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  • cmelam

    cmelam (100)

    United States
    AHHHHH come on! James still hasn't told the truth! And now you left it on a cliffhanger?! Not fair. I like Sophia. She is handling this well even though she could be freaking out. That was adorable when Craig imagined Will was there. Craig has really grown up, and James seems very small and childlike to me, now at least.
    March 7th, 2011 at 03:41am
  • understand

    understand (100)

    United States
    ap exams.
    that's what i should be doing right now
    studying, that is.
    and i'm delighted to hear of a sequel
    and i'm a sucker for happy endings
    so that's what i'm praying for
    March 7th, 2011 at 03:32am
  • PaigeyPantsFTW

    PaigeyPantsFTW (100)

    United States
    I loved this.
    And my fucking computer is being a dirty terrorist,
    So I'm going to do this from my phone and I apologize for
    Any bouts of autocorrecting making me sound like an illiterate
    Dumbass. :3

    Kay. Uh. Holy shit.
    I seriously loved this.
    I mean, there's this ache in my heart right now
    Because Will was gone. I knew it was going to
    Happen, and I knew he wasn't going to be there
    But it was just..fuuuck me, it made me so sad!
    And it's not even that Craig can't stand on his own.
    Because, obviously, he can. But just that even though
    We knew he could stand alone it's weird for the
    Safety net to be gone. Especially after all the craziness
    That's been happening with the family lately.

    FINALLY. James is gonna grow a pair of goddamn
    Balls and lay everything out. I'm really excited to see how everything
    Goes, because I really want that stupid feeling in my gut
    To go away. Jesus, I feel like James is gonna pussy out
    Of life every time Craig leaves him alone in a room,
    And now that Will's gone I'm just like, freaking out about
    Giving Craig too much stress :x
    And, c'mon, death of father is a reasonable reason
    To come home in pieces. Please don't send my baby broken
    Pieces of his baby, Lydia! I'll cry on you!

    I'm really looking forward to more.
    Please bring Will back soon ): I'm going to have to
    Go re-read this because I miss him a lot.
    o and thnx fr nt kllng Craig :3
    March 7th, 2011 at 01:21am
  • crescendo.

    crescendo. (100)

    United States
    I love reading this story so much. Every time I read it it makes me feel so into the story, like its playing before my eyes. I love the way Craig and Will treat each other, and the way his relationship is between him and his dad. I love it :)
    March 7th, 2011 at 01:06am
  • Slash-a-holic

    Slash-a-holic (100)

    United States
    Craig is so good to Will. and vise versa! they are so sweet, and i hope that Craigs dad gets what he deserves! he such a dick. :p
    Amazing as always, and i can't wait for the next one!
    February 21st, 2011 at 08:06am
  • sparkstoash

    sparkstoash (100)

    United States
    Helllooooo!!! I'm back! Sorry I haven't been commenting, my computer crashed. But whaaa??? Will"s leaving? That kind of makes me sad, I like him, his attitude especially. But when I think about it, it might make Bert a bit more happy, but he's still exposed to Craig. So would it really even help that much? Ugh! James is such a... I don't even know! He makes me want to fucking vomit! Grrr... Okay, I have to go sell Girl Scout cookies now.
    February 20th, 2011 at 09:31pm
  • cmelam

    cmelam (100)

    United States
    Oooohhhh finally James told her...I wanna know what's gonna happen with the family drama. I bet there is going to be a killer argument scene. William is so adorable and so good to Craig. I gigglebarfed when they touched foreheads, that's just too cute. And kudos to Craig for bulking up. Good job Rick! Oh and I laughe when Craig said his dad would try a flyin leap on the highway-couldn't helped it. Hahah
    February 20th, 2011 at 08:24pm
  • PaigeyPantsFTW

    PaigeyPantsFTW (100)

    United States
    ^ fuck doing the fucking code wrong. -.-
    February 20th, 2011 at 05:42pm
  • PaigeyPantsFTW

