that Stone might be an outdoors boy. I know running isn’t inherently Outdoors Boy™ but like???? Idk just hilarious that Parker also didn’t notice this and is now thinking on it. Like boy got a mouthful of that dick and he’s suddenly Enlightened and he can see Stone a little better?? I guess?? Or I’m reading that he can see Stone a little better. Or, better yet, he’s good at being observant when he’s had his attention directed at something. Maybe. I think I’m going to stick that on him for a while.

    Hoooooo austin is also lost though on the outdoors shit. Mmm bud I’m gonna. I’m gonna fuckin nut. Lets have more Austin, yeah? I’m gonna be pestering you about his involvement more get ready to be bothered.

    The ENTIRE interaction with the bear spray and the guys making fun of Parker about it??? Truly fantastic. It’s big cute that he didn’t….know that was a thing? But again not everyone grew up in rural areas, Paige, so sometimes people don’t know what bear spray is, alright? Still I think it’s hilarious and very soft of him. Prashant’s over here consoling Parker does our boy Stone feel about this?? Ohh bOY do I have some saucy questions for you here? Stone doesn’t know how to not be jealous that someone else is comforting Parker, removing that worried little look off his face. And Stone can’t without drawing too much attention?? Hmm but if Stone Could….. Wow there’s a lot of what if’s that could circle around that one huh. OHH and another question popping up. Alright.

    “Bats,” Finn said, “I saw a lot of fucking bats out last night. Screeching motherfuckers.”

    I have vivid memories of going to see the bats in Austin with my parents when I was little. They weren’t aggressive bats they lived under one of the bridges on Lady Bird Lake and you just watch them take off for the night?? It’s a very Austin, TX thing lol. Poor baby Parker. And there’s gotta be a shit ton of bats in Colorado too?? Caves. But it’s just really cute how uncomfortable Parker is with the outdoors.

    Stone had been dragged into a game of hockey with Buns, the defender stood a good chance of beating his captain at the rate he was going. Maybe Stone wasn’t good at every sport.

    See? Stone is bothered by Prashant’s attempt to protect Parker and to soothe his worries. He might also be bad at air hockey. But he has fast hands??? He can’t be too bad. Air hockey is only hand eye coordination (maybe some finesse? Just fuckin hit the puck harder and faster than your opponent). I’m going to go ahead and assume this boy was eavesdropping and that’s why he’s getting his ass kicked, okay.

    I had yet to find the protein bars that Stone was always eating. They were gross but I couldn’t stop eating them.

    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    Christ, God, Junior walks in with his goons and it’s like a western saloon lmfao literally Junior walks in spurs spinning, his goons behind him. The swinging doors making a racket behind them. There’s a tumbleweed. A horse neighs in the distance. Everyone’s silent. Junior probably has a piece of wheat in his mouth. The whole picture.

    Lmao he’s honestly such a giant dick (and also just beat the shit out of Parker) that he’s got everyone scared shitless of him. Truly amazing.

    But Parker’s over here all Worried because Stone’s run off with Junior following him and Prashant’s trying to like?? Make him keep his distance??? Does he know what Junior and Stone are talking about??? Or is he just really still That mad that Stone didn’t stick up for Parker with coach? His behavior is very peculiar here. And I just love that he’s stuffing his face with dry ass bread crackers (I hate pretzels?) talking through mouthfuls of it and definitely just spraying pretzel dust everywhere and laying all over Austin while trying to keep Parker pinned with his legs? We love a queen.

    God but honestly is Parker asking to be murdered by Junior? I really just. Love how hostile Junior is towards him lmao??? Parker really has no idea what the fuck he did to become enemy #1 which honestly Junior doesn’t have a good reason for putting a target on Parker’s fuckin head but it’s still hilarious and great.

    Wow though I’m really? There’s no information here but I’m really hurting for Junior? I really want him and Stone to be able to air out their dirty laundry soon. I miss what they had for Junior (and also for Stone) I really just imagine Junior’s like this big sappy dog that gets this mean because he’s hurting? I really just. Lmao this is the first time I want to reach into the fic and give him a hug and also a good smack on the side of the head to get him to stop being such a giant dick to Parker. Even though I’m big nutting over Stone stepping in and stopping Parker from getting beat up again because lmao Stone M I G H T murder Junior if it happens again. That can’t happen they’re about to not be little high schoolers anymore they gotta nut up a little bit.

