Morning Sun - Comments

  • I hate finding stories about people that I like, that are very promising, that just stop >:(
    You should work on this(:
    January 23rd, 2011 at 05:01am
  • I hate finding stories about people that I like, that are very promising, that just stop >:(
    You should work on this(:
    January 23rd, 2011 at 05:01am
  • I really like the concept of this story. Telling their love story from how other people see it, it's not something I've ever seen done before, but I'm really excited for it. Plus it's got the Red Wings! Sounds like a winning combination to me.
    June 15th, 2010 at 05:39am
  • Ah, married and pregnant....I like it already =]

    "Why can't this thing just come out already?" Haha. Funny thing is, I WOULD say something like this =]

    knew she was angry when she used my full name instead of simply calling me Val like she normally did. He's lucky I didn't pull out the middle names to go with the full name ;)

    And, very mom calls me the Queen of Sarcasm =]

    Fabio and Filppula fighting (I'm assuming Filppula would fight back if Fabio tried to kill him, haha)...they need to tell me ahead of time so I can bring some mud for them to wrestle in ;)

    "We don't dance," Jimmy said seriously. "Or sing," Justin added. They need to. That has the potential to be just as amazing as Versteeg.

    How in the hell do we not remember the first time we met?? Haha.

    She’s pretty much the epitome of amazing...Aw thanks! You too! Remember, the Keith to your Seabrook ;)

    And, I like that each chapter will be a different viewpoint. Now that you said that, the summary makes more sense.
    June 15th, 2010 at 03:18am
  • *Squeals* I'm so excited for this!!!!!!!!!!! =]
    June 8th, 2010 at 04:47am