Here's to the Past - Comments

  • alustreya

    alustreya (100)

    United States
    This was nice, I just felt like it was way too rushed. You went from talking about Anna ... being heartbroken over Cole, to upset over seeing him, them instantly proven wrong when she called her brother, etc. But it was a nice concept.

    The only thing I'd like to correct you on is the quotation marks/dialogue. Maybe you just need to go back and re-read what you wrote, place in some missing letters and quotation marks here and there. You also need to add some sort of a punctuation better the last word in a dialogue, and the actual quotation marks. Also, if it's the same person talking, there is no need to skip to a new line.

    Good job though (:
    August 18th, 2010 at 10:59am