Dear Hero - Comments

  • I may be a long way of replying to this, but wow that was beautiful and so heart felt.
    You should send it him if you haven't already :).
    If only i could write letters that beautifully.
    July 10th, 2008 at 10:35am
  • I don't care about how or when you give it to him.
    But you really need to.
    He needs to know that there are still people who care.
    Seriously, it made me cry.
    Thank you for summarizing every single thing I feel about this band.
    March 16th, 2008 at 01:42am
  • :cheese:

    Like, whoa, Isa. The letter I was beginning to write sucked compared to this.
    Really, in the first paragraph, where you were saying how he was just another of those scary rockers who wore too much make-up and stuff ... I totally agree.
    When I first saw a picture of Gerard, my reaction was: :shock:
    I seriously couldn't look at his picture until about a month after I had found out about them.

    Did you get the letter to him at all?
    Because he would've loved this, he really would.

    You're an amazing author; you will get far.
    March 10th, 2008 at 11:34pm
  • send it to him.
    i think he wants to receive something like this beautiful letter
    it moved me. really
    i love it. and im sure Gerard will love it too.

    January 13th, 2008 at 01:32am
  • I'd lost the faith. I really had. I read that, and I'm just thinking... wow, you know? It's like, I never really thought about it in the sense that all people change in their lives, I was thinking about it like, Gerard shouldn't change because we loved him how he was.
    But wow, this really... I dunno, made me wake up and smell the coffee. It was amazing.
    My faith is back In Love
    January 10th, 2008 at 01:12pm
  • There's a lump in my throat. My eyes hurt from blinking so much. And my nose refuses to let me breathe through it properly.

    I think what you wrote is just pure, raw emotion. And it really got me. Cry

    I hope you manage to get this to him, Isa. :arms:
    January 6th, 2008 at 04:04pm
  • Give that to him. He needs to see that.
    January 3rd, 2008 at 06:10am
  • I was looking at your stories and fell upon this...

    & Honestly Isa, tears are fucking falling. No story made me cry or letter like yours did. Your a wonderful writer and you know that. You should print this and go to that concert and give it to Gerard. He'd appreciate what you wrote. And he cried as I did. Those beautiful words you put into sentences were amazing. I can't stop thinking. I can't stop help, but cry. You're simply amazing.
    December 29th, 2007 at 10:00pm
  • Wow. That was Pure honesty and emotion.
    That's almost exactly how I feel, put into words that I could never think of. That was just incredible.

    I really think you should send it to him...let him know that there really are still fans our there that love him. Even if he has changed.
    December 29th, 2007 at 02:18pm
  • This is one of the most heart-wrenchingly honest things I've ever read in my life. The whole thing was fraught with emotion that was so real, and it was also written beautifully (something hard to pull off when you're writing something so close to heart, I know.)
    Send it to him, bring it along to the concert... Don't lose faith. :arms: It's wonderful.
    December 24th, 2007 at 10:24pm
  • My god, Isa.
    That letter was beautiful, and truthful, and just..gah.

    I loved it.
    I'm sure if you ever gave that to him, he'd really appreciate it.
    December 21st, 2007 at 08:31am
  • Send it to him. Some fans have claimed of losing faith in him and maybe with all these rumors, he has lost faith in his fans too. It's good to let him know there are still people who believes ih him
    December 20th, 2007 at 02:57pm
  • This is beautiful. It's amazing that you could put into words what so many people are thinking (in some version, anyway.)
    It's great, and I love it.
    I would definitely send this to him. He would definitely appreciate it, since there are some people who only know My Chemical Romance's new stuff, some people who hate it and only listen to their old stuff, and then there are people like you, who obviously respect him for who he is, and accept that he maybe did change, and aren't letting it control your life or complaining extensively about someone you don't actually know in person.
    It's an amazing letter.
    December 20th, 2007 at 10:05am
  • I'd totally send it too him.

    i don't think he doesn't care about us. I really think he still cares about us. I know he's changed, but everyone changes.

    I like how you say that no matter what he does, you still will love him forever. I think that is true for all of us.

    Please send this to him! It is soooo deeply moving!!
    December 20th, 2007 at 04:13am
  • Oh my.

    You need to send that to him.

    December 20th, 2007 at 02:34am
  • That was so beautiful. When you go to the concert, give it to him. He surely would feel how much he means to you : )
    He did change, but I love him still.
    I hope I could see them next year. I'm doing everything just to earn money to see them...
    Anyway, I love it! Clap
    December 19th, 2007 at 08:39pm
  • Beautiful. Send that to him, he would appreciate it I am sure. Find a way to send that to him, he's done so much for so many people, he is truly a hero.
    I loved the way you ended this by the way, 'maybe heroes never die too' absolutely beautiful and very powerful ending.
    Well done to you XD x.
    December 19th, 2007 at 08:30pm