Don't Leave Me - Comments

  • That is REALLY cute! Alex is such a romantic. I really liked that you tied in the fact that he could go to Russia to play from real life. Makes it MUCH more realistic. Anyways, I really liked this :)
    July 18th, 2010 at 07:37am
  • Aww, this was so sweet, I really could see the song as I read it!
    you did a marvelous job, There's nothing I could say to critize this writing
    July 11th, 2010 at 03:51am
  • I really enjoyed this one, it was nice and unique. Proud of ya! ^^
    June 24th, 2010 at 11:10am
  • Good Story Chelle.
    I really like how you made it so relevant to his current situation. I like when people tie in RL to their fiction, it makes it more interesting.
    I hope he stays for you.
    GOod luck with the contest!!!!!
    June 22nd, 2010 at 05:10am
  • Well let me start off this comment with, starting off the contest off such a high standard.

    The only thing that bugged me a little grammatically was the run on sentences. Other than that I believe it was spot on. So great job there. The title of your story I thought had great relevance to the story. I felt as though the title was pretty much the base line of the story, which I think was nice. The story was captivating and I like that about a story. It held my interest from the second I read the first sentence. I think that it captured the essence of the song. The themes that the song presented were in the story and it was great. The song is romantic but there's sadness and so many things going on. I think you found a great way of simplifying the song and writing an amazing story. I think that the story was a really great reflection of the song. I listened to the song after and I think that your story was just beautiful and really did hit the song on the mark. I liked the use of when they were talking in the last bit and they both said "When I Look At you." Also I enjoyed the flashbacks. It was a nice touch. I think the story was very nicely thought out.

    Best of luck in the contest! :)
    June 21st, 2010 at 10:34pm
  • While I know this is fiction, I can't help but hope that you're correct in not having Frolov go back to Russian rather than play in the States.

    The relationship between Frolov and Cameron is very cute and I like how Frolov does do romantic tings for her when he knows she's missed him or had a rough day. Somehow I could see Frolov being a closet romantic and doing sweet things for the girl he's dating, nice portrayal of that in the story.

    Good luck!
    June 21st, 2010 at 10:30am
  • whoa! i absolutely love it. very beautiful chemistry between Frolov and Cameron. I love it

    good luck
    June 21st, 2010 at 05:11am