    Ooo but god Parker is now worried about Stone because of all of that? And it’s really sweet that Stone’s like...confused that Parker knows about Denver just because lmao Stone blacked out and was just rage posturing at Parker’s dad and didn’t really hear a word he said when he was in front of him. And Parker’s gonna get mad that Stone isn’t going to offer up much information for him to go off of parker’s a spoiled little baby and he doesn’t like not getting what he asked for. But at the same time I can see him okay like I know he isn’t but I can see Parker catching feelings so easily? Not like, he isn’t catching feelings, but part of me can see Parker having a hard time separating sex from feelings. I know that probably sounds silly but like, same as we’ve talked about with Stone, Parker still feels emotions about them hooking up?? Even if it’s solidly “We’re Buddies now why won’t you talk to me? :(“. It’s going to take Parker so long to properly learn that he needs to Learn how to read Stone properly like. Wow. I’m so excited for that evolution.

    HOO and Parker asked Stone if him and Junior had a thing and then Stone that? Lmao ngl I’d probably also be weirdly mortified and hurt if I was met with that response, but it’s so. There’s so much history with Stone and Junior and Stone’s only going to be a dick about it at the moment because he doesn’t really know how to not??? How to open up to someone?? And definitely probably doesn’t feel comfortable enough to do that yet. That’s a very personal thing for Stone to talk about lmao. God and Parker’s so MAD at Stone for reacting the way he did to that simple little question?? I think some of that pulls back to Parker having feelings in the past and it not being reciprocated properly?? I wonder if any of his ex-girlfriends ever did something that would cause him to get this defensive about something like this?? What Parker Trauma Is This Reaction Stemming From

    God but Stone’s so? Briefly worried that Parker brought up The Gay Thing outside of them fooling around and just the relief that visibly falls through him when Parker says it’s no one’s business? God. I know it but I’ve got so much love in my heart for these two boys. Especially little baby Stone. There’s so much pain and secrets in this tiny exchange.

    “The puck barely missed his eye,” Austin seemed less exhilarated with the events and more-or-less tired of it all.

    I stan Austin and his put out trying to babysit these near grown ass men constantly he’s just so tired? Let the boy rest. And let him be friends Parker. Also Buns running off to shower with Stone? Sports are so gay.

    So among many things, I love that Austin just. Intuitively knows that he needs to do a certain thing? Like he’s quietly lingering in Stone and Parker’s doorway, and closes the door behind him when he’s invited in. He’s such a polite and soft boy and the EXACT KIND OF PERSON THAT PARKER NEEDS TO BE FRIENDS WITH. Ohhh god and it’s to come in and tell him that the green team is going to be hiking with the red team? Which LMAO that’s going to cause some truly hilarious shenanigans. I cannot wait for that, but that’s a reaction for later. I love that Austin took it upon himself to come let Parker know about this?? Like, Parker’s face is still fucked up and just god.

    Austin overheard Molly telling Britt. That meanssssssssssssss Molly getting dicked down like she deserves I love her I’m proud of her. Keep Britt from being a dbag

    “I—uh, huh?” It felt like Austin had pulled the pin on two grenades and chucked both of them in opposite directions. I didn’t know which one I should fall on, but it felt like there’d be shrapnel in my ass either way. It was a little too late to guard my initial reaction, I tried to play it off as best I could.

    Let me just say that I’m obsessed with this entire. Fucking interaction. Is this a thing Austin frequently does?? Fucking drops two bombs when he wants to ask questions about one specific bomb, but he knows he’s going to have to distract the person he’s talking to one way or another? Get him off his rhythm, if you will. Because it’s fucking hysterical and I can SEE Parker losing his mind a little bit and Austin is so GOOD at reading people, but he’s not here to like? Mine for information and then use it against them? He’s truly a good person. Andy I love him. Because I definitely think that Austin can see some of what’s going on between Parker and Stone here, but he’s approaching this conversation purely from a “Stone’s been a better captain since you came around” to make it a little bit about soccer and take some of the attention off of whatever relationship the two of them may have. Like he’s giving Parker an escape if he wants it? While still being very direct.

    Then he’s over here saying he thinks it’s great that Parker’s “looking out” for Stone lmao like truly this boy knows what he’s doing but he’s cloaking it so well Parker’s just “oh that was a nice compliment yay” and not being knife crab about sharing information. Honestly it might also just be the best way to distract Parker like lol Austin’s been reading him for a while now and now he’s got the exact idea of what methods he needs to use to get Parker talking properly so he can say whatever nonsense he needs and Austin can just read his body language. Because Parker’s an open fucking book if you so much as squint at him.

    Okay and then to finish out this lovely little scene with PARKER’S NEW BEST FRIEND OKAY Parker’s still being a little shit trying to get Stone’s name? I truly love that he can’t keep his nose out of other people’s business or let Stone live in anonymity like he wants to (lol) he’s out here scouting from anyone that might have the answer. He’s a little shit with raccoon hands and I love him.

    Todd. Todd Stonewall. That’s so hilariously white. Softer than Chad but still so….starbucks khakis and boat shoes. I think it’s just that it’s not Stone’s name is what really makes it funny and Todd’s the name of a cartoon fox but still. I love Parker’s guessing.

