Ties That Bind - Comments

  • Nanook

    Nanook (125)

    United States
    Yay, you finally posted the last chapter! :) Loved the new update! Great job with it! :)
    Oh my gosh... so Nick isn't dead? I was really beginning to think he was a ghost... with the way Beth described it and all. You told me he was though! *Sigh*... oh well. Maybe you were just trying to keep me surprised. Which you did, because I was suspecting him to be dead...
    Anyways, aw, so now he's in jail. :( Am I twisted to say that I didn't want him to go to jail? And for saying I thought their goodbyes were cute? lol. Since he's kind of twisted for what he did and all... but idk.
    Overall, amazing last update! I am going to miss this story, but I really can't wait for the sequel! I will definitely read it once you post it. :D
    April 17th, 2011 at 06:29am
  • Nanook

    Nanook (125)

    United States
    Yay, you updated! Aw... do I sound twisted by saying that I'm sad that Nick died? Because I honestly am right now, mainly because I wasn't expecting you to kill him off. I don't understand how they story is going to go on now; he can't be dead! I would love a sequel, but I'm just wondering what the plot will be...? Or is he not dead, after all? :o I can't believe the police actually caught them, though. Interesting that they did. Overall, great update! Can't wait for the last chapter! I wasn't thinking that it was going to end so soon... I'm kind of sad that it is, but I can't wait for the sequel, all the same. Can't wait for the next update! :D
    February 22nd, 2011 at 12:03am
  • bbkrox

    bbkrox (100)

    United States
    pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee make a sequel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    February 21st, 2011 at 01:28am
  • Nanook

    Nanook (125)

    United States
    Update! I probably don't have too much room to talk... since I have a lot of updating I need to do myself... but update! lol. I miss this story! :(
    February 6th, 2011 at 05:39am
  • HansonJonasFan

    HansonJonasFan (100)

    United States
    No apologies. I love long comments, I just wish I could leave them for others as well as you can. Thank you so much for really liking this story and wanting a sequel to it. I will see what I can do. And to answer your question - no Beth is not psycho nor will she be anything like Nick and Nikki. The only thing she is expierencing is easy persuasion by Nick and that she is beginning to have some feelings for him. He essentially brainwashed her and also was able to manipulate her into his ways of doing things and how he feels. That's what Stockholm Syndrome is. All the readers would like to see Nikki go away in the story. I can't say what happens you will have to keep reading to find out :P Awe, your new story sounds good but I need to cry to the fact that Nick is being left out. Put me in the story as a main character too who gets Nick :D I'd love that! I should be updating soon. Thank you for your amazing review! I loved it. Thank you for liking this story so much. And to think I almost didn't post it.
    November 21st, 2010 at 07:19am
  • Nanook

    Nanook (125)

    United States
    Loved the update! Okay... so I'm kind of in a bind... which is kind of ironic because the story is called 'Ties That Bind', but anyhow... I'm not sure whether I like Nick or not now. At first I wasn't really liking him toward the beginning/middle of the update, when he forced Beth to marry him, because... well, I know he loves her and all, but he shouldn't have forced her to do that. But then aw, he was so sweet towards the end of it... when he was being sweet and kind towards her, and saved her from Nikki... but then Beth found out he cheated on her, so I guess he wasn't so sweet. He was sweet with explaining it, but not with cheating on her in the first place. Hopefully that makes sense. But I'm liking his sensitive side... definitely better than his meaner side. And oh my gosh, Beth and Nikki are pregnant! Oh, but I so predicted that with Nikki! I knew she was lying! lol. But I wonder what's going to happen with her now, if Nick will really get rid of her or not...? I say she goes, because she's starting to get a little annoying with wanting Nick all the time when he clearly wants to be with Beth... :P Hm... and I'm starting to get a little concerned about Beth, and since she has Stockholm Syndrome now (which I'm probably the only stupid person that didn't know what that was and had to look it up :P), does that mean she's getting psycho like Nick and Nikki? :o I hope not, or at least, not as psycho. :o Overall, great and interesting update! Definitely had some surprising and intense moments in it. Can't wait for the next chapter! :D
    Oh, and in response to your comment back ^, I see more people are leaving comments now! Yay! :) And hm... aw, you don't have to read my stories. They're kind of boring compared to yours. But if I had to suggest one, it would be Puppy Love and then the sequel A Trail to The Heart. That's my only Nick one I have going and it seems to have a lot of readers. :) Hm... but I also started this new one that I love the plot to that's called 'They Can Give Us All They Got, But He's All That I Want'. Long title, I know, but it definitely has more of an interesting plot to it. Oh, and then Joe and Kevin are the love interests in that. Nick is in it as well, it's just that he's not a love interest to one of the main characters.
    Oh, and in response as to whether or not there should be a sequel: YES, YES, YES!!! Absolutely, you should definitely do a sequel to this! I would definitely read it, since I love this story so much. :D
    Aw, and it's no problem with the comments. :) I'm always happy to leave them. :) And speaking of comments, I apologize for this one being so dang long. lol. I tend to ramble, sorry about that. :P
    November 21st, 2010 at 05:55am
  • gugu1995

