Twice the Speed of Sound - Comments

  • BMWbuttercup

    BMWbuttercup (100)

    United States
    This story was awesome! The way you bulit up Kane was amazing. You could really sense the character in your writing. Even the little things made your story just great to read. The only thing I would say is you had some misspelled words. other than that it was just simply awesome! Nice work :)
    June 12th, 2010 at 08:55pm
  • SilentWolf

    SilentWolf (100)

    I really loved this. I felt as if Patrick Kane had written this himself. It was amazing. I haven't read a one-shot like this before and I couldn't turn away. I had to keep reading once I'd read the first sentence. I was just so focused on the story and everything around me had faded and didn't matter anymore.

    June 11th, 2010 at 03:09am
  • XSoulXLoverX

    XSoulXLoverX (350)

    Well there's quite a bit to say about this story.

    Technically speaking there were a few let downs. The usage of the ... was just a little too excessive in my opinion. I thought that there were points where the ... was taking away from the quality of writing. A few spots where I felt as though there was maybe a comma missing and there was a few misspelled words. Next time just double check it before you post it.

    On the flip side, the creative was nearly genius. This was so different. A good kind of different at that too. I wasn't expecting a story like this at all actually. First off I liked the style and format on the story. It was all monologue and no dialogue which was a nice change. I wasn't expecting it to be like that. I liked the way everything was described and how it really tapped into the feel of being a hockey player. I feel that you stuck to true hockey roots and that's a great idea you came up with. I really liked what you did with what was given you. There were really no restrictions and you showed that and I'm pleased. I liked the way you used the Stanley cup victory as your topic of choice. I was thrilled yesterday when they won and you choosing that topic sits well with me. To be honest I was expecting a love story but I liked that it was a different route that was taken. I did enjoy this story! :) Best of luck in the contest.
    June 11th, 2010 at 02:51am