    Now it’s night time and Stone’s trying not to look at Parker and I’m sure it’s because he’s trying not to like, jump him again and freak him out by going too fast?? Poor baby’s probably all kinds of in his head rn. But he’s also softly learning roommate etiquette (he wants to make sure Parker’s okay with him turning the light out that’s a Parker thing and not an etiquette thing I’ll die on this hill).

    Christ but then Parker just starts fucking? Saying names at him. Doing his damndest to learn his name. Even though just guessing is so. Lmao such a bad way to go about it that’s such a long option Parker??

    “I know, I like that name. It fits you—just tell me or I’m going to get too attached to Ben. I kind of feel like it’s too late already."

    “Parker.” Stone rolled on his side and I could sense he was facing me. Probably looking right at me through the dark.

    You already know how I feel about this but god I’m Also attached to Ben now I’m right there with Parker. Stone being a ben. Benjamin. Benji. Sweet lil baby Ben. Too bad Parker’s wrong :)

    Parker just confessed to camping when he was little. Give me the Nelson Fishing Trip stories BOY. and Parker getting all huffy because Stone didn’t pick him as a buddy for the trip lmao that’s so. He’s such a little tiddy baby and I love him? So much.

    HOO I hope this one was worth the wait bud <3
    May 16th, 2020 at 08:45am
  • animal soup

    animal soup (100)

    United States
    I love this and I love you and you’re incredible
    this is my third time reading this chapter! <33333
    May 14th, 2020 at 01:44am
  • Palliser

    Palliser (100)

    United States
    @ Rockin' Star
    goofy boy! Wink
    May 9th, 2020 at 08:44pm
  • afilmbykirk

    afilmbykirk (100)

    United States
    god I love parker
    May 9th, 2020 at 12:12pm
  • OnceUponAMoon

    OnceUponAMoon (100)

    United States
    oooooh a nice balance of fluff AND spice. wow. what a fella. i think my favorite line was either parker's last one or when stone just flat out said "you think i'm hot" bc ya bitch loves some gentle playful teasing <333333
    May 9th, 2020 at 09:38am
  • Palliser

    Palliser (100)

    United States
    @ MyEyesOnYou
    That means SO much to me to hear from
    someone who's been around that long!
    I hope you enjoy the re-write, there are
    a lot of changes but the heart of it is
    the same!
    May 5th, 2020 at 11:43pm
  • MyEyesOnYou

    MyEyesOnYou (100)

    I haven’t started reading this re-write yet but I just wanna say that I am SO EXCITED. I fell in love with Parker and Stone so hard the first time around and I can’t wait to relive the magic again. Thank you so so so much for bringing it back
    May 5th, 2020 at 05:06pm
  • Palliser

    Palliser (100)

    United States
    @ Haute Couture
    Ohhh wow! crazy how it's been so
    long.. i hope you enjoy the edits!
    and my slow updates lol
    April 30th, 2020 at 01:09am
  • Haute Couture

    Haute Couture (100)

    this is like a lot. this story meant so much to me when I was like 14. i tried to look it up a while back and was so sad it was taken down. I can't believe it's been like ten years. thank you. I can't wait to re-read it.
    April 29th, 2020 at 07:25pm
  • Palliser

    Palliser (100)

    United States
    @ Rockin' Star
    thank you for another sweet
    comment <3 Very Happy
    April 28th, 2020 at 08:33am
  • afilmbykirk

    afilmbykirk (100)

    United States
    You have outdone yourself. In other words: you done did it.
    April 28th, 2020 at 04:00am
  • PaigeyPantsFTW

    PaigeyPantsFTW (100)

    United States
    [for chapter 12]

    Okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay

    First and foremost thank you for pumping out this monster of a chapter. It is so wonderful. I love Stone so much. This chapter reveals….so much about him.

    So we knew Stone went on a run early that morning because Parker noticed and also that’s in general his schedule, but then him being lateish for breakfast too?? I don’t even know I just….really love that we got a glimpse of what All it consists of for a college to be interested in an athlete? I know it largely sits on skill, but like tbh I figured it stopped there lmao. But like...that and the fact that Jack was the one who got paperwork together to help get Stone to college? Like. Wow. There’s so much to unpack here. Let me see if I can calm down enough for it.

    We know Stone’s worked his ass off to get into the camp. Again, I didn’t realize that it would also be coach and staff recommendation that pointed recruiters at certain players, but lowkey I thought it was just lol recruiters get told when the final game is and which players are leaving soon and they do the rest of the work from there. I obviously have not put much thought into it further than “stone good at soccer, stone get noticed by recruiter”. Incorrect. But Stone worked his ass off to get to camp, almost definitely played for his school’s soccer team too, but the fact that Coach Jack has been taking notes and taking note of how good Stone is as a captain? And in his position on the field? I know that’s also Jack’s job but againnnnnnnn i don’t think about these things lmao Look at Paige learning about sports. Incredible. But, like Stone said, Jack looks at his team as athletes and not as children, and almost definitely not as friends. He’s genuinely here doing his job well and trying to make good athletes out of these kids. I have a new lense and a new sense of respect for coach jack.

