Exit From Eternity - Comments

  • Mad Porno Action

    Mad Porno Action (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Wow. My comment isn't going to be as long as the others but wow! That was frigging awesome! Very well written. I loved the opposties and the fact vampires having sex in chapels is so . . Well I thought vamps couldn't go in chapels but hey!! That was awesome. xxx
    December 29th, 2007 at 01:07am
  • helen

    helen (415)

    Ovo ću napisati na hrvatskom, jer nakon 2 dana u kući, ne mogu razmišljat properly, a ne želim napravit hrpu pogrešaka niti mi se da satima razmišljati o nekoj riječi. Ufff. Sad će ovo ispasti duže od same kritike :tehe:
    Well, this oughtta be fun...

    Čim sam pročitala summary, znala sam da će biti dobro. I bolesno. Ali PREDOBRO. Zbog layouta koji je odavao jezivu atmosferu, morala sam isključiti The View. Bili su mi preveseli za tvoju vampirsku priču.
    ALI OMG. It was so worth it.

    The chapel was cool and quite...
    To kao da se lagano prenijelo na atmosferu među likovima. Kroz cijelu se priču osjeća ta nekakva hladnoća, ali istovremeno i uspaljenost i strast.
    Paradoksalno je, cinično i u najmanju ruku GENIJALNO.

    Vrlo snažno opisuješ tu gomilu osjećaja koja ključaju u Laurentu, a on ih ne može zatomiti. Ne može i ne želi. Ta njegova stvarnost toliko je stvarna i moćna da sam čitavši tih nekoliko srednjih odlomaka dobila neki čudan osjećaj sličan ježenju (WTH?). Ugl, pišeš prerealistično za moje slabo srce i bujnu maštu :mrgreen:

    Još nešto JAKO BITNO. Ti uvijek pišeš lijepim engleskim jezikom, koristiš riječi koje me ostavljaju paf, ali ovaj put je bilo drugačije. Drugačije u smislu da sam nakon što sam pročitala tako lijepo napisanu priču, imala osjećaj da sam upravo pročitala neku x-rated priču punu, hm, "krvavih" (gory) opisa i prerealističnu za djecu ispod 25.
    FANTASTIČNO. To mi se fakat najviše svidjelo. Tvoja sposobnost izražavanja je nevjerojatna :cheese:

    One of these days I'm gonna steal your brain.
    December 27th, 2007 at 04:15am
  • Valium Freak

    Valium Freak (600)

    Oh my its so bloody awesome!!!
    Thank you so much man! THe writting style is so well thought out, and the rhyming of it is quite amazing.

    I loved the sickening duality of lust and hate against the love and purity, even though both seem so absent in the story, you do feel them to be there before.
    The description of the blood, dust and the cross well exquisite

    Thank you so much
    December 27th, 2007 at 04:11am
  • Bastard Son.

    Bastard Son. (200)

    wlfhlaehfjklehflehflkasjhfčwqojfqw ILYTWO :cheese:

    Yes, it means that. ^^

    OMG Tas, this made myday night morning. xD
    You got it all right!
    I love you so much for this.
    December 26th, 2007 at 08:13am
  • hrvatka; candy.

    hrvatka; candy. (100)

    United States


    Srsly Sara. You're an amazingwriter author.

    This was... omfg... one of the best stories, you've ever written. No. That I've read.

    At first I was confused about what was going on but that's just how complex this was. I had to re-read the whole thing again to completely grasp the entirety of it. And I may read it again, just for fun.

    Religion and sex, as twisted and blasphemous as this may seem, goes well together. In writing at least. And you blend the two together, oh so, perfectly. My fav part:

    Blood and dirt stuck under my fingernails and soon mixed with the skin of his back as he crossed all lines and joined our bodies in a blasphemous dance of hateful lust. He forced me to regard him with opened eyes as my mouth twisted into smiles and screams of pleasure and pain and blood flowed between us, flowed in vicious circles of death and rebirth into damnation while we crawled over one another like maggots crawl the earth in their blind and lowly lives.

    It portrays how they hate each other but the lust overcomes and overrides all other emotions. It's like a fatal attraction, I suppose.

    Question: Does Aurelien really mean the bringer of light? If so that's AMAZING symbolism. If not... >_>

    Now if I'm correct they just fucked in a chapel... This creates a splendid blend of sin and faith. Everything here compliments each other by being opposite. And you were so right when you began saying how Aurelien was a paradox and oxymoron. This whole peice is. Everything is sick and wrong yet right in the most wrong way. I don't know what else to say.

    Description is a 98362097682 billion as always.

    Iflysm. :file:

    EDIT: First review. Booyah.
    December 26th, 2007 at 08:08am