Camp Boulder - Comments

  • Palliser

    Palliser (100)

    United States
    @ OnceUponAMoon
    just a little spice. got to preheat the
    oven kinda spice.
    April 27th, 2020 at 05:44am
  • OnceUponAMoon

    OnceUponAMoon (100)

    United States
    ...very spice. Wow.
    April 27th, 2020 at 05:32am
  • Palliser

    Palliser (100)

    United States
    @ Kacen Shea
    i learned my lesson with this one, i'm
    also not a fan of writing them. i think
    it did help provide insight but i swear
    on GOD. never again. i don't know how
    people do it haha.
    Yes! We're in total re-write territory
    I'm not looking at the past draft any
    more so this is all new Mr. Green
    So glad you're still excited about it! I
    really am too!!
    April 26th, 2020 at 08:38am
  • Kacen Shea

    Kacen Shea (100)

    United States
    I'm not usually a fan of overlap but I think it was necessary in this case and gave us a lot of insight. We didn't know a whole lot about Stone's thought process. Now we know some about how he feels. A lot about how he feels actually, about some things! Hahah. We are past the point where I remember anything from the original, so this is all brand to me and exciting!
    April 26th, 2020 at 05:52am
  • Palliser

    Palliser (100)

    United States
    @ animal soup
    hahaha no one would be able
    to handle all the misadventures
    of that boy lol
    April 24th, 2020 at 06:44pm
  • animal soup

    animal soup (100)

    United States
    I know i already did my video comment but I’m leaving a typed one also cause you deserve it. I loved this chapter so much. I’m so excited about the story progression and I can’t wait to see more! <3

    ps voting for a Prashant POV chapter to be thrown in here somewhere.
    April 23rd, 2020 at 05:14am
  • PaigeyPantsFTW

    PaigeyPantsFTW (100)

    United States
    [for chapter 11]

    My wife mentioned there are too many quotes to mention but I’d like her to know she’s WEAK.

    HOKAY right off the bat this is already great because Stone’s cat like reflexes are fuckin There and So Is His Dick. I know you already got that immediate reaction already but like lmao it’s still worth reating. Parker, in bed vague panicking (but not running! Could you imagine if Stone had answered the door super aggressive like he did, and the person at the door was just like ???? and then 30 seconds after the door gets shut in person’s face Parker’s sprinting through the door? Like. hilarious but sad for Stone and then the rumor mill would get going. Wow. So many things). Yes Parker vague panicking but Stone’s over there adjusting his dick in his pants and I’m like???? Finish kisses pls??? Boys. y’all were doing it.

    Only seconds prior had the blonde captain been startled out of bed, forgetting our legs were tangled together, catching himself at the last second before he’d fallen out of bed. He recovered soundlessly, at the door in an instant, breathing heavily.

    See this. First of all, Stone just fucking shooting himself out of the bed despite the fact that him and Parker were literally tangled together cause they were GOING FOR GOLD is fucking. Fucking hilarious. He’s so? Quick. And like I know it wasn’t the intention but the Foreshadowing that he can move just as quick with an entire person on him and it not hinder his movement at all? Is really hot and is also just wow he is such a good goalie. Stopped the ball. Stopped the door. Incredible. And he drug Parker clean out of the bed because lmao Parker was Lost in the moment, just focusing on this new fun exciting thing happening and suddenly it wasn’t?? Boy is having a hard time processing things.

    But okay so Parker’s still panicking but he isn’t bolting like I know he would otherwise want to. I mean, the dude figure out he has feelings for Stone and then fuckin disappeared for two days. But he’s just reigning in his hormones, definitely imagining him fuckin crab walking to his bed to come back to earth so he doesn’t do something stupid. Honestly a very good reaction from Parker!!! He has a lot to think about and he isn’t fully trying to escape it yet.

    God lmao baby Stone just fucking. Closed the door and trying to process that he had finally made his move and then it got interrupted by that. And he’s trying to remind himself he needs to go slow. Even though his entire body is like “Mmmmmm nope” Stone’s just? Warring with himself to be a ~gentleman~ right now because letting things get that far was probably not what his goal for the evening was? Surprise Stone, Parker’s a slut.

    Parker taking stock and lmao just blatantly checking Stone out while they’re both in minor freak out. The darting of Parker’s eyes. These two are a MESS and I honestly can’t wait to see this mess get messier. And then Suddenly be cohesive :)

    I didn’t know how to call him back to me, or what I had done in the first place to provoke him.

    I really don’t know what it is about this sentence that’s just. It’s so perfect? And I think illustrates….so much? I mean, Parker is so, so stupid. Honey you asked him to show you what his face meant. Yes, you don’t know how to read his face, or how to connect that you said that sentence before he showed you the song and then kissed you. I know you are incapable of making these connections on your own. GOD Andy. But again, Parker wants Stone to come back to him? But he doesn’t know how to make that happen. Can’t find his voice, because for once he doesn’t even know what to say. What if he had said something? Even if he started just babbling, I can guarantee that would have driven Stone right back to him. Stone’s trying to piece his resolve back together and make a game plan for the proper way to approach this situation from here but if Parker had asked him back to him in that moment?? He would have been completely incapable of saying no. And you did all that with one sentenceeeeeeeee fuck me i love you

    Stone’s saying he’s going to do rounds, but silently asking if Parker’s okay? They’re both trying to gauge each other’s reactions in this moment before Stone legitimately has to leave. But now Parker can see small movements in Stone that I know he’s been missing before this? He’s just got some new insights now and all he had was 1 kiss (it was only a kiss). Imagine how much better he’s going to be able to read Stone once he’s able to spend more time with him like this? Like, to bring back the earlier challenge Parker is Really fucking good at figuring out codes. Once he’s got the cypher down he’s good to go. But now he’s slowly piecing together that there is a Stone cypher in existence, and he’s working on cracking that code? One little smooch at a time. This is probably some major reading into it going on here on my part but I’m just. I’m really emotional about how raw and vulnerable they both are right now.

    And Stone brought Parker food again. Please end my suffering. Ice pick to the temple.

    GOD and Parker’s? Afraid this was all a dream. I have so much to say about that in general but i’m trying to calm down because we’ve explored so little of this chapter and this is already nearly two full pages long B U T Parker just? God he’s had it hard in the love department in his short little life and now he’s got something precious and what he thinks is extremely delicate and fragile in his hands and he’s worried he’s going to lose it? That Stone will suddenly disappear? God in another life where Parker’s more sure of himself in these scenarios and he had crawled back into bed with Stone? Just. The small thought of What If in that tiny little sentence is so much. But Parker stays in his bed, worries a little, and thinks. Mm. what a good opening scene for this chapter. Wow.

    Now it’s The Next Day and we get to dive in exactly how low Parker’s self esteem can go. It’s delicious and I’m very excited to scrutinize it to death.

    Stone didn’t talk to him about it that morning. He went on his run like normal. Side note I love that Stone’s a make his bed before starting his day kinda boy? A good bean. His sweatpants are thrown over the end of his bed and Parker is a little disappointed because Stone didn’t hang around to profess his love in explicit detail? Or at the very least explain a little bit of what happened last night. Sorry Parks, sometimes boys gotta go run their sexual frustration out so they don’t maul you inappropriately.

    Parker’s sitting at the breakfast table just. Seething. With irritation and his own sexual frustration because Stone’s acting cool as a cucumber (minus being SLIGHTLY tired) while Parker’s over there vaguely vibrating out of his skin? Sort of hilarious to me that Parker isn’t even necessarily picking up that part of the reason he’s so keyed up is because he wants his bootyhole touched. Tisk tisk.

    Hi Molly. She hugged him and Parker’s emo about it? Like sweet honey son you are a very soft lil baby and you need some physical affection after the traumatic event of Junior nearly beating you to death and you’ve been thrown off a cliff and received some very spicy but very confusing kisses from Alex. He needs some affection??? Affectionate boy?????? Andy he’s so soft and good I love him so muhc. And Molly actually cares about him? God I want to see more development of their friendship. Even with Prashant in the background being crude. Question: Does Parker confide in Molly about him and Stone? Is that a resource he eventually decides to lean on? I still vote Austin like in the og. Wow I have more questions popping up here so def make sure to ask me about it in a non-public forum because HOO some IDEAS HERE

    Parker mentioning his injuries, sort of probing Stone to react in any way. Parker. Don’t you know he’s always reacting. That’s how you can’t tell he’s doing anuthing different. He is hyper aware of you at all times. I can’t wait until you can see this for realsies. I’m very emotional about it.

    Godddd and Molly’s been helping field calls from Parker’s dad?? We all know we’re waiting for that shoe to drop because Parker can’t ignore his dad. I get progressively more nauseous as he continues to do it. I know why he’s avoiding it because he’s just a lil baby and all his parents do is yell at him and be continuously unsupportive (while parker’s also being a little shit so I get it) but goddddddddd why can’t parker’s dad just? Be nice to him. He’s a good boy. And could be a better boy if you showed him the affection he needs.

    “So...Molly, Mo-Mo? What’s the schedule looking like for the backpacking trip?” Prashant asked. Molly rolled her eyes and stopped poking around at my face to give Prashant an exasperated look. lmao mo-mo. Prashant is such a little shit head. Molly is truly doing her best to be everything she can be for her girls and she isn’t taking ANY of Prashant’s shit like wow I love our token female character. She’s a god among men.

    Oooo boy oo boy they’re going hiking. Camping. Going exploring in the great outdoors. For some team building. And you know what that means???? IT’S FUCKIN CHALLENGE TIMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

    And I have to say, again, that it’s just really funny how much Parker hates being dirty. This sweet little glamper. Little computer nerd that doesn’t want to be outside like this. Even though I’m right there with him mosquitoes are literally the scum of the earth? Why would i enjoy my time if I’m being fucking eaten alive by those fuckers. Parker isn’t wrong and he should say it.

    But here we are at a good old human knot. So we can focus on the intimacy of teammates and the comradery of sports. Gay gay sports. But of course Parker’s holding Stone’s hand. Like, I know how these human knots work they could have made that not happen but here they are holding hands and im swooning all over again. And Parker thinks Stone’s been ignoring him which he HAS but he has reasonsssss that we’ll seeeeeee but Parker doesn’t know or understand that he’s just a little baby who doesn’t understand things.

