Illicit Paramour - Comments

  • oh. my. actual. god. i've literally like, found this whole story 3 days ago. i fell in love with it! I'm just gutted i found it when it was over, it woulda been great to of been reading it before it completely ended :-( now i feel empty! I've spent all my free time i've had reading it over the past 3 days, i felt a part of it and now it's over I'm so depressed, i even started tearing up at the end, cause i wanted Kennedy and Alex together so so bad :-(
    This literally was a story like no either, not like typical Alex stories, and you're a really good writer too!
    I think you should do like one more chapter or something, like that shows an extra few years later, just so we can see how everything finally panned out, cause i refuse to believe this is the very end ;( I'm so depressed!
    But ah well, I'll get over it. Still, just thought I'd tell you i really enjoyed it, so so much! <3
    October 17th, 2010 at 02:57am
  • i couldn't help myself i just finished and i have to say i cried im happy that it was a sad and happy ending as much as i wanted them 2 to be together im happy that she has a man that can keep her in check and that Kenn and Alex can be friends!
    Thanx for and amazing 3 "books" Hope to Read more stuff of yours:)
    October 1st, 2010 at 05:13am
  • I'm sorry i haven't been commenting or reading but ill let you know how i feel when i start reading again im so busy
    October 1st, 2010 at 04:12am
  • I couldnt read for a looong time but it was greaat
    I cried at the end:(
    I wish they could be together :'(
    September 27th, 2010 at 08:26pm
  • holy crap. that was so amazing.
    i'm actually really sad that it's over, it's kind of one of those stories where you want to know everything that happens along the way.
    i guess it's because you really see how the characters develop and that.
    but really, you're one of the best writers i've came across on mibba.
    September 24th, 2010 at 08:14am
  • its the end, officially, i cant believe this :/
    its weird that its done ya know?
    haha shes gettng all pretty for them :]
    im like soo anxious to see what happens eep !
    she really likes peep toe shoes doesnt she? haha
    xD some lady thought she had a kid haha
    haha a girl gave him ketchup :] tht boy does love ketchup haha
    well good start, there is no fighting, so thts a good sign...
    ugh i knew that was coming, hes with lisa :/
    awwww! of course he still loves her <33 :D
    xD alex is such a manwhore i swear, he has an open relationship,
    cuz he cant stand not havng sex xD but i get it i guess
    i wish jack and kennedy wudda talked more
    they ended on a terrible note :/ andthey used to be best friends
    they kissed! hell yes! but im preparing myself for the worst :/
    good job kennedy, you stopped him, which is better for mike
    i mean alex and kenne all the way, no doubt at all
    but i dont want them starting out again by having sex, ya know?
    wow, im really SUPER glad that they're gonna still talk
    but i dont like how they're not gonna be with each other
    i mean they are always going to love each other,
    and its going to be them they're thinking about
    when they are with the person their with if that makes sense
    but at least it ended on a semi good note :]
    so wow, its ove,r im never commenting on this story again
    i want to make it epic, but i doubt i could do that xD
    this is seriously an AMAZING STORY!!! I <3 it so much!
    its sad that its ending, but you did a fucking amazing job with it!
    please please let me know if your starting another fan fic of al time low <3
    thanks for being an amazing writer!
    September 23rd, 2010 at 10:35pm
  • OMG
    I really wished a happy ending...
    I want them to live happy ever after :(
    I cried at the end, and at the fight
    I wish you continuedd ^^
    But it was sad, however also perfect !
    You're a great writerr :D
    September 23rd, 2010 at 09:01pm
  • Oh wow... almost brought me to tears! I think that was the perfect ending, no matter how much I kind of wanted them to be together in the end. I'm so happy that Kennedy finally grew the fuck up, haha, sort of.
    It was a sad/happy endingggg and I think you did a fantastic job on all three stories.
    I look forward to something new from you soon!
    September 23rd, 2010 at 12:38am
  • Awww I cried. Well, finally kennedy's making smart decisions. It's unbelivable how Alex is all sweet and caring. It wasn't a sad ending, I loved it. I'm going to miss Kennedy :(
    And how stupid she used to be.
