Traitor. - Comments

  • turducken

    turducken (100)

    Firstly, the layout is super pretty. :D

    Now onto the story part.

    You've got quite a few grammatical errors, things that would be overlooked using a word document. They're just small things such as using the wrong tense, adding in unnecessary commas and simply using the wrong word is some places. These can easily be picked up by just re-reading it, I'm sure if you read it to yourself they'll be easy to pick out.

    And while they're minor, they can really take away from the story.

    Now for the story part, you've used to lyrics quite nicely. They tie in will with the story. I think it's a little strange that someone would consent to having sex with someone who attempted to rape them, but then again it isn't rape at all then is it? I'm just going to take it in a sense that she was simply trying to put off the blame.

    It was heartbreaking to read about how nice Jake was, and how orderly their life was together. I think you could have gone into a little more detail with the guilt, but other then that the plot was quite fantastic.

    All in all, it was pretty good. :)
    June 30th, 2010 at 04:48pm
  • EverRose

    EverRose (100)

    United States
    So I get to help Gabby Judge (:
    Mkay. Layout was ok.
    The story I found had some grammar/spelling mistakes.
    But the story itself was pretty good. I felt bad for Jake though.

    June 27th, 2010 at 11:28pm