    But overall I just really love this scene? Stone getting to do soccer things outside of playing. And honestly I have to take a moment to applaud you, again, because?? Soccer formations shouldn’t be this fun to read but I learned!! At first when they started talking about 9-v-9 and all that fun shit my brain came dangerously close to fuzzing out as it does when numbers become involved with anything but all of this made sense? I feel like I would almost be able to watch this formation that Stone came up with unfold and be able to follow along. I love learning!!!! Thank you for teaching me!!

    I also really love getting to read Stone’s thought process behind his decisions while making this proposal? Us as readers being able to go from Parker’s just sprinting all over the place chaos trying to keep up with the plays to the extreme detail Stone goes through to make everything come together on the field? Incredible. I love seeing those differences. And I think also works as a really interesting description of them as people? Stone, methodical and analytical. Parker, keeping up in the most chaotic way possible. Very excited to watch these two balance each other out.

    Stone had been too confident in years previous and Jack always marked his proposals with blue pen and notes about how to make a less shitty roster.

    See? This. I really don’t know what has me so deep in my feelings about this but Stone? Has grown a lot as a player in his years at camp (and also as a person even tho we haven’t seen that but I know it’s happened). And Jack’s been helping him. I know we’ll probably find out soonish so you won’t actually answer this question but: How long has Stone been captain of his own team? How long ago did the Great Divide happen with him and Junior? I have a lot of questions there mostly because I know it impacts how long he’s been “on his own” at camp here. I say in quotations because he obviously has a strong support group there but my brain is big stuck on him losing Junior and how he Dealt with that now. Hmm. Emotions.

    Heh, now they’re talking about Parker though.

    Of course, it’s Parker the Soccer player, but Parker nonetheless. And? I’m having a lot of emotions about Stone putting Parker on defense. His logic is sound, Parker’s fast as shit he’d definitely be able to keep people on their toes. And as much as Britt would probably rather choke and die in his own vomit than admit it, when Jack made Britt defense with Parker??? It worked really well. They can make a play outta that. Coach Jack forcing Stone to verbalize his thought process here I’m a little like “has he Noticed” (I don’t genuinely think he has because he isn’t about getting that invested in these boys’ personal lives, but still) and! Stone I agree with him I think it would be a great strategy, but I know why Jack would be hesitant.

    ”...I just can’t trust him in front of a goalbox right now. He’s not confident enough.”

    “We’re working on it,” Stone offered up quickly.

    Alright this little part right here I’m going to come back to a bit later but like? Stone. Honey. Soccer he knows what the boundaries are with soccer. Yep gonna save it for later but like….making note of it now so we can really round out this comment like the academic scholars we are. Stone even talks about how it’s easier for him to think about Parker on paper for soccer and now that’s been blurred because of the night before? Wow yes I will be swinging back to this because Stone. Stone is a good bean and I am going to think long and hard about it.

    I still have more thoughts on coach Jack telling Stone he’s a good boy for helping Parker but lord we have so many things to move on to. However, this does lead in to the good part: Stone getting early intel that Parker’s dad is trying to pull him from camp.

    Like, we knew in the previous chapter that Stone was trying to keep busy so he didn’t come on too strongly to Parker--but I had no idea he was holding onto this. That makes the quiet of him before so much more….wow. Little baby had the world on his shoulders that entire time.

    And knowing Parker, it was likely all Stone had to do was ask. He wasn’t quite sure how to break into casual conversation without it sounding forced. Any questions he could think of right now were anything but casual. In fact, he was still waiting for a response from Parker after he’d laid bare his feelings in a rather embarrassing way.

    I know this is a lot to quote but bare with me. Several things about this: Stone’s aware that Parker is generally easy to communicate with? Parker’s an open book. He’s happy to talk about his shit constantly. Stone just can’t find the words? Yes, right now it’s because they’re clouded with him being horny and knowing what Parker’s mouth looks like when he gets worked up but like….Stone’s aware that that’s always his pitfall? But he’s also. Christ he’s as bad as Parker. “He was still waiting for a response from Parker after he’d laid bare his feelings” HONEY BABE i know you played the song to him and that meant something it did but Parker is dense. You threw the ball in his court and he didn’t see it and now you’re going to have to go get it and throw it to him again, louder this time. Parker has absolutely no idea what’s going on. Ever. You’re going to have to hit him square in the face with the ball so he sees it. You absolutely will get nowhere waiting for Parker to give you a response. But also…? Thought for later

    Then Stone got hit with a bombshell and was expected to just go to breakfast like Parker wasn’t going to be taken from them (him).

