Dandelions - Comments

  • girl, you are such a fantastic writer, it seriously amazes me. thank you so much for putting such an amazing effort into our contest, baby <3 i absolutely loved how this flowed and some of the choices of comparisons that you used. you kept the story-line consistent and i fell in love with both jarome and elise and i was squirming around as i read this. don't ever underestimate yourself, because this was so fucking good, baby-doll! keep writing 'cause this website needs talent like you!
    July 21st, 2010 at 05:30am
  • Alright, so I lost some points by not realizing you posted this until about a week or two later. But I've read it now and I must say, probably one of my favorite one shots in the whole world. It's at the top of that list which doesn't really have many.. Actually.. It's like the only one on my list (feel special). I thought you did a really good job coming up with the storyline. The beginning was really cute and what you did with the ending was too amazing. I fell in love with Jarome and Elise right away. I'm glad it was a happy ending. Oh, and the way you described everything and the way you happened to write everything out worked perfectly. Hm.. What's the highest thumbs up a person can give when rating something? I'm going to assume it's four. So I give you four thumbs up!
    July 19th, 2010 at 12:59am
  • First of all, thank you again for joining our contest and thank you for posting your entry well before the deadline! I loved the theme of dandelions and how much they meant to Elise and how Jarome remembered that, even all those years later. I'm a sucker for a sweet, romantic story and you made it cute, adorable, and sweet without it being corny or cheesy. I love their relationship and how much they bicker; it's hilarious. There were a lot of lines that made me laugh and the overall emotion of the whole thing made me smile so big. I love how you wrote Jarome: a little silly, incredibly sweet, and totally real. Such a good one shot and even though it was over 6000 words, it flowed so easily and left me wanting more! Great job!
    July 8th, 2010 at 08:23pm