    gugu1995 (100)

    November 17th, 2010 at 10:55pm
  • nat1016

    nat1016 (100)

    United States
    its amazing i need more soon please and thanks!<3nat
    November 17th, 2010 at 01:33pm
  • HansonJonasFan

    HansonJonasFan (100)

    United States
    Oh Love. LOL. Nick needs a personal advisor in this story. but thats funny I have never heard that one either. So what do you advise Nick on anyways?
    November 17th, 2010 at 06:56am
  • musicmustrock

    musicmustrock (100)

    United States
    i love it
    the chapters get alot better as the story goes along
    November 17th, 2010 at 01:26am
  • L0V3E

    L0V3E (200)

    United Kingdom
    PA - Personal Advisor. XD
    Loved the update though. Another child?
    Wow, wonder what's gonna happen next.
    November 16th, 2010 at 11:26pm
  • HansonJonasFan

    HansonJonasFan (100)

    United States
    Thanks Love for your comments as well. It is so encouraging to hear someone likes my work. I always seem to second guess it a lot. And I am so happy to hear you are my #1 fan I never had one of those before. So what is Nick's PA? is that Nick's pain in the ass or Nick's public affection? :P Thanks again for reading and reviewing. An update will be coming soon. :D
    November 7th, 2010 at 07:14pm
  • L0V3E

    L0V3E (200)

    United Kingdom
    Yeah, I feel you, it's kind of annoying when you put your hardest into writing domething and get no feedback. But that shouldn't be your problem because this story rocks and I mean it. Like Seriously. You should totally update sooner.
    I'll always be be reading your stories even though I'm in the middle of nowhere/forest, I can always use my powers(:D).
    MAIN POINT- I love your work, this may not mean much but it's fact.
    your #1 fan....:D
    and Nick's PA. :D
    November 7th, 2010 at 12:42pm
  • HansonJonasFan

    HansonJonasFan (100)

    United States
    Thanks Jenna for your comment. Mibba's been pretty dead lately. I haven't been getting hardly any feedback on any of my stories lately. Not sure what's up with that and wish it wasn't like that, you work hard on a story and like to hear what others think of your work. What stories of yours do you recommend and I'm not good at leaving long comments, I wish I was.

    Almost all the stories I have been updating on are almost finished with at least two more chapters left of each- including this one. The Price Of Your Soul is the only one that has more to go. I don't know if I should make a sequel of Ties That Bind - what do you think?

    I agree with everything your saying. Beth deserves better by Nick since she's kinda stuck there with no choice. Hopefully something will change for the better. Sorry, I have to keep you in suspense a little longer. Thank you so much for the comment, it means so much to me to hear your thoughts on this story.
    November 6th, 2010 at 05:30am
  • Nanook

    Nanook (125)

    United States
    Loved the updates! Sorry about the delay in comment; I've been busy this past week, and haven't had much time to read really anything. I got your comment on my profile, so I've read this one, and I still have to check the other updates you posted of your stories, and then I'll be caught up. But anyways, wow... so... Nick was actually able to make a friend. But Derek and Danielle aren't good, though, just like him. :/ And they died their hair black. Hm... And oh my gosh. If I didn't hate Nikki before, I especially hate her now. She tried to kill Beth! Does she not understand that Beth doesn't want to be in this? I mean, really. Aw, but... okay, I will admit that during that moment towards the end of the second update where Beth was joking around with Nick it was pretty cute. I mean, even though Nick's all psycho and everything, it really seems like he's starting to try now... or for the moment anyway. Who knows if that'll end up changing. I'm also glad that he's being so nice, because Beth just doesn't deserve the meanness... and I'm glad he figured out that Nikki tried to hurt her. Maybe he'll get her to go away soon since she's being mean to Beth. But anyways, overall, AMAZING updates! This is kind of a long comment, but you deserve it, since this story is absolutely amazing. :) Can't wait for more! :D
    November 6th, 2010 at 03:33am
  • L0V3E