    But okay 1000000% the first time I read this I thought it said that the blue team convinced a freshman that they all drank milk from their goalie’s teat. I was like “weird flex sports are real gay guys” but now. Lmao now I see the error of my ways that’s….the funniest fucking hazing why are boys?? Like this?? Why are sports like this???? Sports are a cult and everyone’s like “yes let’s do a blood ritual so the Ball Gods will smile upon us in the coming months”. Honestly.

    But lmao it leads into a nice little? Insight into how the rest of the team is feeling about the seniors leaving, and we get to see more of how everyone’s feeling and just how the rest of the boys interact with each other? It isn’t Parker focusing on what’s directly in front of him/Prashant making crude jokes about Molly lmao. I just really love how much more observant Stone is than Parker? He’s listening so much more. Catches the details and nuances of his teammates--which he has to know for soccer reasons! It’s so nice to see how everyone else reacts to things and how they spend their time with each other. A great little insight and pro to these Stone chapters.

    Molly said her goodbye and made to leave. Not before Stone noticed her hand brush along the back of Britt’s shoulders as she passed by their end of the table. HAHAHAHA OKAY MOLLY!!!! THAT’S MY GIRL!!!! Wow. I’m going to need so much more details about this. Please. Oh god wait ****** please ask me about this thought because this aint a question that can be in the public forum lmao. I’m just. Hoo. High fucking five molly.

    God and I was all choked up on that thought only to have Stone turn around and think about doing the same kind of small touching for Parker? STONE IS TACTILE WITH HIS LOVE Y’ALL. PHYSICAL AFFECTION IS HOW HE SHARES HIMSELF WITH PEOPLE WHO MATTER. Lord, and now Stone’s worrying he came on to strong to Parker the night before? Lord. This poor baby doesn’t like that he has to hit Parker face on in order to get Parker to understand what his advances are and I’m really. Lol I’m really obsessed with this. And the….pain that’s going to be underneath this little piece of Stone.

    ...he had felt all his efforts had gone unnoticed.

    God. I want to smack both of these boys in the goddamn nads. They’re both thinking the same thing. Communicate. Comunicare. Per favore, ya fuckin dildos.

    When he thought about it objectively the red flags signaling the transitory nature of this entire thing were more abundant than leaves on trees.

    Have I told you how I never bond with friend’s/(my)Lindsey’s boyfriends because I Hate temporary people? I know we’ve talked a little about me as a person but like. This sentence right here? Wow. Fucking @ me next time. I am NOTORIOUS for just calling quits on relationships because I could see an end to it? I hate anything that isn’t seeped in permanence. All of that to say, this sentence was a huge punch in the chest. I’m also interested in knowing more about Stone in this regard? He’s so guarded with who he lets close to him. He has to be so lonely lmao??? Does he give himself time to think about that?? He has his sisters at least. But lord that can only get you so far sometimes? Hmm. lots of thoughts here. (this is the quote I was talking about in the messages lol)

    Moving on though lmao the fact that Parker? Parker’s so out of it because he’s so focused on Stone not paying any attention to him, and Stone’s over correcting giving Parker space and it’s literally too much to handle. These two are so much. They’re both so dumb. But luckily, we have PRASHANT here to save the day and attempt to get this car back on the road.

    God and Prashant Knows. Stone over here saying the Prashant is in pain to not be able to taunt Stone about it which like True, but also….Prashant hates Donnie so much for being a homophobe Prashant fucking respects the shit out of one’s right to control when they come out and I don’t think he’d genuinely touch teasing Stone about it until he was ready for people to know. Which he obviously knows won’t be at camp. But later?? Oooo lmao at Parker’s Party. Hilarious god Prashant is going to be Loose and ABLE TO SAY WHATEVER HE WANTS while also trying to fuck all of Parker’s friends. I love that chaotic boy.

    “Right now,” Stone echoed the threat quietly. It only made Prashant wild with excitement and did absolutely nothing to shut him up.

    Lmao I know I already sent this one to you but I have to say it again: absolutely feral

    And lol Stone noticed that his hands get clammy around Parker, and also that his dick gets hard. I’m glad he’s not *as* young as some of his teammates because then he’d literally be a fucking useless dildo but lmao just. I am also having soft thoughts I don’t know that Parker (or any other person) would notice that once Stone gets more comfortable around Parker ~romantically maybe his hands clam up less? I’d probably just assume any one’s hands were clammy because we were in the sun and sweating so I’m not going to say Parker’s a dumb dumb for not noticing something like this but still. A soft thought about Stone being a soft boy who wants to hold hands with Parker.

    He looked to Stone with an apologetic scowl.