    “God you smell good. Guys, Stone uses the expensive stuff! Since he can’t kill me right now, I also just want to say he has the most beautiful brown eyes. It’s like looking into oil pools.”

    Prashant saying what we all want to be saying. Giving us the content we need and deserve. Also what Parker wants to be saying. He knows exactly what Prashant is talking about, Stone Does smell good. And he knows that, because he had himself his body his lungs all up in that scent the night before. And th boys understand this they know their king is hot. They all just get to swoon over it.

    But While they’re all being dumbasses about shit Stone’s still. Hyperfixated on getting this challenge finished correctly and winning. Focused as ever. Trying to wrangle his team while they’re giggling and having a good time.

    And Parker? What else is Parker doing but taking stock of how Stone’s responding to the guys making fun of him and how Stone is trying really hard to not look at him. Or give him any attention whatsoever. Little baby Parker honey bun. I wish he was able to see the bigger picture here. Maybe take the reins and lead the conversation they need to have about this. And I wish he didn’t just. Count himself out so quickly? Parker Stone would be lucky to have you and you both could do so much for each other. Just breathe my guy.

    I was trying not to confuse this contact with anything more, but Stone kept looking at me with those stupid eyes. They could be so intense sometimes. Prashant had got it all wrong. They weren’t cheap, refinable commodities like oil pools. They were black holes. Distant, just out of reach. sigh. Parker. But this is so real and it hurts? I think Stone himself is just. Unexplored territory. An alien entity that’s doing it’s best to communicate with the being that is Parker, and the connection keeps getting fuzzed. They’re just starting to establish a connection, but Parker can’t always read it. Hell, most of the time he can’t. And when he does read something, he reads it wrong. They have so much building to do as far as their communication goes and I’m really excited to see how that develops? Also Parker is such a fucking space nerd I love that he went for a black hole analogy here? I think he’s slightly off base with what he chose to compare Stone’s eyes here but he’s so close to understanding more of the depth that’s in Stone’s eyes. A boy who has so little to say, and always had, always will, his entire way to communicate is with tiny physical cues that Parker, in general, is too dumb to really notice. So they have to figure out how to speak up and calm down for each other?? Wow it’s gonna be a WILD ride.

    Prashant literally.

    “Like your mother,” Prashant smiled. “Or your father. Honestly, it’s truly heterocentric of me to exclude the idea of fucking your dad as any less a possibility--”

    This is a thing of beauty. I literally cannot wait for you to read check please so we can discuss how Prashant is a more chaotic version of a certain character over there. I’m just really proud of Prashant for including all in his constant pursuit to talk about fucking everyone’s parents. He’s the ally we all deserve. PLUS the fact that Prashant’s extra worked up because Buzzcut’s being a homophobe? WOW. bedroom. Thanks.

    And thank you for this little blurb explaining that Buns has a blog that Carlie came across. Now I know how she got ahold of Naked Parker jumping off the cliff. All the loose ends are being TIED sir. The friendship shirt is something to behold though, and I’m glad the general masses have reached the same conclusion. It’s warranted.

    Now they’re picking at Parker for fighting with his legs and like listen I getchu Parker it’s something you gotta do if you got the legs for it but I know for a FACT that it looks ridiculous when you’re just peddling trying to kick at someone and emotional on top of that like. Lmao. They should make fun of how he fights okay all of this chirping is warranted.

    The magical thing about jumping off a cliff and humiliating yourself in front of your peers by crying is that literally nobody talks about it afterward. I mean, they talk about it, but as if it’s a distant memory. A completely forgiven offense.

    This. This right here. These are the kinds of friends Parker has needed. This is how why Parker being at this camp is so fucking important and I am loving that he’s getting over himself so he can actually absorb what he needs to from this camp? He doesn’t need the soccer exposure. He doesn’t need the money reward at the end of the camp. He needed to come here to get himself out of bad habits and “find himself”. And he has found part of himself again, and that’s in this acceptance from his team. Parker’s needed this. And I really, awfully, love his parents for forcing him into it.

    Practice this afternoon is cute too. Parker has his little no-contact jersey on (he doesn’t this is a hockey thing) and like lmao that is always hilarious he is a precious boy who can’t be jostled during this practice for risk of actual brain injury guys. Prashant that means hands off the goods.

    Asdjf this SCENE with the boys just being rowdy and trying to score on Stone? I know we talked about this getting added in but like I’m so glad you decided to go with it, it’s SUCH a nice little window to how stone is otherwise as a captain? A softer side of Stone. Which we can loop back to the beginning with Stone being literally Not Bothered by having Parker cling to him--Stone can still be a really fucking good goalie with Alex hanging on his shoulders and Prashant eventually grabbing his leg? The fact that he’s still hard to score on with literal people hanging off of him is so fucking HOT. And Stone had fun. He had fun with his rowdy boys. They’re big fat cheaters but they’re such good boys and Stone loves them even though he likes to keep a blank face and only smile when minimal people are watching. I just love him so much honestly.

    Lmao. Parker. This shit. Why. Why Parker. Why did you think this would be a good idea. I know he’s really upset that Stone has made it nearly all day without so much as a second glance at him when he wasn’t necessary and there really isn’t a way for anyone to read this without being inside Stone’s head and my heart hurts for him WOW I just want to give him a good hug and tell him it’s going to be okay? Come from the future and tell him it’s going to be worth the little bit of heartache he has right now. Poor little mad baby. Lets make a mistake and go masturbate in the public restroom you share with your entire team and everyone else at camp at least attempt to get that sexual frustration out. It’s okay bb i support you and your bad decisions

    Not only was I stressed from that whole ordeal but my pain meds were fading and suddenly I was itching to jerk off in a dark corner and sleep for a week.

    This line is so. Fucking feral. Baby parker. Please. Molly come back and give him hug. God but, Stone is worried as he watches Parker hurry off? Of course he is poor boy has been hyper-aware of Parker all day and he definitely noticed him inhaling his food and trying to get away from everyone as quickly as possible. Of course Stone’s alarms are going off. A worried little babe. It’s definitely because I didn’t read super close the first time I read this because I’m a goblin and I just sort of vacuum everything up details be damned the first time I read this and I thought Parker went like, back to their bunk restrooms?? So lmao I was confused how everyone found him so quickly. I was gonna have feelings about Stone finding him first but now it’s just this so like reel those emotions back in.

    Especially because Parker’s now cornered in this stall with his dick in his hand. Stone has size 11 feet of course he does but that’s got me all worked up too. Please, andy. Please giving me size details here. But Stone found him first and he’s all worked up, and Parker’s “trying to shit” oh god OH GOD Wow I’m a dumbass no Stone fucking….followed him in here because he caught all the cues from dinner and now is trying to check on him. Stone is checking on him because of the kissing. He doesn’ know why everyone else is looking for him, does he? He came in here to check on him. Wow. Wooooow my heart wow.
    But like, that glorious revelation aside this scene is fucking hilarious. Parker trying to masturbate in public in peace like the little sex deprived goblin he is and one by one all of his friends are popping in to check on him how WONDERFUL. The silly scenes you’re able to come up with are always so perfectly written and good and LORD you know I could just slather the compliments on how you’re able to build great scenes any time and all the time and I would gladly do it until I’m dead but like boy? Boy.

    “Find me? I literally said, ‘I’m gonna go shit.’ I am trying to shit. Does nobody respect my privacy?”

    Fucking. Hilarious. I’m even more emotional about Stone coming to find Parker. Like. Andy we’re going to be Discussing this. Mainly so you can also tell me if I’m off my mark here with this one but like he was definitely going to ask if he was okay about them kissing. He WAS GOING TO. Thank fuck he didn’t because of the freshman hiding in the stall but lmao ??? B O Y.

    “Who the fuck are you?” I asked, as if I owned the bathroom. A thin, dark haired boy merged.

    Lmfao parker you fucking prick. It’s just a baby little freshman that is on your team. God and they’re making fun of him for masturbating in the bathroom and he just really wants them to know he wasn’t. Meanwhile, Parker over there with his DICK OUT RIGHT NEXT TO HIM lmao this poor baby freshman. And he almost listened in on extremely important information that is not for anyone’s ears but Stone and Parker’s at the moment. Truly hilarious. Christ this poor kid.

    But now Poor PARKER because lord his DAD is here.

    And Parker is immediately having a physical reaction to that news and Stone fucking noticed of course and is trying to check in on him? Like i’m reading this as it’s killing Stone to slowly watch Parker wilt all day and know it is probably them kissing??? Now his fuckin dad’s here and Stone Knows that isn’t ever a good sign because he’s fucking noticed how withdrawn Parker gets?? So just lord the small things Stone’s already doing is really such a good. It’s so good. Tiny little things Stone’s doing to help.

    But Parker’s dad is Here and Lmao Prashant is fucking. Back there like a cat in heat trying desperately to show his ass to Parker’s dad why is he LIKE THIS.

    But god. My heart is in my throat because Parker’s dad is here? Like we already know it’s a terrible situation because Parker drug his dad out to this camp because he was avoiding his dad’s phone call. I’m thinking back to when I was a kid like lmao my dad???? Would have killed me. Flat out left me for dead and lost me in the woods on my uncle’s property. No questions asked.

    I was, of course, happy to see my dad, but also dreading the reason behind this unplanned visit.

    I think this is SUCH an interesting look into the relationship Parker has with his dad? Like it goes back to what we were talking about yesterday but that aside Like. Parker still loves his dad? Still looks to him for approval and everything and it’s so easy in media like this to have Parker be his explosive reactive self and remove the actual genuine affection that’s behind the rabid dog goggles Parker has 24/7 but to also have this immediately followed by Parker thinking he caused his dad to have to come out to see him for this after being at work all day? Like WOW Parker just feels like a burden, is always causing problems (which just makes him cause more problems) and that’s a pain i feel RIGHT in the center of my chest. It’s so good. And again you get all of this across with such few words. Only for me to return with 19847 words regurgitating exactly what you said. It’s just fucking BEAUTIFUL and I love you.

    “Wow, really cool to meet you, Sir,” Prashant said. “Wow.” He just kept saying that, ‘wow’ and glancing between us.

    See? Absolutely horny for Daddy Nelson dick.

