Resuscitated. - Comments

  • Sheepy

    Sheepy (115)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I thought the ending was perfect. Your description is amazing. It was abstract, but at the same time, not confusing. It made perfect sense.
    The part where you said "The world was a vampire" was so good. I clapped to myself. Sad, I know, but that's just the kind of thing I do when I read.
    Why is it that the good stories and oneshots always have the least comments?
    It's just evil, really.
    It was awesome. Perfect. Well worth reading :hug:
    December 30th, 2007 at 02:20am
  • dr. faustus

    dr. faustus (1070)

    This was a touching story and while I was reading it I couldn't picture it right in my mind like everything was going in and out. Usually when I read a well written story like this one I can picture it, but I couldn't. That doesn't mean it wasn't good becasue it was.

    You are a great writer and it had a kind of fairy tale dark vibe to it. And the touch of music whenever you talked about the guitar was lovely.

    I honestly don't know what else to say. The top review makes my review look like shit, but I enjoyed in deeply.
    December 28th, 2007 at 03:59am
  • Poirot's Moustache

    Poirot's Moustache (1270)

    :cheese: Incredible just doesn’t really explain what I just read, but for lack of a better word, it was incredible.

    Your descriptions were amazing. You turned something as basic as penning a song into a life-altering and fantastic experience.

    He had picked the highest stars between his tender fingers and dragged them back to Earth, where he replaced the lost jewels in the golden crown he proclaimed his life-long achievement.

    What a beautiful sentence. The words just meshed wonderfully. I completely got a sense of how much Billy loves this band and how its become his life in a way. What he lives and breathes for.

    He had hurt some people along the way to reform this far than flawless puzzle. Broke them with his less that eloquent words.

    I liked that you added that. I’ve read some spiteful comments that Billy’s made regarding James and D’Arcy, and by including that it adds to the sense of the perils fame and being famous. It’s been a long road for Billy and the Pumpkins to reform and be where they are today. Makes Billy just…human, I guess. I found it easier to relate to him as a fellow human being, rather then a celebrity. And it really shows just how much Billy must love his music. Even though fame isn’t always kind, he’s stuck it out to do what he loves.

    The adolescent songs, baby songs he'll hand to them to love, coddle, feed; kinder until they become the whole well-rounded master pieces they were supposed to be.

    I don’t know if the development of a song has ever been worded so beautifully. Excuse me for gushing, but comparing the songs to children is just brilliance. Again, makes Billy’s passion for music ever more apparent. I can just imagine him handling his songs as newborns are handled by a father; with care to ensure that they grow.

    Distinctive voice- A perfect way to describe Billy’s vocals. One of the things I love about the band; I can always tell it’s Billy when he sings. I’m not like “Who the hell is that?” You really described everything about the band perfectly

    By only one thing...
    The birth of a song.

    Less then perfect? :omfg: I loved the way you ended it. It was simple, yet still poetic. It brought together all that Billy was imagining and creating, into one single entity; a song. And that’s a beautiful thing.

    Honestly, you’ve captured something really beautiful here. [Sorry for the overuse of “beautiful.” I wish I had a larger vocabulary]. It’s the rebirth of a lost legend and I don’t think it could have been written any more poetic and emotionally raw and captivating then it was. I loved the layout by the way. That photo of Billy is really artistic and interesting.

    And I can’t believe you got me for the Secret Santa. What are the odds?

    Sorry if my review was sucky. I try.

    Thank you for this piece of literature. It’s not everyday I read something this captivating. There are so many more things that I want to add, but they all seem to be merged into one big ball of thoughts in my head and I can’t seem to get them out through my fingers, so I’ll leave it at that.

    Oh, one more thing. I'm sitting here wearing my Smashing Pumpkins watch and you've just reinforced why I love this band and admire Billy Corgan so much. You are an amazing author. Thank you, thank you, thank you. And Merry Christmas. Smiley

    ily. In Love
    December 26th, 2007 at 10:04pm