    Okay this line right here is what got me fucked up about Junior when we were talking last night. Like, Junior is still harboring some (lol “some”) anger towards Stone for what’s happened but he still?? I don’t know he still isn’t being a prick about that. Of all people, Junior certainly could be but I’m so glad he isn’t? And it really only makes me think to how Junior has also lost someone really special to him? I’m really excited about these guys going back to being friends again. But there’s so much mess to clean up. They’ll get there. They started at camp together. He was part of Stone’s support system. They were part of each other’s support system. They were babies at camp together. They grew up with this camp!!!! Ignore me thinking about Stone and Junior getting drunk in college and getting the camp fucking emblem tattooed or something absolutely stupid lmao just ignore that thought. Bring the bros back together.

    Stone hadn’t cared much about the points when he had seen the aftermath of Parker’s fight. He was certain if another fight between teams broke out that he wouldn’t feel so diplomatic this time around. lmaooooo vindication Stone came so close to doing a bad like Junior did Stone is ready to fucking Murder the next person that tries to hurt Parker. Like I don’t actually want it to happen because I want Parker to stop getting shafted when it comes to luck at the camp but…...if i could just see Stone absolutely beat someone’s ass in a protective rage for Parker I’d probably light my house on fire.

    HOO okay we’re getting to the meat of the whole thing now. Parker’s in the bathroom jerkin it and Prashant Immediately is a worried mom about his son. Hell, fucking everyone noticed.

    “Be serious,” Prashant cut in. “Someone needs to go check on him. He didn’t laugh at my pun.”

    Lmao Listen his logic is sound. Everyone else over here like “he probably just needed to shit” and Prashant’s like “absolutely not i smell bullshit Hey Stone Go Check On Him because he fucking knows something happened and he isn’t going to let Stone get away with it. Oh lord and Austin was worried too?? Thanks for these little Austin tidbits lmao I’m going to point out the other one because you know I remember this boy from the original and I love him the most out of the Boulder Boys™ love this sweet soft boy and his worry for Parker.

    I love that Stone is just. Aware that he dropped the ball a bit here because he was so blindsighted by Jack casually mentioning that Parker might be leaving that that’s part of the reason he might have not noticed Parker acting off. That, mixed in with everything else. Like little lamb does have a lot on his mind, but hoo i do love this soft baby. Christ tho, the lows his mind can get to? He thinks it’s a possibility that Parker thinks he can’t say no?????? Because Stone’s his captain??? Good God Stone honey. That is a Dark thought right there. I’m glad Stone’s also horrified by the thought because good lord how much darker can you go son. Again I’d like to commission a hug to Stone someone needs to hold him and tell him he’s okay because JESUS CHRIST. I would also like to reiterate my immense relief that Stone did Not say anything incriminating before noticing the freshman was in there.

    This scene is even funnier from Stone’s POV even though it’s also tinged with that dark dark bullshit but like. Absolute bedlam while Parker’s got his dick out. And it’s going to be shattered here in like 4 seconds :)

    Parker’s dad is here and like I saiiiiiiiddddd Stone Immediately noticed Parker’s demeanor change and Stone’s on high alert and is Worried like. Lmao I fucking knew it. Not like he hid it well enough for Parker to not notice but I’m still….lmao yes. God but Stone’s chest is aching because he can see how his dad’s presence is affecting him. God. Give me Stone being Protective when he doesn’t have to tamp all of his urges, now. Immediately, please. God, and Parker’s got an anxious tick when talking to his dad. That’s fucking. Ouchie there bud,

    Stone’s immediately sizing him up and Grateful for the differences Parker has from him. I really love that Stone’s just immediately on the defense here. You know how much I love this and how fun it’s going to be once we really get our teeth into things here, but just. Immediately how much disdain Stone had for Parker’s dad is legendary. I hope they can discuss this at length one day.

    Stone could only see half of Parker’s face. The bruised half. He’d been making a habit of standing on his left to keep anyone from knocking into Parker. Right now, he felt useless.

    I know I sent this to you as I was reading but you aren’t going to get cheated out of comment content just because I can’t control myself: Stone is so. Protective. Did he fucking realize he was doing this shit??? This isn’t platonic Stone!!!!! I know there will be more on that in a moment but I’m very. Lmao. Itchy about this because wow Those are some good ACTIONS stone bub. Acting like his little shield he is a guard dog and he didn’t even. God this boy.

    And Just?? Why is Parker’s dad being a dick about Stone maybe going to Denver? Is it aggression he’s trying very hard not to take out on Parker publicly? Like lmao dude you don’t know this kid can you Not harass him ??? gtfo ya fucking dick bag I’m with Stone just fight him in the streets it’s fine

    Stone saw all color drain from Parker’s face and irrational rage forced his foot to move before his brain had time to abort.