    Lord but here’s Stone, fucking sizing Parker’s dad up?? Wow it’s truly hot he’s being so protective he has already made his decisions about Parker’s dad and he knows how he makes Parker feel even if Parker wouldn’t exactly admit to the Extent of it but Stone. Stone knows. And he isn’t going to let Parker’s dad intimidate him too. It’s going to be…..extremely delicious watching that evolve once Parker and Stone are a Thing and he gets to square this man up for making Parker feel like shit a lot, but ALSO because he’s rawing that man’s son on the reg??? Imagine. It’s going to be amazing.

    God and then Parker’s dad is over here! Talking about what Stone’s college plans are! The recruiter that’s contacted him for school!! POWER MOVE wow I’m fucking reading this like a goddamn tennis match.

    Fuck and Stone was going to go with Parker even though that was VERY CLEARLY going to be a private conversation. Stone was going to fucking do that like a goddamn guard dog. Less Golden Retriever because they’re a little dumb but like? Great Pyreneese. Extremely protective. He does not like that Parker’s being drug away by his dad to be yelled at for something that Stone still sees as his fault. I’m. Just really loving Stone’s reactions to all of this.

    The weird small talk. Parker’s asking about his mom and his dad’s asking about his face?? I’m just like, tight butthole PLEASE YELL AT HIM AND THEN LEAVE SO IT CAN BE DONE. and just. I’m instantly defensive that he assumes Parker picked the fight. I know, to be fair, he doesn’t have a lot of experience where Parker didn’t pick the fight but Junior has been on Parker’s dick since the moment he got to camp. I still stand that this fight wasn’t Paker’s fault, at all, and Junior is the one who lost his mind and started a physical altercation in the fucking cafeteria. Parker’s dad could cut him a little bit of slack? Surely Anthony talked to him about what happened. And even after hearing a third party account he’s still coming in with his preconceptions about what his son is and is. God. his mind is already made up. I know Parker knows this. But I’m just. So mad lmao.

    “Were you trying to embarrass our family?” he asked. lmao why are rich people like this. Sir, please listen to what your son needs and not what Karen next door might say if she hears about this from Her McMansion.

    I’m VERY interested to learn more about what he means that Parker looks worse than when he left? Is it because he has a black eye from the fight? Is dirty from practice still? Like. What exactly does Mr. Nelson see that would indicate Parker isn’t doing better? He has to have lost some weight and gained some muscle. How can his dad not see that? What the fuck is he talking about that Parker looks worse? Maybe just that he’s deflated right now because his dad’s here. Maybe his dad has that much of a reaction on him that even though he’s doing amazing at this camp despite fighting it tooth and nail until just recently, the mere presence of his dad is enough to make him shrink in on himself and try to become less of a burden by existing. How much of Parker’s issues also revolve around feeling like a burden? Am I projecting with that? I know for him it’s a lot of being a disappointment and both can be easily confused though they mean very different things and have very different long term effects on children but I digress.

    God and his dad is just here to pull him out and drag him home? Throw him in boarding school??? God I’m literally. Shaking with rage. It’s like he has no genuine interest in helping him. I know that like, Parker has been a handful and he’s been falling off for at least the past year but that’s hardly enough time to resolve to shipping him off? Poor baby Parker has to just. Bargain to make sure he can finish this out for his team--his team that has come to mean so much to him and STONE god all of them-- just so his dad will let him stay. And finish something that’s important to him. God I don’t even know this whole conversation is just. Lmao I am mama bear and parker is my BABY and DAMMIT I WILL MAKE SURE HE’S LOVED.

    Fuck, and he’s just. All he has to say to that is to not ruin Stone or Junior’s or anyone’s chances for college. That’s all he has to say.

    I nodded. My dad’s goodbye was a tight hand on my neck and a little shake of my shoulder as he said, “Be good, Parker.”

    Like lmfao this was Lydia’s big grievance when she read the chapter but it bears repeating here: HE DIDN’T EVEN SAY I LOVE YOU? I know they aren’t that kind of family and i Intimately know what it’s like to come from that family (well, have a dad like that) but. God. Parker’s dad just….really showed up and acted like he didn’t give a shit. He cares in his own way but god it’s such a piss poor excuse for fatherly love and support that Parker Desperately needs. I’m quoting the tight hand on his neck here so I can touch on it again later.

    Parker’s left alone. Crying, on this bench. Molly saw him, but she left him alone. I’m thankful for it too because god. Parker. My heart hurts so much for him. But you know what’s nice? That Parker noticed the scowl Stone gave his dad. And that little thing makes him feel better. Sweet boy, let Stone make you feel better. It’s okay to lean on people. *i know this will be a Thing later but like shh let me have this im sad that Parker is sad.

    But Parker’s in the cabin now, and Stone’s here to check in on him. I have to say that this scene is really just. So quiet? In the best way. It’s something Parker really needed after the LOUD bad emotions with his dad. Quiet reassurance and support is just, so good? So good after a bad day. Lmao I really can’t just quote this entire fucking scene but?

    Stone knows it isn’t Parker’s fault that the fight happened. I need Stone to know it also isn’t his fault but like we’ll get by with one victory at a time. Stone knows that junior is a hothead and he knows that Junior does shit like this all the time. Well, enough to know that this isn’t Parker’s fault. And the fact that Parker’s immediate response is to rebuke that because lol his dad doesn’t care about that so what does it matter?

    Stone is just. For how much I know being emotional and talking is hard for him, he did such a good job with this. He is just checking in trying to be gentle and not make anything worse for Parker.

    I don’t know why I wanted Stone to just admit he was fucking around and that all of this was some weird accident and not a significant moment in the development of a lifelong battle of denial.

    Ohhhhh now THAT’S an interesting sentence. Parker is scared but not because of Gay Panic but like. A more quiet version of Gay Panic that Parker’s more okay with dealing with if he knows for a fact that that’s what he’s dealing with. Really interesting. I’m really excited about seeing Parker explore this thought and feeling more.

    Stone said the thing. He said he doesn’t want Parker to feel like a burden. That the team loves him (i’m filling that in) and wants him playing with him. And what does he do? He goes out of his comfort zone to make sure Parker Knows the team loves him, and forces him to go to Austin’s cabin for cards. STONE forced Parker to go socialize and like….. God this is so significant? I can’t wait to see how both Stone and Parker grow with this.

    Stone grabbed Parker by the neck. Parker got squirmy but Stone just. This is the perfect little comparison to how Mr. Nelson handles Parker and how Stone does/will. Like I can’t put my finger on the exact way I think this goes but like. I’m really excited to make more comparisons like this in the future.

    Parker got to spend the night with his friends knowing he was loved rather than beating himself up in his bunk, and Stone made that happen.

    Thank you for this, thank you for being you, and thank you for listening to all of this all the time <3
    April 20th, 2020 at 09:35am
  • Palliser

    Palliser (100)

    United States
    @ OnceUponAMoon
    Haha it's a very quotable chapter!
    Oooh I'd be interested to hear who
    your fave character is :} I already
    think I know Paige's and I think I
    know Lisa's... Mr. Green
    April 19th, 2020 at 07:26am
  • OnceUponAMoon

    OnceUponAMoon (100)

    United States
    Listen........there are so many good quotes in this one so I can't just choose one to be my favorite but I just really love how you come up with all of these creative challenges and write them in a way that's easy to picture. (Also like obvs the character depth and growth we're seeing is MAGICAL and I love it & you wow)
    April 19th, 2020 at 06:58am
  • Palliser

    Palliser (100)

    United States
    @ Rockin' Star
    I cry :} Thank YOU!! Oh
    wow thank you!! So grateful
    for all your guys kind words
    and encouragement. As some
    one who doesn't have any
    English/Writing background
    that means so much!
    April 18th, 2020 at 11:11pm
  • afilmbykirk

    afilmbykirk (100)

    United States
    I am in awe of how much your narration and scene build up has developed. I didn't think the story could get any better but somehow you made it better. I love this so much!
    April 18th, 2020 at 10:49pm
  • Palliser

    Palliser (100)

    United States
    @ phelix
    Haha yay! Trying to keep in some
    of the 'Comedy' stuff. I wish I
    could commit to a regular posting
    time! But yeah, now that things
    are turning less into 'editing' and
    more into a re-write it's obviously
    taking more time to write Mr. Green

    The next chapter IS a Stone POV
    Very Happy

    You guys are all a blessing too! I
    would be dying in quarantine rn
    if I didn't have this little side
    project <3
    April 18th, 2020 at 08:55pm
  • phelix

    phelix (100)

    The bathroom scene! Oh my god that was just perfect. I’m already fully in love with Stone and his protectiveness of Parker and uncertainty and soft neck touches. I’m a sucker for those. You’re killing me here! I literally check my e-mails instantly when my phone goes off hoping and praying it’s an update.

    Your last message to me says you’re really going for a massive edit and I’m totally on board. I love where this is going and the dynamics are just so wonderful! Also yes please for a Stone POV. Oh pretty please. I usually like the mostly 1 person POV like I’d mentioned previously but I’ve completely changed my mind. I’m sold on this any POV, any time thing now. I want to know what he’s thinking!

    Bless you! This quarantine is so much better with the written word.
    April 18th, 2020 at 07:10pm
  • Palliser

    Palliser (100)

    United States
    @ Kacen Shea
    Ha ha! No heart attacks allowed
    we're here for the long haul :]
    April 18th, 2020 at 01:58am
  • Kacen Shea

    Kacen Shea (100)

    United States
    I nearly had a heart attack when his dad told him to pack his shit. Thankfully he negotiated his way out of that one. Reminds me of myself as a teenager, in a weird way.
    April 18th, 2020 at 01:56am
  • animal soup

    animal soup (100)

    United States
    Ch 10

    Andy, you really hit me hard with that deep
    dive into middle school Parker. Like, seventh
    grade age was the absolute fucking worst
    time for most people, especially weird gay
    kids! Let’s see what this backpack Isaac kid
    is all about.

    dude. I really admire Parker’s introspection
    concerning this Isaac guy. It’s hard to think
    about where other people are coming from
    when they treat us like shit. But I know that
    the bitch who yelled “fat dyke” at me during
    history class in 8th grade gained a lot of
    weight and came out a few years after grad.
    I’m wondering if Isaac is going to end up gay?
    PARKER oh my god dirty dog dicks, you nasty!
    That is a pretty good insult tho.
    Fuckkkkkk Andy that’s too fucking real.
    As someone whose called cps multiple times
    in their career, you got my fucking heart.

