Our Endless Numbered Days - Comments

  • fooleish

    fooleish (205)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Oh, Isa. I was already feeling kind of eh when I read this and it just... it broke me. I was crying from basically the second line, but I was kind of gone after the two this is where... paragraphs, they were so emotional. And then sometimes i blame the father for making love so great happened and I just, I just couldn’t stop, it was so much, too much, this entire thing is too much. Too much emotion, too much hurt, and it’s breathtaking and beautiful and quietly heartbreaking and, fuck, I’m still crying. we all lost something that day, oh god, I can’t. Gabriel’s just so resigned here, and resignation is so much worse than abject misery because it means you’ve given in, stopped fighting, and that just kind of kills me a little bit inside. I hate sad endings with the fire of a burning sun and this is the very worst kind of sad ending because it’s utterly hopeless, and it hurts so much but it’s so good, so utterly beautiful it just breaks everything in you to little bits and I can’t, I’m still crying, I’m so sorry.

    tl;dr this is beautiful and I loved it, despite the fact that it tore my heart out of my chest and stomped all over it. I don’t think I made that clear. I love this, so much, and it’s going to stay with me for a very, very long time.

    (yes, I snuck on the internet so I could send you this comment, it was important tehe)
    October 7th, 2011 at 12:09am
  • summer girl.

    summer girl. (100)

    United States
    I am choking on my tears, Isa.
    This is so fucking beautiful that I'm struggling to find the words. I read it as if I was in your head, in his POV. I'm speechless. The way you break this up and your words...I just...can't find the words. I'll try and be as clear as possible, but forgive me if I'm not.

    That first section...the way you described each angel's loss was well done. You were concise, yet your words were still graceful and beautiful. It comes off clean and simple.

    The contrast in the third section almost broke my heart. Your descriptions were flawless and it immediately caught my attention. But it was just the details that stunned me. You chose such beautiful ways of presenting each idea and event...I don't know how you did it, Isa. But you did. And you did it so well. I adored how his beliefs shone through. And the lack of caps just works. I'm not sure why, normally it would drive me insane, but I hadn't even noticed it. I was too captivated by your words.

    that is, until you came, but you were not laughing then either.
    I...broke down at this line. It's so full of emotion that I couldn't handle it anymore. I actually started crying. It's bittersweet and nostalgic and beautiful all at the same time. I can't even describe it properly.

    sometimes i blame the father for making love so great.
    This line makes me want to believe. Believe in God and angels and just...something. This makes me want to weep at the fact that I don't believe. I wish I could make you understand what I mean, but I can just feel.

    I'm sure your reason for not using caps is different than my theories. For me, it's as if Gabriel doesn't feel on the same level as God, that he is not worthy. For what that's worth, he is. He knows love and beauty and pain and every emotion. And you've managed to capture it with a grace and beauty unmatched. This is stunning, Isa. Truly stunning.
    October 21st, 2010 at 05:14am
  • still a secret

    still a secret (100)

    This was very very interesting. After reading the whole thing, it took me a while to decide if I liked it or not. But I ended up liking it. :) Good job. And I think I know what the absence of caps were.
    July 8th, 2010 at 03:35pm