    GOD Parker is literally so. Lmao terrified of this backlash and honestly I thank you for letting it happen out of sight of everyone else like obviously Parker’s dad cares more about the family’s image than the actual health and safety of his son but christ. And Stone can see that fear too and lmao “he isn’t about to let Parker go into that alone” says his body and thank goodness Parker has the wherewithal to call his guard dog off because lmao what was Stone going to do? Lurk in the background and not let his dad Take Parker after he didn’t talk to Parker all day? I can’t stop thinking about What If here lmao just honestly it’s so much. I know there wasn’t a game plan I just love that on instinct he was going to take care of Parker before anything else. Parker honey please start noticing these little things they mean a lot.

    Lmao so Prashant being so unabashedly ready to present his asshole for some punishment to Parker’s dad was because he recognized him for being That Lawyer That Lets Athletes Be Pieces of Shit GOD. And Stone is just like Oh GOD I left him alone with that??? Parker was raised by that. I’m so intrigued by like…. Lmao People Like That have kids that can be good beans. What a concept.

    But the boys are reeling with Parker’s dad’s near celebrity status and Stone just fucking snaps and tells them that Parker might not be coming back.

    “You know what? No. Not cool Stone,” Prashant faced Stone. “Parker backed us from day one. Grow some balls dude. I’m tired of always standing up for this team.”

    THIS FUCKING LINE. Like. It’s god. This is why Prashant both is and isn’t captain material. Not that that’s really a conversation to be had because on the field he’s sort of a selfish chaotic mess but when it comes to his teammates? Prashant would go to hell and back for them all. And he’s pissed that he’s like?? Not stepped up to be more outspoken for Parker where it’s mattered. All the funny “Stone’s a dick” things before and Parker just sort of dealing it’s absolutely wild to me that Prashant--Prashant!-- has been taking notes and this was the straw that broke the camel’s fucking back. That line was a goddamn slap in the face I was literally sitting here gaping at my computer like a dumbass for a good minute and a half before everything processed properly because god Prashant really is immediately everyone’s ride or die they have no say in this matter.

    Hoo but back at the cabin Stone can finally breathe for a second because Parker is not leaving. Parker is staying and he’s not transitory anymore (for now) and Stone has more time to think about this thing between them. The relief emanating off of him as he drags Parker to Alex’s for cards. Parker’s absolute shock that Stone wants to go socialize. I really just love this scene so much and I can’t state it better than I did before but it really just. Means so much? Stone fucking thought he should go get Prashant to help with his fucking talking. Stone Prashant would probably literally rip your head off if you did that. Actually out you in front of everyone in a blind rage. Like probably not but he’d be fuckin pissed. You giant dumbass baby. He did a perfect job by himself and then surprised Parker with some forced socializing. I really love that.

    Knowing now that Prashant would have said something made Stone realize it hadn’t been just one of his emotional urges. It was hard to tell which actions were acceptable and platonic enough to express.

    Okay THIS GEM right here. This is what I wanted to elaborate on re: what I quoted earlier. This literally just, explains Stone’s entire problem right now. He’s trying to control his emotional outbursts….possibly because an emotional outburst cost him Junior? His Family?? HMMMM??? And now he literally can’t tell what is and isn’t okay to say to people. Prashant’s right, Stone needs to be more forthcoming and There for his teammates but like...Coach mentioned that Parker wasn’t a good enough player for the position Stone was suggesting and he immediately spoke up saying that he’s working with Parker to get him there.

    Things are easy for Stone when it comes to soccer, both in that he’s amazing at it, and that there are very clear guidelines there describing what he can say about people? He isn’t having an emotional outburst telling Jack that he’s been working with Parker to make him better in the goalbox. But once stone moves away from a soccer, he gets unsure and loses some of his footing and opts to just stay silent so he doesn’t cause any problems anywhere. These are the actions of a boy who has learned from a very grave mistake (also the actions of a boy who is very shy but this also points to the Thing we were talking about). This is Stone needing to learn how to communicate with people again and I’m….I’m so excited to see this boy grow.

    I love Stone.

    Even Austin eyed Stone suspiciously throughout the evening.

    Did. Did Prashant tell Austin? This is the other Austin comment that I was going to point out because like Yes Austin could just be eyeing him suspiciously because he’s also mad Stone didn’t stick up for Parker when he found out Parker might be getting taken home, but did Prashant tell him. Austin would be a good person to tell just because Austin isn’t going to go blabbing people’s secrets but DID HE TELL HIM DOES AUSTIN KNOW.

    Prashant perked up slightly at that. “Oh? Is daddy letting us stay up late like all the other cool kids?”

    You’re just gonna keep forcing daddy on me, aren’t you?

    But alright the boys are Alone and back at the cabin and lol Parker was just asking Stone casually what his name was even though I’m sure he was like? Suddenly REALLY INTO THE IDEA of knowing Stone’s real name after hearing his dad call him Stonewall (Parker: who the fuck is Stonewall) and then Stone won’t tell him? That on top of everything else with the day lmao Parker’s Had It he’s Fed Up with this boy he’s just going to go throw himself on his bed and pout.

