Taking This One to the Grave - Comments

  • TheCoreysGirl

    TheCoreysGirl (200)

    United States
    Wow. Very creative and brilliant, too. But her poisoning her own father — although he did deserve it for what he did to her as a child — was kind of suspenseful... as well as kind of a good twist...

    She was numb. She didn’t bother to clean herself. She knew the dirty feeling wouldn’t leave any time soon. She was right. Every night her mother was away her father always found his way into her bed.

    Katherine twirled the rose delicately in her hands. Nobody had suspected her. The police wrote it off as a drug overdose. She stared down at the man know as her father. The man who had rid her of her of all her childhood innocence.
    “So long daddy, I’ll see you in hell,” she whispered those last few words and dropped her rose into the casket.

    Awesome oneshot, of course. :)
    June 6th, 2011 at 01:26am