Darker Side of Me - Comments

  • It feels like forever since I've read this story =(
    And short, quicker update are much better than long, slow updates =)
    And I swear... I will bug you unless you get another chapter up and readable soon xD
    October 11th, 2010 at 09:35am
  • hmmm I could have sworn I've commented on this story before...but I am glad that you updated it. I remembered it as soon as I read the summary. Short chapter is better than none. anyway keep updating!!!
    October 5th, 2010 at 11:54am
  • He He He....
    The last one was... I don't quite know... but it was a bit mean of you to leave that other wolf all locked up =(
    But hey!
    July 6th, 2010 at 08:17am
  • And here I was thinking Hunter was going to be evil... But that thought soon disappeared when I realized I had come to the end of what chapters you had written...
    But nooooooooooooooooo.... you just had to only have four chapters up and ready and READ...
    Your gonna have me on your tail until another chapter is written... and another after that... and another... and another... and another... and another... and another... and another... and another... and another... and another... and another... and another... and another... and another... and another... and another... and another... and another... and another... and another... and another... and another... and another... and another... and another... and another... and another... and another... and another... and another... and another... and another... and another... and another... and another... and another... and another... and another... and another... and another... and another... and another... and another... and another... and another... and another... and another... and another... and another... and another... and another...........
    July 2nd, 2010 at 02:14pm