    Oh no poor baby Parker with his smashed
    little face. I’m such a sucker for the hurt/comfort
    trope I can’t even deal with this. OH MY LORD


    HAH. Parker’s unyielding charm is kind of
    starting to wear off on junior a lil bit. I’m
    interested to see when the shit inevitably
    hits the fan when junior puts two and two
    together about stone and Parker.

    I really like Carlie! She seems like an awesome
    and supportive friend. And Parker is gonna
    need that. I feel like he needs that reassurance
    that’s it’s okay to like stone and that his life
    isn’t gonna fall apart from it. I think she can
    be that and I’m glad! I just feel like things are
    realllllyyyy coming to a head between them.
    like stone is one Parker accident away from
    dragging him off into the forest like King Kong!
    I just FEEEEEL the mounting tension and it’s
    killing me!

    my gay heart can’t take this I love stone so much
    And he just needs someone to love him and
    that’s gonna be Parker!!!! Okay anyways

    Stone offering Parker that ear bud means
    so fucking MUCH. he keeps each part of
    himself locked away like a careful secret
    and music is so deeply fucking personal
    it’s like a raw live wire directly to someone’s
    mind and heart and here he is, sharing it with
    Parker and offering up such a huge piece of
    himself.god just fuck me all the way up fuck!
    and the music is providing this new way to talk,
    to open up to Parker in a way he normally can’t.
    like he’s telling him about his family and everything my god.


    I just have to say that I’m so fucking shitty
    at writing any sort of physical/sexual scene
    and the way you’ve painted all of the details are
    just fucking incredible. Absolutely stunning. <3
    I love them so much.

    Also, I’ve been listening to road and just….

    “I feel the weight of what I need
    Come crash full force into me
    I see the stars, they light the sky
    And wonder where I fit in the light”

    So beautiful. So perfect. So Stone.

    April 16th, 2020 at 04:35am
  • PaigeyPantsFTW

    PaigeyPantsFTW (100)

    United States
    [for chapter 10]

    When I was twelve - a turbulent year for myself and my parents - I broke my thumb during a particularly rowdy day of seventh grade.

    My god my little heart dropped because we’re starting this with a good old fashioned flashback. To baby Parker? Oh no my little heart. Just baby little Parker telling us about how the bullying started which means we immediately know why this is being brought up now! So we can discuss Parker’s relationship with his sexuality, of course.

    Looking back now, I see he was suffering from an alienation unfamiliar to me; he was the literal black sheep in a sea of pale-faced private school kids.

    Hoo, Backpack Isaac. This poor kid. All of these poor children. Life was so hard back then. And i really love that Parker acknowledges those hardships now? It really speaks a lot to his maturity to be able to forgive someone who terrorized him so much when he was little. Or, for the sake of not getting ahead of myself in this particular moment, just the fact that he knows how to Check His Privilege(™) and look at his own experiences from a point of understanding. It’s good. I wanna cry a little bit.

    God but. I know. I know we know why but Isaac? As a character his backpack full of random household objects. It’s such an interesting little character piece for him, and just the fact that as a 12 year old who’s getting picked on for being gay Parker still has it in him to be a fucking pitbull about other people? Picking fights with people literally twice his size? Drawing attention to himself even though he’s upset people keep picking at the gay thing? Parker’s just. So, so strong at heart and I’m so excited to see him really Glow Up and embrace that as a whole.

    I’d ended up breaking my finger after Isaac had attacked me, this was after I’d told the class he liked to suck ‘dirty dead dog dicks’ or whateverthefuck. Once again: parker sweetie baby honey child. A 12 year old coming up with “he likes to suck dirty dead dog dicks” is such a fuckin burn I’d high five this little fucker even tho his thumb is broken now. Is Parker’s thumb a tiny bit crooked now? Does Stone ever ask about it?

    “Also I had issues with picking fights I couldn’t win” lmao god i’m so happy he notices this like Parker poor baby. Please stop doing this. Your poor small delicate body. I know he’d probably be pissed if he could like, somehow hear me saying these things about him but like? Stop fucking picking fights with people ya baby. But god, the line with him learning not to judge people for what they’ve got in their bag? It really like, sets us up to get kicked in the teeth here in a second!

    Because Isaac had problems so far what Parker was going through. Isaac was just trying to survive and picking on the gay kid meant he didn’t have to talk about his problems at home. God. im so sad for him. Is he okay now? At least away from his dad? I’m so sad for this baby boy bringing his pet fish to school so his dad wouldn’t kill it? I’m just. I’m sad. This poor boy. And Parker knows that he needs to like, acknowledge the situation and not really carry that specific resentment around anymore? At least, I hope that’s a conclusion he came to. Growing up and learning more about the kids I went to high school with and like I don’t necessarily like them any less but knowing a little bit more of what they were going through as people was cathartic? Parker’s still in high school but I hope he gets the full effect of that one day.

    Then we transition from all that heavy shit, to Parker being high as shit at camp. I truly love it. Kick me right out of that sad mopey headspace Parker’s high as fuck and having to do chores with Junior. Off that industrial strength cleaning solution + hydrocodone like what a sweet loopy baby.

    And Stone’s over here? Being overly protective? Not letting the boys be rowdy next to Parker and just. All of it. He’s still big mad at himself for letting Parker get hurt and the fight taking place at all. This sweet martyr boy who saw his crush being so HOT and NAKED the night before. Like. truly still can’t get over that. Parker Did That to him.

    But now we get to see a bit of Junior’s head? Get in there and see a little more of why he is the way he is. And he’s just still so angry and Parker’s so high. He’s going to be high forever. Laughing in Junior’s face because he can’t not, and Junior’s going to actually kill him. And the Advisor made them get along shirts that’s so. Precious. He’s such a soft chaotic dad? I am super interested to know more about his relationship with Junior and like, him outside The Advisor status. I feel like he’s just. A lot of fun lmao.

    Junior snarled like a wild pig as his dad had forced the shirt onto him.

    See? He sounds like a riot. Like what Parker’s dad might be if he met Parker’s constant rage with Giddy Power. “Awww baby son is acting like a baby how sad poor baby”. That’s the advisor when Junior is throwing a fit, in my head. You don’t need to tell me if it’s right or wrong because I don’t care. He’s my advisor now. Sigh, and the get along shirt made stone belly laugh. I love that soft boy. He’s such a good boy? Let the advisor tell him he’s a good boy so he stops beating himself up.

    He was giving off big Golden Retriever vibes again.

    This is my favorite observation and comparison Parker is ever going to make. Can we see Parker’s mom soon too? I feel like on top of being the Wine Mom she is she’s also big Dog Mom. i see her living that life. I want that life. I wish i liked wine.

    Lmao god i can’t just quote the entire fucking chapter at you here but parker??? Getting momentarily distracted because his hand “lagged like a video game glitch”? He’s so fucking high. So high. Also fun fact best buy’s got new carpet and it literally looks like poorly textured video game terrain. It’s weird as shit. That may be from me staring at it 24/7 for so long but like still? Fuckin wild. I’m with Parker on this high shit, okay.

    But OKAY now Junior’s going to explain himself a bit. Like we have needed him to since the moment Parker’s stepped foot on campus Junior has made it his lot in life to terrorize Parker. He needs some redemption. And Parker’s so high he’s also checking him out. Parker baby honey. I want to make sure he’s wrapped in bubble wrap while he’s off doing things like he’s supposed to be. It’s great that Stone has taken it upon himself to be a shadow. And take care of his boy.

    And like? High Parker is the only Parker that can keep his fucking tongue in his mouth and listen to Junior? He’s just fucking giggling and agreeing with Junior about why he’s there and why his dad forced him to come be babysat by people who have actually worked their asses off to be at this camp. It’s just...truly the only way he could have begun to have a proper conversation with Junior. A+.

    There’s the heart of it though. Parker’s a silver spoon free ride into this camp, just like Junior. The difference is, Junior has to care. Junior can’t be cavalier about his placement in the camp because soccer means something to him and he can’t let nepotism be the only reason he gets anywhere in life. Which? God honestly that’s such a good fucking character trait. He knows he needs to work properly for soccer. His dad could probably buy his way pretty far, but he can’t really be successful if he doesn’t push himself? There’s drive in him that means he wants to make a name of himself, not just live off his dad’s name. WHICH IS A REALLY ATTRACTIVE TRAIT. Again, my bedroom is up the stairs and to the right. Then Junior catches himself being sincere and Parker just big smiles. He’s so high. I love him so much. Parker is me at work when I have to take extra anxiety meds.

    The idea of a camp full of smelly sport boys in a large cafeteria eating fucking fish is just. Fucking nauseating. I can smell it. Colorado is land locked they have NO BUSINESS EATING FISH. I WILL NOT BE TAKING QUESTIONS ON THIS MATTER.

    Sigh Parker’s screening his dad’s calls. He’s going to get in so much trouble. I’m actually sick thinking of it because God. Parker’s dad is so hard on him. Yes Parker needs it because he’s being a little shit, but is he not being a little shit because his dad sets the wrong expectations for him and always had? Did the chicken come before the egg, Mr. Nelson? Maybe Parker would be a little different if you weren’t such a dick, Mr. Parker’s Dad Sir.

    Carlie. A breath of fresh air we have Carlie. Who somehow managed to get a video of Parker jumping naked off the cliff (where did she get it from? What connection does she have with these camp boys?) and she thinks Parker is at a cult. Which like…..technically speaking isn’t wrong. Give them time and they’ll start Worshipping the Ball. They always do.

    Hmm but Stone. It’s happening. Carlie and Parker are talking, Carlie’s chirping Parker, Stone’s fresh from a shower and brought Parker food. It’s already so intimate and like, a quiet domestic thing for Stone to do? They aren’t even together (yet) and Stone’s doing these soft things for him. Where did Stone find the spaghetts. It was nasty salmon night. He’s magic. And has so many connections.

    Carlie can fucking smell it.

    But Parker’s being evasive because Stone’s there and Parker doesn’t Know what his Feelings Mean. When does he talk to Carlie about it? Does she scream at him? Hmm. I really love her. I’m excited to see where she goes as a character and the support system she can be for Parker. But i need to move on to the soft spicy that happens.

