Let You Fall - Comments

  • Corny? No, this was amazing. I kind of wish that there was someone there for me during my darkest days, I only had myself. I can relate to her in a lot of ways. I thought there was nothing for me in this life but I was wrong. I really loved this. Funny enough, it was Brian and the guys that saved me. Though they don't know it.!
    December 11th, 2010 at 09:22am
  • I loved this. Point blank. Like what darkfallenangel said, I love how he handled her almost-suicide. It was fucking brilliant. I feel as if you captured his character perfectly. OH, and how he acted all suave and cool when she came to his door days later. You write beautifully as well :) I also like how they became good friends first, BEFORE falling in love. Like, most people would just make them fall in love at first sight. Yes, it was a tad bit corny, but all so sweet. I think I got a cavity reading this. Lol.

    Good Luck!
    September 19th, 2010 at 03:44am
  • That was really good and very sad. I didn't think it would turn out to have such a (corny, as you say) cute ending(:

    I thought that this was awesome though, an easy story to adore. And I definitely teared up (which was the goal, so good job.)

    I can't think of anything to criticize or any advice to give, I thought that this was a sweet and sad story.

    Nice job!
    July 22nd, 2010 at 11:14pm
  • Wow this was so sad at the start I didn't think it was going to be a sweet story! But it is very sweet with a good layout lol :) it was also appropriate.

    I like how Brian handled the situation of her wanting to commit suicide. Their relationship development was genuine, which was great because most stories these days don't have realistic relationship development in them. I thought it was also an original story with a sweet ending. Corny, sure, just a bit, but romance stories usually are.

    Congratulations on the contrast between your two stories. This one she wanted to die, when in the other she was begging for her life. It was good to see her in two completely different places with Brian. You did a really good job with both stories. Like the comment above me - be proud of yourself. You're a good writer.
    July 20th, 2010 at 06:53am
  • Oh my gosh! This was so awesome! ^_^
    I loved every minute of this -- seriously. In fact, I re-read it! I feel you've captured Shayla's loneliness perfectly and the message in the story about the person you least expect to save you was amazing in itself.

    This is a nice read and I'd recommend it to anyone asking for an amazing one-shot! Great job; be proud of yourself. ^_^
    July 19th, 2010 at 04:12pm