Green Eyes, Blue Skies - Comments

  • little-miss-strange

    little-miss-strange (100)

    United States
    Shaant and Allie sittin' in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!
    Hahaha, seriously, though, you can totally tell she's crushing on him, even if she doesn't want to admit it. I mean, she obviously needs to get to know him better, but she wouldn't have felt slightly embarrassed and shit like that if she didn't have a slight metaphorical boner for him.
    LOL, it's totally cute, though! And I'd personally like to see them get together.
    But again, I guess she needs to get to know him better before that happens.
    So post more when you, dear! I wanna see where you go with this!
    November 5th, 2010 at 04:32am
  • little-miss-strange

    little-miss-strange (100)

    United States
    Yessssssssss, that was an awesome update!
    Tbh, I always fucking hated high school, but I still really love the vibe of this. Maybe cuz I was a total doucher in high school and Shaant and Allie are not.
    LOL, IDK, but it's cute, cuz they're obv. starting to be fascinated by each other, but neither of them wants to move too fast or do the wrong thing, so there's still that high school awkwardness.
    Which I think is awesome, mostly because high school romances can be the most exciting. That's probably a lame thing to say, but if you think about it, those are where you first REAL romances start, like where you actually consider that you might love someone.
    So I'm excited to see what happens with them and especially to see who makes the first move.
    Heh, oh, and did I mention that you need to post more as soon as you can? Cuz you do! :D
    September 17th, 2010 at 08:35pm
  • little-miss-strange

    little-miss-strange (100)

    United States
    OMG! I'm so sorry that it took me so long to read this!
    I'm glad I finally got to, though, cuz I can see that this story is developing quite nicely. I like how it's paced in a very natural, realistic way, but how you've thrown some drama in there with what's going on with Victoria. Unfortunately, I know all too well that high school break ups can be very nasty, and it sucks for Shaant, cuz it seems like Victoria is going out of her way to make this one worse.
    I can actually see her being the cause of some pretty bad shit, cuz she seems like the vindictive type. But I mean, it's cool that it's at least chill for now and that he's got a new crush to consider. :D
    LOL, it's so cute, though, and I'm really looking forward to seeing how things work out with Allie.
    Obviously, he has to be careful about moving too fast if he doesn't want to make the same mistake all over again, but he can at least put himself out there and hopefully get her to see that he's interested. I think they'd make an adorable couple. :]
    But yeah, shit, it was awesome.
    I really can't wait to read more of this.
    September 5th, 2010 at 08:27am
  • angrymuffin420

    angrymuffin420 (100)

    i love this story its so descriptive <3
    August 18th, 2010 at 08:49pm
  • KimberlyMae.

    KimberlyMae. (100)

    United States
    Jack and June <3 Our babiess :D!
    I love it thoughhh :] MOAR You should update again like right noww :b
    ...or in a second 'cause Imma go read your William Beckett story
    hinthint everyone else go read that tooo!
    August 14th, 2010 at 05:26pm
  • To_Settle_The_Score

    To_Settle_The_Score (100)

    United States
    Yippy! Someone who writes about Shaant! I love him to death! More please? I think I'm really going to enjoy this story.
    August 13th, 2010 at 06:22am
  • little-miss-strange

    little-miss-strange (100)

    United States
    Ahh, yes! This smells like the start of something spectacular!
    LOL, okay, that's a lame way to put it, but it's kind of true if you think about Shaant and Allie meeting because they're destined to be something more... and that's what it feels like to me. :]
    Gosh, I fucking love it, though! I don't always like high school stories, because a lot of them use that whole "we hated each other at first and now we love each other" type thing, but this one is obv. a lot different. To me, it gives off a vibe of chance meetings and finding love when it's totally unexpected... which I find very enthralling!
    Obviously, we haven't gotten to the point of love or even a crush yet, but still, I'm totally sucked into the plot of this story.
    Plus, I love the way you detail your scenes and the character's reactions to whatever's happening to them. To me, the vibe is very cool and realistic.
    And as usual, I can't fucking wait 'til I can read some more!
    August 12th, 2010 at 12:52am
  • little-miss-strange

    little-miss-strange (100)

    United States
    I personally don't think it's starting off slow at all. I mean, there's not some type of huge drama going on, but that's because we're only three chapters in and those should be more about setting up the foundation of the story and helping the reader get to know the characters.
    Which you are definitely doing! Like I said before, I think you're doing a great job at giving a real and identifiable personality to Shaant, especially the whole "guy" thing, which is sometimes hard for female writer's to do. When I'm reading about him, it just seems so real, ya know?
    And I'm getting even more interested now that it's obvious that Allie has taken an interest in Shaant. And it's so funny, cuz the whole situation makes me feel so much like I'm back in high school. Like when you see a guy in one of your classes that totally captures your attention, but it's sort of hard to know what to do about it, cuz you don't really know them in person and you think it's kind of weird cuz it's just some random guy from school.
    But then again, sometimes people cross paths for a reason. :]
    So now I'm just really excited to see how their relationship starts up and progresses, and of course, I'm def. getting absorbed in the storyline itself.
    I can't wait to read more!
    July 26th, 2010 at 09:54pm
  • little-miss-strange

    little-miss-strange (100)

    United States
    Ooh, I like this!
    I've never been majorly into CIWWAF, but I know a lot about them cuz of my sister and you seem to have Shaant's character down really well. Actually, the characterization in general was quite excellent, because you described their thoughts and feelings very accurately and really helped to set the stage with their sort of introductions.
    Plus, I liked the way you switched up POV's, cuz it lets you get into the minds of both characters and kinda lets you see the interweavings of both of their lives and conversations.
    I think this'll really help with the evolution of whatever relationship they may end up having.
    Not only that, but I really like the way you describe high school life. LOL, makes me feel like I'm there all over again!
    But that's a good thing, of course.
    And I'm really looking forward to more of this, so you better keep it up! :]
    July 24th, 2010 at 09:46pm
  • KimberlyMae.

    KimberlyMae. (100)

    United States
    So that's spelled Amy Haseekeyian?
    XD I died.
    Buuuut I wanna read mooooooreeee update bro.
    ... Shannt's a cuite pie. <3
    July 21st, 2010 at 04:21am