Campfire - Comments

  • Awee, great job! Loved it!
    July 20th, 2010 at 04:42am
  • That was adorable! I could totally picture all of that happening :)

    The pickup truck was a two-door beast that allowed Jeff and Marcy to occupy the backseat together while Dan and Mike fought over the radio as the ladder drove back into the city of Philadelphia.
    ^I was cracking up at that. I could picture that happening, too :)

    Love it! Good luck in the contest!
    June 22nd, 2010 at 10:03pm
  • It was cute cute cute cuuuuuute! I wish I could draw well enough to do that :<

    Lovely <3 Now write mine.
    Also, once again: I think you won already.
    June 21st, 2010 at 10:52pm
  • This was so amazing :] And cute, I seriously felt like going camping so the same thing could happen to me. Bwahaha, the ending was so amazing <3 Number on the arm and all, that's just so cute. And the mental images that came along with it, yum.

    I may hate the Flyers, but Jeff Carter not so much now thanks to you. Hahaha, amazing job, Sam <3
    June 21st, 2010 at 08:18pm
  • This is so sweet. And any time Car-silly-idiot gets made fun of is a win for me =]

    Jeff is too cute, getting all worried about making his move with Rob around. Like Rob had a chance, even if Marcy had liked him. It's Jeff fucking Carter! He's hot. No competition. (Even if he did supposedly screw Hartnell's wife =/)

    Mmmmm poptarts!!! It really sux we don't get them down here =[ We did for about a yr in the late 90's, but someone made the stupid decision to get rid of them after that GRR

    Not surprising, as always, you did a fantastic job!! <3
    June 21st, 2010 at 09:12am
  • lmfao i am giggling so bad at alyssa's comment; she would enjoy that part ;]

    anyway, i really have to commend you on writing this despite not being a flyers fan; some people would have just asked for another player/team, but you looked past it and did a fantastic job of writing jeff. like alyssa said, i love that it's a camping story; i'm southern and my summers are always filled with camping and things like that, and there really is just something so romantic about being around a campfire with someone you like. you definitely captured that, too; i like how jeff wasn't in it straight from the beginning, his character had to be introduced with some conflict rather than already knowing marcy. there was a perfect amount of humor in it, i laughed a few times, and i love that she woke up in his arms. you described him perfectly, tracing the outlines of his features; i always love doing that.

    this was fantastic, you did an amazing job! thank you for joining the contest, sweetheart! <3
    June 21st, 2010 at 07:05am
  • I adore you. Not only were you the first person to enter our little contest, but you were also the first person to submit your entry! That's amazing. And for not being a Flyers fan, I think you did a wonderful job, so that has to count for something. I loved the plot line. A camping story is a perfect summer story, and I think you did it really well. I loved, of course, that you added Richie and Danny. Gah. <3 I went from feeling bad for Rob, to happy he had left, to excited about Jeff and Marcy. I thought it was super funny, super cute, and amazingly well written. I loved how she left her number on his arm. A perfect ending to the story, in my opinion. I loveloveloved it, and thank you so much for joining our contest! <3

    Oh, PS. She couldn't help but to admire the light stubble around his jawline.

    After his breathing settled again, she allowed herself to softly trace his features with the tips of her fingers, admiring the sleeping man that held her hips so close to his.
    UNF. That was just a lovely mental image. Bahahah, <3333
    June 20th, 2010 at 11:57pm
  • Well, I'm really not a Flyers fan but its still a good story anyway!
    June 20th, 2010 at 09:14pm