    PaigeyPantsFTW (100)

    United States
    Why is Craig so amazing?
    He's like, a mother's dream child.
    I'm really glad he didn't just let James
    off. Even though it brought his mother to
    shambles, but shit. It would of been worse
    if James had gotten away with it. Then he
    probably wouldn't of gotten the help he
    needed and it'd only be a matter of
    time before he's back on the fucking
    roof. -.- Dirty little prick. Make him
    better so I can hate him less?
    I still have pent up resentment
    for the making-Craig-feel-like-shit

    OH NO.
    ): Craaaaigg, why'd you send Will away?
    I know why but just... fuck me.
    That can't be good. Will was like, Craig's only
    positive emotional support the entire time they were
    at the hospital. And Bert hasn't even showed up yet to
    wreak proper havoc on the situation, so who knows how
    that's gonna play out. ): I'm really weary about
    William leaving Craig like that. I know Craig did it
    because he can't stand Will to be around everything
    and be hurt because it hurts him, but just imagine
    how awful he'll be if and when he comes home and
    Bert actually threw a god forsaken homophobic
    rage filled fit, and threw him out of the house or
    disowned him or something. Just, shit. Craig would
    be so defeated if that happened. Granted, I know it
    hasn't happened yet, and there is always the possibility
    that he'll be a lot more understanding. Hell, maybe he'll
    sober up if/when he finds out what happened to his other
    son. (Hey, maybe Craig can use his newly found powers and
    force his dad to talk! :D)

    But, fuck, I wish Will had fought harder. Not that I think he
    was wrong in respecting Craig's wishes, no no no, that's not
    it at all. I just have this nasty sinking feeling about him leaving,
    and I just really want him to be there when Craig's world implodes.
    But, as always, that scene when Craig was telling Will to leave
    was adorrrable. ): Why're they so cute even when they're saying goodbye?

    This broke my heart:
    "William tugged Craig closer, gripping and pulling him by the hair on the back of his head as he leaned down a bit to press their foreheads together. They kept eye contact, and at some point they’d have been giggling about being cross-eyed, but for now they stayed sober, connected. “I don’t want them to break you,” he whispered back. “I need you to come back to me…all in one piece, okay?”

    I love the relationship you've built between the two of them.
    I'm sure I'm not alone when I say I adore fluffy shit.
    That's probably mostly because I crave a relationship like that.
    Just pure, unreserved love for one another. They'd do anything
    for each other. I love it.

    So please, please bring Craig back to Will all in one piece.
    We don't need James to rub off on him. :/
    Even though Craig is twice the man James could ever hope to be.

    :D Awh, hell yes we have great conversations. ;)
    And sorry my stalking capabilities weren't up to par
    and I didn't comment last night. ): I did read it then though!
    But I kept telling myself "When this movie's over."
    but movie was like..three hours long (wtf) and I was like, half
    asleep when it was finally over at like, TWO.
    Haha, so there's my pathetic excuse, and here's my love all
    written out for you. :D I can't wait until there's more, really.
    Love youuuuuuuuuuuu. <3
    February 20th, 2011 at 05:41pm
  • Alex Gaskarth

    Alex Gaskarth (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Why is Will such an amazing boyfriend? I want him! :(
    I don't want to see him leave Craig behind though, I feel so sorry for them both. I wish I could write stories like this, it's just amazing in every way.
    February 20th, 2011 at 12:51pm
  • herpy berpy.

    herpy berpy. (170)

    New Zealand
    Wow! Just wow!
    Oh, man. This is such a freaking amazing story...
    I love how well-developed these characters are. I, personally, feel as though I'm getting just a little bit of insight into their lives. Like just a tiny bit, and that's an amazing, profound thing. And the story isn't constantly fluffy, like so many are - even though, yeah, that's not always necessarily a bad thing exactly, it's just nice to see one that isn't all fluffy. One that has mature, serious plot with the occasional dollop of fluff. So yeah, another thing I like about this story.
    February 20th, 2011 at 09:29am
  • understand

    understand (100)