    (Parker called Stone hot while on the phone with Carlie, and Stone was 100% eavesdropping. Parker. He knew what he was doing even though he’s big stupid. Or at least gave Stone some confidence to Make his Move).

    Like Parker gets off the phone and Stone’s just watching him? Expectantly? Because he heard Parker tell his friend that he finds him attractive. Stone’s just fucking staring at Parker and then Parker Parker opts to ask Stone what he’s listening to. And instead of telling him Stone just, invites him over to listen? God. (I can tell now that Stone was listening to music and was asking if Parker was done with the phone but does that mean Stone had a different idea for how the night went? No because he still could hear Parker ask what he was listening to. Hmm. I always have questions about what might be going on in Stone’s little head.)

    Now they’re snug on Stone’s tiny twin camp bed, Stone sharing more about himself in his music than he has with anyone in a long time? Like lord I know this is a big moment because I know what’s going to happen, but like? This is definitely a big moment for Stone. This sweet, guarded boy is letting his walls down for Parker. (im feeling beyonce’s Halo in my veins but im Not Going To’ll learn about that later) but. God. I’ve told you how much I love Stone? I love him so much.

    And it’s such an ingenious way for them to communicate right now? It’s a soft moment and Parker can ask his questions, Stone can show him music and slowly, Parker can piece together a couple more pieces to fully see Stone. Which is only the beginning for them, such a soft beginning.

    Again. With this Jane Austen Bullshit. Stone gently putting the ear bud in Parker’s ear. Soft touch of the fingertips to really amp up the heat here. And like, nothing’s even happened yet but it’s so intimate? And good. Stone’s slowly allowing more of his body to be touching Parker’s--gauging his reaction. Parker isn’t pulling away but Stone isn’t Forcing himself on him yet. He’s being gentle, trying to figure out what Parker’s thinking. And still sharing his music together.

    Then Parker asks why he has so many running playlists? And Stone tells him it’s because of his sisters. And Parker gets to learn a tiny bit about Stone’s sisters? Won’t go into too much detail here in this public forum for ~spoilers~ but WOW. Parker’s getting Intimate Details about Stone. How soft. I’m so turned on lol

    They’ve graduated from just music to actually talking. Stone’s having a conversation with him. We’ve made major headway here and like, this is all for Parker? Stone doesn’t show this side of himself to literally anyone else. Especially while he’s at camp. They’re having an entire conversation and Stone doesn’t look like he wants to leap out the window and Parker’s dick is twitching. Bitch me too. The fuck.

    I tried to imagine this version of Stone as the ‘leaner’ one. I felt my throat go dry.

    Let us see bulked up Stone. Give Stone a big booty. Let us have these things, Andy. I need it, for personal reasons.

    I thought about that for a moment, “I don’t know. Play a song that matches that face you’re making right now.” My joke missed the mark entirely. “Or? DJ’s choice...”

    Christ, Parker literally asks for it. And Stone decides to shoot his shot. The song choice is A+ for lik, stone as a person and this moment and Parker misses that it’s Stone shooting his shot because Parker’s a dumbass and doesn’t know how to listen and connect the last thing he said with what is happening now. Lmao Parker thinks Stone’s staring at him because his face is still a purple pulp. This sweet, dumb boy. So what does Stone do? Fuckin kisses him.

    Let me say, taking us back to the Parker who was afraid, and bullied, and Backpack Isaac is such a power move. We’re in this near euphoric moment because Finally! They’re kissing! Only to be dropped back into the Sad of before. But in like, the best way. Let us remember that Parker struggled with this. That he was hurt because of this. That he’s made it to this camp because of this.

    I had a broken thumb that wouldn’t ever let me forget, yet it all seemed to blur together in a haze. - I have to break up my melancholy sad bullied Parker sad Paige moment because I have questions about his thumb 1. Which one was broken 2. When does it act up on him 3. Does he struggle masturbating. These are very pressing questions. Okay, back to the important beef of the shit:

    Parker has struggled with this because for the longest time it was a label that was forced on him, and not something he was able to realize for himself. I know a lot of people (myself included) as children didn’t have the concept that that kind of decision and realization about ones self shouldn’t be subject to conversation and like CHRIST if I could go back and backhand everyone I grew up with, I would. Let people learn about themselves at their own pace, despite what the outside world can see about them. This paragraph is getting very preachy. Anyway, Parker, has struggled with this for so long but here he is, in Stone’s bed, being kissed like they won’t live to see tomorrow and he feels content. Like his sex drive is sort of overriding anything else he might be feeling. But in my head it’s just. Some kind of weight has been lifted. He isn’t struggling with a label people gave him, he’s living his own truth. Yes, that truth right now is that he needs to get dicked down by this boy that’s been driving him crazy all summer. But it was his choice to feel comfortable with this and lord that requires so much growing up. The ability to find what feels like a safe space to do that in high school is so. Soft. I really love how all this came to be. And I know him having Carlie helped a lot too. Parker needed a strong support system and now the struggling has paid off.

    At least, until it becomes a different kind of struggling but that’s a different conversation I’m specifically talking about baby Parker vs current Parker.

    And Stone. My sweet Stone. He has to have so much self control because lol he’s been lusting this entire time about this exact moment and now he has it but he’s holding back and making sure Parker’s okay? Mainly because his face is fucking broken and I’m personally like “isn’t his lip busted and you’re sucking on it?” but Stone--gentle, protective, caring and kind. Needs to make sure everything’s okay for Parker before he can continue.

    But then there’s a knock at the cabin door and you’ve left us with a cliffhanger right in the middle of the spicy :) lmao. You’re a dick, and I’m now officially caught up so get ready for me to Bother You Incessantly about updates.

    As always, I love you, and I can’t wait till there’s more <3
    April 14th, 2020 at 08:10am
  • PaigeyPantsFTW

    PaigeyPantsFTW (100)

    United States
    [for chapter 9]

    Hmm it’s also nice to be starting the chapter with Prashant being a little shit and fucking up soccer. Like, with Parker, but Parker isn’t singled out y’know?

    So that’s how we ended up being sprint buddies.

    Camaraderie. Friends. The best of the best. Besties for the resties. Dumbasses who like punishment.

    I like that Parker’s saying through the beginning of this that things are going okay? Which, like, hilarious insight to how that’s gonna change at the end here but like. Parker’s okay! Camp is going okay! He’s still getting benched playing soccer but that’s okay because he still has one-on-one time with Stone! His Boo! It’s such a nice change of pace for the sweet complain-y little boy!

    I’m interested in this Little Tim dude. Like, knowing what Happens aside im. Idk i like hearing about the other teammates? More people than just the red and green team? Not that I necessarily like ~need~ you to tell me everything about every goddamn camp member but like, I really love getting to see more. Even squatty dickish dudes. Who is able to like, actually make Stone work as a goalie. I know i’ve yelled a lot about goalies, even though you haven’t seen the full extent of that rant because it largely centers on hockey goalies, but like Stone? God there’s such a quiet power about him and him being goalie fits his personality so well. It’s truly just so good.

    But, watching Stone actually play goalie against another team was really…interesting. It didn’t compare to our weekend tournament because I had been more focused on my own performance. Watching from the sidelines now I was able to really watch.

    Fucking same Parker!!!! Like. Let me just talk at you for a second about how much I love that Soccer is like...their love language. I know that sounds corny but hear me out. Stone isn’t good at communicating. Parker isn’t good at communicating in the opposite way of stone. But soccer is common ground for them? Sigh i’m not sure i can articulate this very well rn just because brain is vibrating but like...either way i love the sports motif now and I really love what you’re doing with it and how it plays into each of them as characters and people and the story as a whole!!!! Yes this mainly refers to Stone, but like…..still. It’s good shit.

    I also just. With soccer being goalie implies that you’re strong as shit but like….quick as a whip too and I think that’s so interesting??? Obviously soccer players are built extremely different from hockey players because the sports are very different but just the fact that soccer goals are so fucking huge???? It blows my mind. Most of the time hockey goalies in pads are the size of the goals themselves. But with soccer you gotta just….be able to protect the entire goddamn thing, and tolerate getting hit with the ball a lot. Hmm i think there’s some symbolism in that thought we’ll swing back around if I can untangle it

    So Stone and small Tim are Friends??? Stone over here making nice and shaking hands doing that bro thing, which obviously caught Parker’s eye? It’s very cute. I love Stone having friends. And interacting with other people like he isn’t a goddamn mole-person. Parker clearly loves it too cause he was staring hard enough for Cody to notice. Lmao his name is Tom Parker you dumbass.

    God but baby 11 year old Stone at camp? When camp was just getting started? And junior and Stone where best friends? Wow i have some questions about the younger versions of them. Like Stone grew up at this camp and has had a myriad of terrible things happen to him and soccer has been his anchor that whole time? Wow. but wait get this soon…..parker’s gonna be his anchor. How gay is THAT. im jst gonna mention hockey a lot because im sad that check please ended yesterday but there’s a fun parallel that i want to draw here that like, isn’t even in your story i just love the idea of it??? Stone relying on soccer less as his “safe haven” (which it hasn’t been because he has to hide who he is and the Expectations that come of it and etc) but he’s eventually able to rely on Parker in that way? To be there when soccer doesnt go like he wants it to? Wow. that’s so gay im in love

    “He’s not that good,” Britt muttered. “And it wasn’t that many.”

    “Got past you quite a bit.” Cody grinned. Britt threw a water bottle at his face.

    Lmao listen i know we’ve talked about Britt more now so that’s what’s helping, but Britt is starting to grow on me. Esp in this chapter he’s just? Lmao a little pissbaby about soccer and this is a competitive camp where it could actually mean something for them if they do well there. Consider me won over, I was maybe too harsh on him in the past. It isnt his fault I read Just Enough of the of camp boulder and let that color my impressions of him in the now.

    But god Parker looking to Stone when Tom came over to talk to him? Like “daddy save me” and Stone isn’t even paying attention. Was Tom telling Stone that Parker’s dead weight? Is that why Stone got a little bit more hostile towards the end of that conversation that Parker was watching? I definitely noticed Stone got a little colder while he was stretching his arms on the goal post. Then Toms coming over here and actually telling Parker his dribbling’s shit when Parker’s well aware of that. Hmm. I wonder how Stone feels about it.

