Genuine Fake - Comments

  • I love this. Simple as that.
    Like you said, it's not pretty; it's super addicting and really well written, though.
    September 23rd, 2010 at 05:39am
  • Wow. You really nailed that. (No innuendo intended.) I think a lot of us can relate. We don't want random, meaningless fucks, yet we don't want to get screwed over by someone we're too intimate with. We want something in between...yet it's nearly impossible to get. And crushes are painful because they're so full of that worthless hope that usually amounts to nothing in the end. =/
    September 8th, 2010 at 09:51am
  • Hella good. And relatable.
    August 13th, 2010 at 11:33pm
  • Shelby, wow.
    This is so honest, and so beautiful.
    I am completely mesmerized, and enraptured with your voice.
    I don't have the words in my vocabulary to explain how much
    this story means to me. It's so powerful, and true.
    I don't feel like I'm alone anymore, when I read this.
    Someone understands.

    Beautiful, my dear.<3
    August 7th, 2010 at 01:48am
  • I'm so glad that someone is finally upfront about what's going on in so many people's minds these days. The way you write is brilliant; it's so simple yet expressive. Please keep writing more so that we can actually see someone put words to all of humanity's f*cked up thoughts.
    July 24th, 2010 at 05:42am
  • OMG a reference to Lolita, something I just finished reading. That book is mindblowingly good, transporting any reader off his or her high horse and into the gutter with the narrator without the reader even realizing it. Nabokov is amazing.

    But that wasn't the part that really got me, the part that really came and slapped me in the face.

    "I won’t attempt to sugarcoat things by telling myself I’m different.

    "If I’m aware of that, why do I continue to obsess over myself like I’m the world’s most deadly time bomb? Like I’m a precious jewel, sitting behind a glass case at some famous museum? Like I matter? I guess everyone does it, some more than others, but I don’t understand why. When were we tricked into believing this shit?"

    I feel like you've somehow taken my subconscious thoughts and put them into this story. It's eerie. It's disconcerting. But then I realize that that's not possible, for a stranger to know my thoughts like that. So I can only conclude that it's a part of human nature, that every human thinks like that at some point.

    Which is...all the more disturbing.

    Gah. I'm sorry for rambling. ^_^"
    July 22nd, 2010 at 04:09am
  • This girl sounds exactly like me, and the things I think. This is so amazing, I can't even begin to describe how much I love this.
    The Used is a fucking amazing band too, so major kudos for putting them in this :)
    July 22nd, 2010 at 03:20am
  • -It's almost like opening up my head and reading the words etched onto my brain, only...there's something even more to her than that. As if she were me, yet not me.-


    My god. I know exactly what you mean.

    This is good.
    July 22nd, 2010 at 03:15am
  • This gives me the chills. It's almost like opening up my head and reading the words etched onto my brain, only...there's something even more to her than that. As if she were me, yet not me. Ah, the narcissism kicking in. I know it all too well.

    Keep this up! It's so refreshing to read something...different for once. Different not for the sake of standing out, but just for the sake of being itself.
    July 21st, 2010 at 02:20pm
  • This is a really good peice of work:). I love your writing style and I hope you continue!

    July 21st, 2010 at 12:07pm
  • And as you can see, my signature contains lyrics from the song.<333
    July 19th, 2010 at 07:48pm
  • Holy fucking shit.
    This is so good.
    And "I'm A Fake" by The Used is one of my favorite songs,
    off all time.
    It's really interesting to see someone write a story inspired by it.
    I am very keen to see where this goes. :)
    July 19th, 2010 at 07:47pm