    L0V3E (200)

    United Kingdom
    Nice UPDATE!
    November 2nd, 2010 at 09:04pm
  • L0V3E

    L0V3E (200)

    United Kingdom
    OMG! This story rocks, right now, it's almost 4AM and I vowed to finish reading it before going to bed then when it came to a stop, I was like, "No, no, no....you need to update." I really love this story.
    I love psycho Nick.
    Keep Writing.
    October 21st, 2010 at 04:54am
  • Nanook

    Nanook (125)

    United States
    Aw, well first of all, you are so welcome! ^ :) I'm always happy to comment, and I'm glad you left a comment too, because it lets me know that you appreciate my comments! Aw! lol. :) Anyways, as for the updates... loved them both! :) And oh my gosh... I actually was liking that Nikki girl in the second update, because she told Beth where they were! Yes! Well, at the beginning there I liked her, but then by the end... she's on my bad side again. What on earth is she going to try to do to Beth? They need to just leave Beth and Jacob and Jenifer alone, I mean, seriously. And Beth... aw, Nick forced her to do it with him again. No matter how much he thinks that he didn't force her, he practically did again, and she only did so so that she could have her kids again. I hope he gives them to her like she promised; but knowing him, he'll probably try to do something else and take them again. :( Aw, poor girl... and Nikki just... needs to go somewhere for pyschos, just like Nick. She's not as crazy as him, but still... she's starting to think like it. Hm... but overall, amazing updates! Sorry again for the kind of delay in comment; I know you posted that first chapter Sunday, but the second one I'm not sure about. But still, it's delayed feedback for the first one, so I apologize. Those chapters didn't make me cry... which is good, because sad stories are just... sad. lol. But that other update seriously did. Once again, great updates and can't wait for more! :D
    October 21st, 2010 at 02:47am
  • HansonJonasFan

    HansonJonasFan (100)

    United States
    Hi Jenna, thank you so much for your meaningful comment on this story. It is one of my favorites to write out of all my stories I have posted so far. I am sorry to make you cry but at the same time, it shows you are connecting with the story and the characters. I was going for a different plot and storyline when I began writing this and I am glad to see it has successfully taken on that in its own way and that people are liking it, considering the story content. Thank you so much for the compliments on my writing. I have often questioned if it was any good and if I should just give up writing but I have prevailed thanks to some reviewers and some very good friends who are also writers. I am so grateful to have your support and that you like this story. Thanks again for reading and reviewing it since the beginning. It means so much to me. Update is coming soon.
    October 16th, 2010 at 05:07am
  • Nanook

    Nanook (125)

    United States
    OH... MY... GOSH. I am literally like crying right now. I feel kind of stupid as to why I am, but I'm like... crying. :( I can't believe Nikki succeeded in taking Jenifer. I guess I'm so sad because now Nick has the both of them, and it kind of makes me angry how the stupid cops were even there, and they left her get away with it. Unbelievable. And I'm also kind of angry at Nikki for even still wanting to be with Nick, now that he's told her what he was arrested for. Sure, he twisted the story around a little, but it's like, really? If I were her, I'd be a little more suspicious than that, and he obviously isn't treating her too nicely, and when he does, it's only when he wants her to please him, and it's like... ugh. I'm sorry for rambling. This was an amazing chapter, really. It just affected me more emotionally. I really hope they find Nick soon, because I honestly... can't stand him in this story, he's just so... psycho. This story is probably by far my favorite story on Mibba right now, because it's just so different and it's affecting my emotions differently than any other stories I've read on here have. You're seriously an amazing writer, and I honestly don't get why hardly anyone else has commented this story. Amazing update, and can't wait for the next chapter! :D
    October 16th, 2010 at 04:26am