    “Well, you—” I stuttered while he continued to smile and jog away. “Sound like a…fucking. Shit. He’s gone. He’s—did anyone hear him? Prashant, help me! That short man hurt my feelings!”

    Prashant stretched out his arms and made a big scene of patting me on the head while cooing, “Who’s our special little piss ant? You are…” Motherfucker.

    You had to of known I was going to quote this one. Because this is fucking hilarious, Parker running to Prashant like that’s his saving grace? I wonder if Stone heard it and it made his pants bunch up cause he’s jealous Parker turned to Prashant for comfort? Lmao. Stone honey you have that all backwards. Soon he’ll know. He’ll know Parker’s just like this all the time with everyone? He’s a very cuddly boy and soon he’ll be your cuddly boy. How cute and precious is that going to be! Oo sweet stone baby get ready to have your heart become full

    Alright now that the sappy good shit is done we can get started on this Smack Down

    Like? We know Junior is this way. And that Parker likes picking fights he can’t win. But lol Junior why???? Just leave him alone? He was just trying to do what he could to help is team--which is use his brain. So what if he has a notebook full of notes that will help (maybe) help him with the ball handling on the field? Hop off his dick, Junior!! I know he won’t but like….if i could reach into a story and smack a character on the back of the head…

    Plus you know how much i love that Parker can flex his brain at soccer. It’s his thing and he found a way to make it help the team too? He’s such a good little student and I want him to find that to be a good thing and be a good bean forever. Obviously that’s a little bit of a lot to ask of him he’s just a baby but i believe in him a lot. A whole lot, okay?

    Okay so here’s *MY* damage with sports when one person does a bad Everyone Has Done A Bad mentality---Junior started literally all of this? I guess it’s true that Parker’s supposed to not take the bait but like….Junior came over and started bothering him about taking notes like a “nerd”, junior snatched the notebook from him and started making fun of him! Like Lmfao Junior is being such a child here and I know Parker got in trouble too because that’s how the rules are at camps like this im just. Indignant. Parker saying some mildly offensive shit after Junior came over and started shredding his notebook and being a giant dick. I have a lot of opinions on why provocation shouldn’t be a punishable offense (at least not on the same level as the dickhead who actually CAUSED the disturbance.)

    Then Tom’s over here stepping in? Making me think he’s going to be helpful? Like, lmao, but i was temporarily relieved someone was stepping in. Because like, i mean obviously I was just like “parker don’t parker don’t parker don’t” as the shit with Junior is unfolding, but then someone else stepping in?? Maybe going to help prevent it???

    But then Junior really lets his cards show here because he’s finally mad that Parker bought his way in. Or, has been this frothy raging about it this entire time and there’s not a certain someone here to keep him from digging into Parker? Hmm, I wonder how that person will feel here in a sec.

    I bulldozed onward, “Just do it already. If I have to take anymore shit from some beef-brained dildo, who probably hasn’t passed geometry, and feels threatened by math I’m—"

    Listen Junior had every bit of this coming towards him. It isn’t even that offensive, all things considered. Like. Junior was literally asking for it. Because junior is being a giant baby. I know he has his reasons! But they havent come to light yet and I’m going to take this time to be properly angry on Paker’s behalf because lmao Junior started all of this. And now Junior’s been “provoked” and is beating the shit out of Parker in the floor of the cafeteria and like, Who’s fault is it????? 1000000% Junior Tiddy Baby I Can’t Remember his Last Name Right Now

    Also the fact that tom just bounced once fists started flying like 1. Coward boy 2. I totally get you cause he knows they’re both in so much shit now and like, he has a team to think about? But mainly refer back to 1. Especially since he’s hollering for other people to step in like lmao you little tiddy baby do nut up and do something alright why did you even come over here.

    But also a thought he was around when the camp was young babies knows stone from when they were on the same team, obviously junior was part of that too. Did he come over thinking he could try to mediate?? I mean obviously he did but like. Idk I think I’m trying to get at like, he has a history with Junior too. Does he just Know he doesn’t want to be involved in a fight with Junior? I’m very curious to know what exactly his game plan was there.

    So you know how I keep very gently jerking you off for writing ensemble scenes so well--it’s back because this fight is a thing of beauty. It’s just? Operatic in a way, just because it feels like it’s written in slow motion, people are screaming, Parker’s crying and bleeding everywhere already, someone is singing O Fortuna in the background. It’s very good. But the Great part of this is that it’s Britt that jumped in for Junior? He’s the one wrestling Junior away, and Prashant’s there trying to get Parker back to his feet despite the fact that Parker’s a pissed little spitfuck rn and is probably hard to hold onto. But Britt!! Coming in and trying to break up the worst of it? How soft. Redemption arch activated.

    Lmao but Molly’s just. Fucking screaming. I don’t know why but’s it’s just fucking hilarious. Really adds to the #drama of the entire scene. This scene could be put on a stage exactly like i’ve described and it would receive at least 4 standing o’s. I’m truly living my best life right now, through you, since broadway is closed and i can’t actually see live theatre rn.

    Junior managed to rip Parker’s gums with a punch, Parker’s concussed, Prashant’s just trying to remove him from the scene and is getting covered in blood. Fucking.

    “Parker! Hey! Stop going all limp, you fat shit. Goddammit. Walk straight.” Prashant hauled me out of the cafeteria and leaned me against the cement wall just outside the double doors.

    lol. This is so perfect. Parker’s going to fucking pass out because he doesn’t like blood. Parker’s fucking Out Of It and now the Advisor is here!! Like wow. Shit just got amped up because lmao the fucking Advisor got dragged out of his office and like...someone’s going to get a beat down. Probably junior but SOMEBODY--

    Nothing about it looked sexy like spies in action movies.

    Parker shush you’re concussed

    Oh god but Stone’s arrived with Jenny and ohh. Oh boy he’s bout to get upsetti. Hoo i am living for this entire scene wow have i told you hurt/comfort is my favorite trope? Because it is. God and Stone’s mad and I know he’s mad at Parker, mad at Junior, but god the rage he has to feel towards himself?? Baby honey you aren’t Parker’s keeper. Despite what you think you need to be doing to impress the Advisor.

    “Hey, stop!” Prashant was using his serious voice suddenly. “Don’t go over there dude. We are already in deep shit. Seriously, stop. It’s over. It’s done. I know it’s Parker. I know what you’re feeling right now, but we can’t push our luck.”

    God. I know we’ve discussed the extent to which Prashant knows but like….Prashant knows. And he’s here trying to protect them both and keep Stone from going on a murderous rampage on the behalf of his wounded (soon to be) lover. “I know it’s Parker” like. This gutted me for some reason? Prashant is always over here being a loud dumbass, but here. He cares. He knows. He can help keep this new thing safe until he can taunt you mirthlessly about it. Stone it’s going to be okay. You can’t kill Junior right now. God, and the fact that Stone knows Parker well enough to mention that he hates blood and that’s why he’s losing consciousness and passing out? Truly too much to handle. I love this soft sweet protective baby boy.

    She had seemed kind of irritated through the whole visit, but this was probably because Stone had been the one to get her and I had a feeling he hadn’t used nice words to request her presence.

    I request to know extensive details of how this went down. On a scale of 1-10 how Intense was Stone about the fact that Parker had gotten into a fight and was hurt? From the Moment Molly got him (where was he?) to the moment he showed up and saw bloody parker. I know he gets very inwardly mad at himself and he’s pissed at Parker and Junior but please tell me how deep his worry ran. Because wow.

    God, but now it’s time to go see the advisor.

    God and parker’s back on his bullshit of “fuck you dad I’m gonna get kicked out of here!” like sigh i know how you feel baby boo i do but like. Can you please reign it in. you have friends you’d be letting down. Stone. You have Stone to think about. Honey I know it’s a defense mechanism to act like you didn’t even want to be here in the first place now that you’re (thinking) you’re getting kicked out but like. God. This poor baby. He just got the shit kicked out of him and his first reaction is “well i didn’t want to be here in the first place good riddance fuck dad.” And he’s homesick??? Of course he is but like him admitting it to himself is PAINFUL i’m so sad for this little dude. He immediately just gets so down on himself and I want to wrap him in a little blanket and pet his hair and tell him it’s going to be okay? In fact, so soon it’s going to feel a little bit worth it???

    lol coach jack’s going to fucking bust a vein

    “You’re both suspended,” the Advisor finally announced.

    “Mr. Silva, please,” Stone said.

    “What the fuck, Dad!” Junior cried.

    “Dad?!” I gaped.

    “I agree,” Coach said.

    “Dad?” I turned indignantly to face Junior. That was how long my silence lasted. I couldn’t do it. Couldn’t do that Stone Thing where he just sat there respectfully. “You’re going to lecture me about buy-ins while you sit on a throne of nepotism?”

    Lmao listen I’m sure slapstick wsn’t what you were going for here but this entire exchange is so fucking funny. The back and forth? “DAD”. Stone trying to be respectful and good and everything because he’s a daddy’s boy? Wow. this thing is a work of art. This entire fucking chapter is a work of art it’s a fucking renaissance painting you fuck

    And the Advisor is just over here all? Kicking back like “obviously I’m going to ream both of your asses but wow your dad and I go way back he was a spitfire just like you wow this takes me back”. Wow, can we get some more content with him? He seems like a super chill dude for having created the hotheaded little fuck Junior is.

    “Well, I think I was the one getting dropped,” I muttered.

    “This is ridiculous,” Junior said. “He’s fine.”

    “I am,” I agreed. “You hit like a sock puppet.”

    Can you two PLEASE shut your goddamn mouths. I can just imagine Stone reaching over and very gently crushing both of their windpipes. Parker gets a boner in the office. Everyone is uncomfortable.

    HOO that is a h e f t y punishment. Which is warranted, I guess, but I still stand that Parker didn’t actually do enough wrong to warrant getting punished while his head also got beat in. Prashant has said P L E N T Y worse to nearly everyone on the fucking campus but because Junior doesn’t know how to keep himself in check Parker’s eating shit for it. I am INDIGNANT, ANDY. I AM KAREN.