    September 22nd, 2010 at 07:21pm
  • I think that this ending fit perfectly. Following this series from the beginning it was like you see the characters evolve but obviously as you stated yourself through the character's eyes, Kennedy has finally grown up. And although we all secretly were hoping for Alex and Kennedy to get together and live happily ever after, the ending seemed to capture each of them perfectly. Thanks for writing a captivating series that I have enjoyed reading since day one!
    September 22nd, 2010 at 03:47pm
  • It's over! :( I started at Casualties, but I don't think I ever commented. You're a great writer, and these were great stories!
    September 22nd, 2010 at 02:02pm
  • It was a good ending, you know realistic. That's so sad though. I have mixed feelings about the whole thing. I think Kennedy is being selfish, sorta. But then again, so is Alex by asking her to try this again. It just sucks that it seems like neither of them will be completely happy again. :/ You're an amazing writer!!!
    September 22nd, 2010 at 06:37am
  • It was amazing, & I can't believe it's over : /
    September 22nd, 2010 at 04:51am
  • writing this before i read it:
    i'm screaming at my computer 'I CANT READ IT I CANT'
    but i will. ahh i'm scared. okay i will read now.

    oh my god i'm crying. I'm crying so hard I can't even control it.
    like, i'm really sad but really happy at the same time. I don't know.
    this story is so good. probably one of the best I've ever read on this site.
    I can't even describe it, i love it so much. i'm sad it's over though. I'll miss it.
    September 22nd, 2010 at 03:07am
  • I believe Alex did the right thing by kicking her out (:
    And awww Mike! They make a better couple.
    September 16th, 2010 at 11:43pm
  • i missed a chapter! ugh :[
    chapter 14:
    haha those shorts they ahve are awesome too!
    okay is it me being slow or is this just starting being 3rd person?
    I want to be in that fan club! me and my friend almost did it
    but now were not i dont htink... im not sure xD
    ugh Matt go the hell away! ughh!!!
    and aww the conversation, alex loves her so much :]
    oh gosh, yeah he found out, dammit
    but i think its serioualy only fair to alex honestly
    whoa she thinks kennedy is the one all over matt ughh not good
    i cant believe jack just said that to her! :O
    i thought they were supposed to be friends!
    oh my gosh he just said he cared about alex more than he ever did kennedy :[
    chapter 15:
    yeah i kind of saw a time skip coming honestly...
    and wow shes in new york, of course, ogod for her
    wow shes making it good in life danng! haha
    well good to prove to her mom that she can do something
    and seh doesnt have to live off of a man, so thats good
    I knew something was coming and shes gonna see the boys
    its them <3 weightless is a good song too!
    hes on the radio doing an interview! im jsut scared hes gonan say something bout her
    wow shes with mike, thats actually a surprise to me
    wow they both are doing good in the world! dang haha
    she really bought a ticket, im realy excited to see what happens!!
    xD i can imagine why her flight was so uncomfortable haha
    this next chapter is going to be good! UPDATE SOON!!
    but you say no happy ending,, id ont like that :[
    honestly none of your endings were happy
    i mean go around was pretty happy i guess
    but no it cnat just end badly!
    itll bother me, but i wont complain any more
    YOU are the author, not me
    September 16th, 2010 at 11:21pm
  • Update!!
    September 16th, 2010 at 09:32pm
  • what a fucking little whore
    September 16th, 2010 at 02:33am
  • Is Kennedy gonna get kicked in the face? Is that why it's not a happy ending?!
    ... hehe.
    I'm glad that she's grown up and gotten over herself, but I'm still bitter, hahaha.
    September 15th, 2010 at 06:47am
  • oh my god. i don't know if i can handle this ending.
    i think i'm glad it won't be a happy ending. we'll just see how i feel when i actually reading it. haha.
    can't wait!!!! <333333333333333333
    September 15th, 2010 at 01:02am