    God and poor baby Stone is just “okay everyone’s mad at me now”. It hurts me??? That he’s upset that people are mad at him. But lmao Surprise everyone, Parker isn’t going to let him get away with it. He just starts? Chuckin pillows at him????? My comment about Stone having to wait forever to get a response from Parker was absolutely OBLITERATED by this boy’s fucking “I’m going to throw pillows at you because I’m mad and sexually frustrated”. Wow.

    Parker fucking threw his pillows at Stone, gets fake deflated when he realized he’s out of pillows and now has to ask for them back, Stone gives him his pillows back and Parker just. Stands there and continues to beat him with the pillow. Courting rituals get weirder and weirder by the day, gents.

    Stone though. Stone finally figures it out and fucking kisses him like he was supposed to last night when lights out was done. He caught up. And HAH does he fucking take charge right here like godDAMN. Takes him a second but then Parker’s there and he’s just. Fucking finally and they’re right back to where they were before they got interrupted. They can talk about it later because right now they have the only way they really know how to properly communicate.

    I’m going to try not to get too graphic analyzing all of this because lol I could but like we’ve talked about ad nauseum, physicality is really the best way for them to communicate right now?? They still need to talk obviously because the physicality means something different to each of them but at least they’re working from the same starting point of He’s interested. And that’s something they can work from.

    Parker cleared his throat and pushed up on his elbows, kissing the underside of Stone’s neck. “If you stop again,” he said quietly, “I’m going to keep hitting you with pillows.”

    THIS. god. For how much Parker was teased for being gay before he could come to terms with that himself he is really taking this new sexual endeavor in stride. Even to just fucking. I just really love that there’s no big gay panic going on. Parker doesn’t need slow both because he’s a slut and because he? Knows things are fine????? Not exactly sure what he might be feeling right now Very interested to see once we get to the next chapter but for now: wow Parker is really bracing needing that dick alright.

    Even knowing exactly where he wants this night to go, Stone’s still making sure to be as gentle as he can be? He still knows Parker’s hurt. He isn’t going to let him being horny hurt Parker. (Unless Parker asks for it but that isn’t a conversation for now lol.) but Parker!!!! Lmao Parker isn’t going to let Stone get skittish now honestly if Parker’s face still ached and opening his mouth too wide caused his eyes to water he absolutely would not let Stone stop right now. Parker needs to fucking come okay he’s been keyed up all day and then his friends interrupted his attempted public masturbation and then his DAD showed up like. The boy needs this.

    There’s also something really soft about Stone just??? Petting Parker’s pubic hair, lol. Stone over here being a cute boy trying to explore Parker some and learn and memorize and Pet and fucking Notice that he’s not as well groomed as he likes to be??? The fact that Stone has goddamn noticed that im so I’M SO ANDY. I don’t even know what it is but this little soft moment here is always something that gets me. The moment person A takes to get acquainted with the dick’s home before loving on said dick. Truly incredible. Lmao and then Stone went and just fucking put Parker’s dick in his mouth??? Is he trying to kill him???? God Stone has a thing for mouths okay and like… lord we can discuss this in so much more detail because I have even more thoughts on it now. There are no brakes here they’re fucking naked and getting dicks and come on everything they’re ready to fucking GO.

    The fact that Parker belatedly remembered he needed to take care of stone too was. Lmao I love fucked out boys who remember last minute “WAIT YOU TOO” it’s honestly my kryptonite. Along with the other things that I’ve told you are my kryptonite. I could be killed by very many things. Anyway back to the task at hand (lol) Stone’s a fucking freak.

    I know it’s because he’s been thinking about getting his dick near Parker’s mouth for Weeks at this point but Lmao all he needed was a touch of Parker’s tongue to his thumb and he’s fuckin done. We really need to talk about all of this more it’s really important.

    Parker’s eyes were wide with shock and a mix of something like disbelief. “Did you—just? Just come over my mouth?”

    “I wish,” Stone muttered, fixing Parker with a slight grin.

    Stone is smiling andy. I might start crying about it and like yes maybe because it’s late and I really should stop doing this to myself but Andy Stone is giving Parker genuine smiles. Then cleans them both up and??? Crawls back into bed with Parker?? I know they don’t cuddle for the rest of the night (if I find out the did in fact fall asleep cuddled together I’m going to absolutely light my house on fire) but Stone got back in bed with Parker because oooooo he’s the kinda guy that needs a little bit of contact and affection after coming his brains out, huh? Wow.

    Truly a remarkable end to a remarkable chapter. Thank you for providing us with Stone’s POV once again. I literally cannot wait until the next one I’m going to be messagin you endlessly aout it because WOW have you given us things to talk about.

    Love you
    April 27th, 2020 at 10:20am