    United States
    i'm so sleepy
    it's past one at the moment
    and i was going to go to sleep
    but i couldn't just ignore this update
    and i'm glad i didn't
    February 20th, 2011 at 07:13am
  • Pertisimo

    Pertisimo (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Just discovered this, and wow!
    I love how Will is such a good boyfriend to Craig, he really needs him though all this shit he's going through!
    And though James is a complete arse, I feel kinda bad for him for all the shit he's going through too...overall, really great storyline you've got going on here, really interesting!
    Look forward to the next update :)
    February 6th, 2011 at 07:31pm
  • Alex Gaskarth

    Alex Gaskarth (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    That baby thing was so cute. This whole chapter was just cute. I love Craig and Will together so much <3
    February 5th, 2011 at 01:52pm
  • Slash-a-holic

    Slash-a-holic (100)

    United States
    i love babies! I cant wait until they get one, cuz they deserve a kid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Craigs dad is an ass, and i really dont like him!
    February 5th, 2011 at 08:29am
  • ZombieChild

    ZombieChild (100)

    gotta say, I think I like Will the best.
    He's just soo.....cute?
    IDK what it is but I like it :)
    February 5th, 2011 at 05:24am
  • PaigeyPantsFTW

    PaigeyPantsFTW (100)

    United States
    It's gone now, and I didn't get to play in it long because my hands were like...so fucking cold, but IT HAPPENED.
    Anyway, I love this.
    So so so so, much.
    I'm pretty sure I already said this, but I LOVE how you've written Will and Craig.
    One second Will's being Super Boyfriend and being like, the most adorable comforting shit ever,
    and then he's cooing over babies in the nursery and him and Craig are just being adorable and wanting kids. (Seriously, I think I'd die if and when they get a kid. They'd be the BEST. DADS. EVER.)
    And then Craig's thinking again and he's having another panic attack and Will's immediately back into Super Boyfriend mode, and I could of just died this was so cute.

    James. God, what the fuck is his problem?
    Sophia deserves better than that. I'm really glad Craig isn't going to let him off the hook, especially since it's killing him on the inside. ): He doesn't need anymore stress. I think he might crack.
    I understand that he's all fucked and stuff, but he completely shut his family out.
    And treated Craig like SHIT. askldjf;lkajwekm/. James needs a good slap. Good thing Craig provided a BEATING.

    Bert... God, I really want him to not flip shit. Or at least the shit that has already been flipped be the end of his shit flipping. ): Criag loved him!

    Also, it was funny as fuck when Criag stumbled a bit at tbe beginning. I hate it when that happens, just the "Yes, I'm a bad ass, I'm in power. FUCK I TRIPPED. POWER STATUS EVOKED." (:

    Uh, I loved this. I love you!
    More soon. (:
    February 5th, 2011 at 04:45am
  • herpy berpy.

    herpy berpy. (170)

    New Zealand
    Aw! Yay!
    A sweet yet savory chapter! I really liked how in one paragraph, there was a really 'aww' tastic thing and then in another, there was a scene where you just wanted to scold somebody. And towards the end, when Craig was telling his father to tell his mother everything, there was both. I personally, wanted to scold James and hug Craig.
    February 5th, 2011 at 03:33am
  • cmelam

    cmelam (100)

    United States
    AWWW *gigglebarf* They are so cute together! I'm glad Craig is still being strong with his father-and he's taking care of his mama. I love how cute they are }:B
    February 5th, 2011 at 02:52am
  • understand

    understand (100)

    United States
    this has been quite a lot of snow this year
    i've had seven snowdays in the past two and a half weeks
    usually we get three a winter
    when the ice storm hit early this week we broke both of our shovels trying to break through the ice
    i have not been stranded in my house for four days though
    i think i'd go crazy
    i used to like Craig's dad
    well, i still do
    but not as much
    February 5th, 2011 at 02:50am