    Okay but when The Advisor comes in and tells Junior here to grow up and Stone also recoils from the scolding??? Poor baby boy?? He’s done everything he can to prevent this from happening and he failed and now Parker’s hurt and his team is in trouble and Junior’s a fucking PRICK--

    “I’ll sit out too,” Stone said finally.

    “Kiss ass,” Junior whispered.

    “That won’t be necessary,” The Advisor said, he looked very fondly at Stone. “I appreciate you coming here as Parker’s captain. It’s very responsible of you.”

    I literally laughed out loud reading this again like LMAO christ “kiss ass” junior and parker are destined to be brothers here. But, ahem, let me reiterate what I already expressed when we discussed this scene nary a night ago:


    Please. I need to know more about the Advisors role in Stone’s life and in his involvement at the camp. Like. I’m so emo about this. And Stone’s such a fucking martyr like baby honey child why would you sit out too? In what world does that make sense? I know it’s because you failed daddy and you need to punish yourself but how about you just go climb the steepest summit at camp at a dead sprint and call it a day? Honey baby. Oh no. Please someone give him a hug.

    God now Parker has to sit and watch the boys take punishment. Lmao not to get real dark on ya here but literally if I were in this situation I may be driven to just go. Die in the woods somewhere. Absolutely life shattering this all right here. But lord Parker. PARKER. He. His friends. He spent the entire practice agonizing over the fact that all of his friends hate him now. I’m really emotional about that. God. It gets me right in my void chest cavity.

    “If this shit ever happens again…” Coach warned after their final sprint. Alex dropped on the end line and Cody joined him shortly after. “You’re all responsible for each other. Start acting like a team. Look at Parker’s face! Are you guys going to keep jerking off this entire summer or are you going to get serious about winning?”

    But then this little gem happens? The boys are reminded that they’re a team they need to start treating every single person on the team as a teammate - brother? And Parker’s suddenly hit with how genuinely worried everyone had been about him? Prashant screaming for help, Britt jumping in to pull Junior off of him? Im. my small little body can’t take this. And it made Parker CRY. God. That’s so fucking good. I’m gonna cry with ya parks bub.

    And then the boys are all just over here. So happy that Parker called Junior a dildo. They’re making jokes even though they just had to die on the field. Britt’s teasing him about crying and losing his shit and kicking at Junior.

    “No. No, he’s worse than usual,” Alex said. “He’s making that face, like when Coach tells him to speak up, and he goes all constipated looking, and has to use his Big Boy voice.”

    God. They don’t even know exactly why Stone’s so upset and also like lol the fact that he’s making the same face he makes when he has to use his Big Boy Voice? Truly incredible. I love this dumb baby so much.

    But now it’s over and Parker’s doing laundry for everyone to soothe his guilty conscience (remember how I was waxing poetic about how much I love that Parker’s this kind of rich kid? It’s still a fact that I love it so much). Plus, now Parker needs to bug the shit out of Stone so he isn’t being creepy silent angry about all of this.

    Oh holy shit how did i forget about this already

    Lmao Parker thinking they’re actually going to kill him. I mean, he has been lead up to a ledge overlooking a body of water in complete silence. I’d also assume they’re going to kill me. And while Parker’s just, lamenting them getting in more trouble for being out and that his life might be ending on this cliff, Prashant’s just like “strip”

    If that isn’t some shit people don’t want to hear in the middle of the night.

    At least it’s just some light hazing. Gentle hazing. It’s fine.

    “This is stupid,” I balked hard at the whole thing.

    “You’re stupid,” Britt said. “Strip!”

    This is my favorite comeback. Britt’s really growing on me, Andy. and i’m glad it’s because i know more about him now but still I love this. Grumpy big brother britt. But different grumpy from Stone. Dicking grumpy, in with a little seasoning of vocalization. Stone’s fucking trying not to gawk at getting to see Parker’s dick for the first time. He covered very nicely. The other guys are plenty focused on parker being naked (which is also big gay guys!! Sports are so gay!!!!!!!!!) that stone can get away with a little bit of gawking. And then it’s STONE “STOP STALLING” because he’s got a hard dick he needs to go take care of in the privacy of his own bunk before Parker makes it back and he’d really like it if they got the show on the road before the other’s start to notice.

    I felt a second wave of vulnerability hit as his eyes dropped below my waist.

    CENSORED BECAUSE IT HASN’T BEEN MENTIONED IN THIS VERSION YET STONEWALL. Coping a LOOK. So he has some MASTURBATION FODDER when he gets back to his room????? And then Parker has to just go jump in the lake he doesn’t even have time to process it. Truly incredible. I am inspired by brazen Stone.

    Listen, I really love what this hazing did for Parker. Was a nice kick in the ass that was able to catapult him into voicing? His thoughts??? Both to himself and as we’ll see in a moment to stone. He’s fucking high off of freezing lake jump and then run through the forest. He’s got some thoughts to share, and Stone you are going to sit down And Listen.

    Yes, he will still be naked while this is happening, Stone.

    And Parker’s taking responsibility for his actions! He’s taking charge! He is going to do his absolute damndest to make this right for Stone, because he knows what this camp means to him! He’s fucking finally mentally present and here for the team he’s going to stop being a tiddy baby about being forced to be there by his dad and really get his teeth in there and help. And fuck, Parker’s so hot here? Buck naked and just fucking determined to fix his fuck up. I’m so fucking into it. Men? Taking responsibility for their actions and laying out a clear course of action to write their wrongs? My bedroom is upstairs and to the right, thanks.

    And clearly Stone is affected in the same way. Parker you’re so naked and professing this all to Stone. Please. You’re killing the boy. Put him out of his misery and like, get on your knees for him. He’s barely restraining himself. He’s just 1 man, Parker. And you just nutted up in a big way. Please. Just. Let him plow you right now it will be fine.

    Lol anyway hope this makes up for making you share crumbs with me today <3
    April 13th, 2020 at 05:26am
  • animal soup

    animal soup (100)

    United States
    ch. 9

    “Just because I was shit at soccer didn’t make me blind to the people who were extremely talented.”

    HE LOVES HIM SO MUCH oh my lord. Parker definitely acknowledges the talents of his other teammates, but when he talks about stone it just...radiates this different sort of awe and respect. I think that’s why I love their dynamic so much. Their mutual attraction doesn’t simply stem from looks (though they definitely appreciate that aspect of each other) they also admire each other for their other strengths. Look at you getting me all in the feels!

    Also what the fuck is up with this Tim Tom Timmy guy?
    his history with stone is interesting.
    I wonder how the dynamic between stone/junior/TimTom
    Will be like? Like we knew that junior and stone go way back, but now there’s another player. Interestinggggg.


    also I can’t help but feel slightly attacked at your short people references? We can’t all be a fucking sequoia tree Andrew!

    OH NO
    PARKER RUN oh noooooooo

    I literally
    What the fuck
    I hate junior so much oh my god
    Like get the fuck over yourself you giant caveman asshole
    Oh my god stone is going to FLIP
    someone touched the precious Parker and they gonna die
    Oh my god that was fucking BRUTAL
    my heart was beating so fukcing fast
    I have no idea how you do it!
    I can’t write a fight scene to save my life, and yours was so good! All of your action and descriptive writing is suoer fucking good though.
    It was SO GOOD

    maybe that’s a part of the huge fucking chip he has on his beefy shoulders?
    My heart is in such TURMOIL right now oh my god
    I’m pretty sure some shit about stone is going to come out (haha) during world detail with junior, like this can’t be good at all. But maybe they will become friends and everything will be sunshine and rainbows? Hahaha I kid I kid

    Oh my god STRIP AND DIP
    oh my god poor stone trying to keep his shit together in the face of a very naked very wet Parker yet failing horribly is my LIFE I live for this shit YES
    Oh my god the awkward attraction grumbling I literally can’t deal with it

    April 12th, 2020 at 10:38pm
  • PaigeyPantsFTW

    PaigeyPantsFTW (100)

    United States
    [for chapter 8]

    There just really is something nice about starting a chapter off with booty shorts.

    Parker’s over here? Both happy that he was included and worried about getting in trouble as well as fighting his requirement of being there still?? Lord. he’s truly just a little bean who needs to Fight The Man (ie: his dad) at all possible turns, and he’s just truly. So silly. I can’t wait until he stops fighting being at camp and just enjoys his time with his friends (and stone). And now there are dicks on display everywhere and it’s? Truly a wonderful moment.

    And Prashant is totally into it, he’s kidding but he isn’t and like. Prashant buddy can we explore your sexuality a bit? I’m only intrigued. Who’s the lucky person who pins Prashant down? Does anyone? Is he a wild butterfly until he dies? Inquiring minds would like an answer, Andrew. Plus with the ribbing from the guys about Prashant and who he may or may not want to sleep with--paired with Parker’s own relationship to that in the past?? I know he didn’t really like #analyze those quips but like I feels like it’s good for him to have the guys ribbing Prashant for “being gay”, and Prashant just brush it off? Idk, maybe I’m very mama bear about Parker and his little life coming of age understanding who he is kind of deal, but like hoooooooooo do i have feelings about it.

    Lmao Parker being...affronted that Molly is being all cutesy with Junior here? Like he’s personally offended that Molly isn’t hounding him for Stone’s attention anymore. Parker. I mean i know he’s slowly getting there but like lmao he’s just. So into Stone. He...knows that but he doesn’t know to what extent he knows it??? Lord it’s gonna be so soft and also rocky and i am READY FOR THE RIDE.

    “Wait are you allowed to call your dick beef if you’re Indian?”

    Prashant paused for a moment in all his rage and stared blankly at me. His mouth did this weird little thing where it opened and closed but no words came out. “What?” he finally said.

    “You said, and I quote, ‘this is prime rib Grade A beef moo moo, bitch suck it’. So, I was just wondering if you can even do that. Aren’t cows sacred animals in India?” I asked. “Seems kinda sacrilegious.”

    Chaotic. The two of them. Parker and Prashant wreaking havoc on the world, much to Stone’s chagrin. And the delight of all your lovely readers. And like, christ, you know this little exchange is funny as shit right? Grade a beef moo moo lmaooooooooooooo gonna start peppering that into my vocabulary. Parker even got Stone to laugh. This is a fucking GEM. Christ. Left Prashant speechless and all like godddddd that is the….best fuckin thing lmao

    “That’s cool. I guess. Anyway, back to Prashant’s blatant hypocrisy. I say we hang him by his toes for disrespecting cows. And Finn’s mom.”

