We've Got a Big Mess On Our Hands - Comments

  • SORRY i haven't been commenting!!!!!
    i was banned from the internet while i was forced to go on our "family" vacation
    so i had no mibba for a week :O
    i can't believe how much i missed
    August 31st, 2010 at 03:04pm
  • you are so frickin mean! how could you do that to us!?
    and you know, i don't think i've ever read a guy/girl story. so it was pretty interesting to read victoria/sisky. they'd make a very cute couple!
    also, very sad that the story's gonna end soon. but all good things must come to an end. i'll check out your new story once you've got that up!
    update soon!
    August 30th, 2010 at 10:53am
  • You're mean!
    BUT! I will give you as many cupcakes and faeries as you want if you update TOMORROW!
    And yes, what's not to love about her? She's the cutest little kid EVER!
    August 30th, 2010 at 05:10am
  • Sisky is so sweet and innocent! I've never thought about a Sisky/Vicky T pairing.
    And it's funny that Gabe gets overprotective around guys-all things considered. Lol.
    August 30th, 2010 at 04:52am
  • ....
    That was mean. D:<

    Awhhhh, Siskyyyy :3
    He's so adorable. xD
    Vicky's so lucky. :D
    August 30th, 2010 at 01:06am
  • AHHH!!! that was mean!!!!! I thought for sure that everything would just be happyness and then no!!
    but that was just too cute!!!!!!! ^-^!! AWWWWWWWW!!! Sisky is just adorable!!!!!!!!!! Vicky. AWWW!!! ADORABLE!!!!!!! I'm glad that they're happy.
    Happiness in the next chapter perhaps!!! or William... crying more... and more... ='[
    oh well. 5 chapers where there shall be happiness somewhere. i'm good.

    hehehe. :$ oops. I just... really like this story and they're just so freakin adorable and.. it happens.... especially when i like things a lot... whoops....
    AHHH!!!!!! the agony of waiting!!!!!!! DX!!!!!!!! oh well. it happens. YAY!! ending happyness??!!!! XD!!!
    August 30th, 2010 at 12:45am
  • Yayy for long chapters!!!...... But is there some sweet make up sex?? Or love making?
    August 30th, 2010 at 12:08am
  • He really is.
    Yesss, he came outta the tour bus:D
    Uber excitement.
    August 29th, 2010 at 05:10pm
  • Seriously.... Stop making them so short! It's driving me crazy.....
    August 29th, 2010 at 03:44pm
  • O_O
    Okey okey!
    I'm commenting!
    Umm... I love the story! :D
    I can't picture Gabe crying XD I just.. Can't x3
    Umm... There's a reason why I don't comment... This doesn't give any sense xD
    Ohhh! I have cookies! Do you want them? Too bad!
    Bleeh.. Okey.. You might get some if you update fast.. -.-'
    But until then.. MY COOKIES!
    August 29th, 2010 at 01:10pm
  • AHHH!!!!!! YAY!!!!!! rational thinking!!!! It's such a breath of fresh air!!!!!!! yay!! awwww love letter!! that's just adorable!!!! ^-^!!! that's a really good idea. I hope that they brought enough paper because that's just too cute.
    hmmmm.... ideas..... i think that Gabe is going to finish the letter and then be all nervous and people are going to have to tear him away just to get him to stop freaking out and make him stop adding things because damn i sure would, and then william is going to get the letter and stare at it for a while because he's going to be all nervous and then something, i don't know what, likely curosity, will get the better of him and he'll read it and cry and it will be beautiful and wonderful because he will forgive Gabe, but WAIT!!! I'm not done!!! Because then William is then going to go and talk to Gabe, but he'll get cold feet and start to walk away but then he'll suddenly see Gabe talking to the press and it will be about his being gay and that he loves William and then the press with swarm him and he'll just be shocked and people will have to drag him out but then it will be Gabe, but he won't know that and will have his eyes closed just glad that he's getting out of there but then they'll make it to a dark corner and Gabe will propose and it will be happy merriful and joyous!!! and then William will pull him up and kiss the shit out of him and then smile and be still speechless and everything will be happy!!!!!! YAY!!!
    ... okay
    that's my guess...
    perhaps i got a bit carried away...
    oh well. XD!!!

    Awww. Sisky!!! DX!! make him happy too!!! OOOO!!! I GOT IT!!!! in all the confusion Sisky could just get way over excited and then kiss Vicky and then they can be happyful too!!!!!!!!!! XD!!!!

    awwww!! yay!!!! XD!!!!
    haha. thank you! i love it. it's really hard though because most people can't pronounce it right. my mom just about screamed at the person announcing names at graduation... that would have gone over so well... yeah.
    anyway, this is getting long. hope that i have something right!! XD!! yay!!! XD!!!!
    August 29th, 2010 at 08:35am
  • Dude. This is really good. I think it's sweet that Gabe was going to propose to Will.
    August 29th, 2010 at 07:50am
  • OhmyOhmyOhmyGOD

    This .
    I , IN MY 13 YEARS,

    If you don't update right now , I'll kick a puppy.
    >:D And I love puppies ):
    Don't make me do it! D:
    August 29th, 2010 at 04:48am
  • Hahahha true. Yay he isn't being a mopey weiner!
    August 29th, 2010 at 03:59am
  • Update soon! (soon as in right now or I may die of withdrawls or something drastic.)
    August 29th, 2010 at 02:38am
  • Yay! Aha yay for interventions and letters :D sooo, I think Genny should be the one to give William the letter. Y'know, to be just a tad bit inconspicuous. The envelope could say Daddy in her handwritting, she gives it to Bilvy and then runs away. He opens it and BAM its from Gabe. Yeahhhh
    August 29th, 2010 at 02:36am
  • wow, vicky is very bossy! (i love it)
    they have to get back together! or else i wil DIE. do you want that? do ya?
    i will die even more if you do not update asap.
    and no, i am not being a drama queen. much.
    August 28th, 2010 at 11:29pm
  • LAME.
    August 28th, 2010 at 10:25pm
  • I always do,
    Awwe, Sisky was cutee saying that to Vicky :D
    August 28th, 2010 at 07:10am
  • Hell yes! 200th commenter right here! -points to self- Ahem.... Sooo, update soon yeah? 'Cuz I can't wait to find out what they're planning
    August 27th, 2010 at 03:28am