Sincerely, Selphie - Comments

  • Siriano;

    Siriano; (100)

    United States
    I just realized that you have no comments on this, not even from me. D:
    Now I feel bad....

    This is so much more heartfelt than mine. I'm not sure how much it actually sounds like Selphie, but it does sound like you.

    I like that you put Kairi is parentheses, like Sora was the last time, and that she's still as clueless as ever.

    "This was what countless sleepovers, secret glances, phone conversations, and closetted masturbation was boiling down to."
    Oh my god, I didn't remember that part. XD That's funny, but also not. It's kind of like it's not funny because you can just tell that she does.

    Overall, very cute. :)
    September 19th, 2010 at 03:05am