    Finn agreed with a cheer. Prashant clawed at him from across the table like a wild racoon.

    Nice little segway from having produced a New Fact about Stone that you can love on, bud. Direct it all back at Prashant. So I can have more hilarious one-liners. It’s just so easy to pick at Prashant???? And parker doesn’t have to big boy deal with his crush yet? I love avoiding crushes!!!!

    Okay so also the fact that this prank, the shrinking and the bleaching, the red team literally has to endure it???? Otherwise they don’t get any points???? Fuckin evil genius right there, all of it. Then they really just get to reap the benefits of dicks and balls everywhere like who whoda thought?? This would be the prank that keeps on giving???? I’m truly in love with it, and in awe in the same way parker is. Truly magnificent. + the added bonus that Junior might murder one of them at any given moment?? That really just...adds to the fun.

    Hoo but alright Stone forcing Parker to practice, because he’s still really not great at soccer. Even though Parker’s trying to wiggle out of it, because he doesn’t know what to do with his hands that are full of feelings for Stone. But we know how Stone feels about it!!! Boy is looking forward to having personal one-on-one time with Parker. And to get to play soccer at him. Make Parker a better soccer player. Which, has gotta be his biggest wet dream right? “Cute small boy he wants to dick down. Gets to Teach him soccer as a way to express his feelings. Big nut.” - Stone’s inner monologue, probably.

    Then Parker’s running these drills and still checking out Stone’s Hot Bod like lmao Parker, hon, you need to focus? Even though he’s also caught up in Stone Smelling Good like lmao he’s such a hilarious little disaster gay. He literally just keeps tripping but it’s because he’s distracted and lORD i know the kisses are coming but this boy needs to let some steam off. Let him go get lost in the woods a tiny bit so he can jerk it in peace and then be a tiny bit more level headed. Even though he literally won’t it will just open the floodgates Parker’s a fucking mess

    Stone’s still doing his fucking best to teach this little disasterous fuck. And like, Parker made a comment that he was looking at Parker like he was looking at Natalie last chapter and like…..parker do you Realize Stone is actually helping you? I know you don’t know how very uninvested Stone was in helping Natalie, but like...he’s over here giving you actual tips that can actually help.

    “Yeah but then someone will steal it,” I said. “Also, that was such a long sentence. I’m so proud of you.”

    At least Parker’s here enough to tease, lmao. Though it’s also his defense mechanism. Hoo I have so much I could say about Parker so I’m just gonna go back to reading this gay ass coaching session and be back in a sec

    Ooooo but okay like, Parker overreacting? P much all throughout practice? And when Stone finally gives up and just grabs him and forces him to stand where he’s supposed to stand? That “look of awe” that Parker saw, I’m thinking it was Stone being worried he might have crossed a line? Mainly because little bub was worrying in the last chapter he had showed his (gay) hand and it was freaking Parker out, and now here Parker is, convulsing bevause he doesn’t want to be touched???? Is that me reading that interaction correctly because ooooo my lil boy. My heart. Parker just kiss him.

    The other part of me was growing exceedingly fond of hearing his exasperated sighs and irritated tone whenever he said my name. I really only have one comment for this really great and Telling line: daddy mode activated

    If I had thought his scolding was an uplifting experience, I couldn’t even begin to describe what that head nod did. praise kink daddy mode put into hyperdrive

    Heh it’s challenge time again.

    And a challenge parker’s gonna not be great at.


    Lol stone has the biceps of a gorilla. I sure. Can’t wait to see what all he could use that toward. And okay before I move too far away from this thought, Stone being soft looking and listening to Parker while they’re alone? Like wow Parker noticed Stone being softer and kinder to him? Enough to realize the abrupt change when the rest of the team showed up. Which like, oo I am excited for the ouchies there but also like Stone honey is trying to be so careful is he not tired? Does he need a hug?

    We can focus on ensuring Stone gets the hugs he deserves (ohhh soft Stone getting back from camp and getting big hugs from Minnie and Lindsey? wow) because big brute man strength challenge has started.

    Lord. Again. How can you make these scenes so interesting? They’re pulling a fucking rope. But my arms are tense, I’m sweating, I can feel the rope burning in my hands. You’re so good at this? Shit that imo wouldn’t typically be all that riveting just are and it’s like I’m THERE watching and hollering. I’m just always impressed with your writing and i adore you? So much.

    “Fuck!” I gasped. I regained control just in time for Finn to kick me in the back of the knee.

    Lmao listen Finn, hear me out, but during tug of war, you should maybe not be kicking your teammates in the back of the knee. Just a suggestion. Do with it what you will. Ohh but then the dig that Molly’s his girlfriend, and Parker’s weirdly defensive about it?? And momentarily distracted thinking about what it might mean for his teammates to think he’s with Molly??? I think this is a really interesting little blurb just because for a split second I can see? A little more of Parker re-thinking himself going on. And the way he responds to that with his teammates. Very interesting introspective episode during tug of war, yes, I like it a lot (as always). And Prashant gets in on it? They’re just fucking teasing him until Cody has to tell them to shut the fuck up lmao. Like they forgot what they were doing. AND Parker doesn’t want them disrespecting Molly while they’re making fun of him? What a good boy.

    But listen they’re able to win the shit and but Prashant is still….adamant about Bothering Parker about this thing and just lmao

    So like the competition is still a go and Prashant is getting to be a little shit and just? Again, this is so interesting and lmao the field is getting torn up and Prashant is going for this giant dude on the yellow team i guess and just. It’s truly great i just really love all these different dynamics popping up.

    But now it’s time for the red team to come in and exact revenge lmao. I think deep down we knew this was going to happen like they can’t get away with that prank and also win the challenge. Junior is still who he is.

    Plus he’s pulled this behemoth out of his ass for the express reason of kicking their asses. Junior is such a vindictive little tiddy baby I can’t wait until someone puts him in his place for good :’)

    Gideon probably spoke in small sentences like Stone. Gideon want food. Gideon smash when angry. Gideon eat pipsqueak Parker. lmaoooooo parker’s honestly killing me this chapter?? He’s got such a smart mouth he just lives like this. It’s no wonder he’s constantly trying to fight everything around him, his inner monologue is just. Constantly encouraging it.

    Ooooo oh no the poison oak is still being hurty. Stone’s hands can’t heal. And now they’re getting all ripped up again. Is he okay??? He needs his hands, Andy. but lord the man really can’t feel pain when he doesn’t want to. The focus this man has. I know it’s so easy to slip into an innuendo when I mention shit like that but hear me out: Stone has this kind of focus with all the shit that matters to him. And soon Parker’s going to get to experience that?? And like lord is that boy not going to know how to handle that kind of attention, but at the same time it’s what he needs????? Lord it’s going to be so good as soon as he lets himself have it, and also as soon as Stone lets himself feel HIS feelings fully.

    And PARKER RIPPED UP HIS JERSEY SO STONE COULD SAVE HIS HANDS. HE?? God Stone’s definitely losing his shit here like, Parker just did such a nice thing for him???????? Stone doesn’t know how to process that any better than Parker would know how to process it, yet here Parker is?? Handing out the simple acts of kindness????? CHRIST that tiny little action has me beside myself. Then everyone else Clearly Saw That. Prashant “I’m not eye fucking my roommate” can u chill bro you’re fucking with a precarious ecosystem. Let them become a stable ecosystem before teasing them. Like. Ooo this is so good because the team sees it Stone saw it Parker’s sort of getting with the picture and I’m….losing my goddamn mind.

    I love that Parker can still contribute to the challenge with his little nerd brain? Especially since that’s literally all he’s got lmao. And listen it’s a solid, great idea, but like… team has this in the bag hon. Such a great idea to have everyone suddenly sit down at once (that sounds like I’m being sarcastic but I definitely am not) but I thin it just really speaks to the fact that Gideon is stronger than God himself and is able to just….drag an entire team of virtual dead weight and that’s terrifying. Thank you for keeping him in the kitchens otherwise, could you imagine if he was one of Junior’s regular goons? Gross.

    “The difference is,” Prashant said, “I make this crop top work. I’ve been considering doing some artistic manscaping anyway and now would be the perfect time to show it off. I’m thinking maybe a big arrow pointing you in the direction of where you can suck my dick—”

    Junior moved forward as if to throttle Prashant. He got close. Dangerously close.

    At the same time my arm moved reflexively and struck Junior with a thick scoop of mud. I hardly realized that I’d even done the deed before Junior was on top of me and I was cackling hysterically because he couldn’t get a hold on me. The mud was greasing me up like a rodeo pig and I slipped away from him easily. By the time Junior had gotten to his feet Stone was standing in front of him.

    I know this is an obscenely long quote and in other instances would dock me points--but hey guess what there aren’t points here only me blabbing SO Listen. This is so fucking funny. “Greasing me up like a rodeo pig” andy what the fuck. This is so GODDAMN funny. And GAY. Molly saved the day to keep Parker from getting murdered and Prashant’s back on his bullshit. But stone is also ???? about it now too??? How interesting.

    Now we’re at dinner and they’re really laying it on thick that Parker “has mad game”. Listen guys. Parker is nice to the women. And doesn’t treat them as fuckable toys. Because Parker is KIND. even tho oooo he wants to ride Stone’s dick so hard guys. So hard. If y’all only knew (but not in a sad outed-before-they-were-ready way).

    LMAO THE TEAM HAD A BET GOING ON WHETHER OR NOT PARKER WAS A VIRGIN this little baby. Oh goodness. I know he isnt but it’s like those times didn’t count and andyyyyyyyyyyy stone is listening to this and cataloguing his reactions and he is Taking Notes

    Ooo cute and Parker has his phone back. Ngl i literally forgot this happened so in the newest update I was just like “lmao when tf” which I’m 90% sure is cause I read this one at 3am after taking the sleeping pills BUT I still want more info on Carlie. Is Carlie short for something? Caroline still? And they cuddle like lord Parker is the best Platonic Cuddles but also sigh parker baby honey sweetie pie im just gonna. Smush your face with Stone’s.

    Love you
    April 11th, 2020 at 03:19am