Deep Scarlet Secret - Comments

  • Lacta

    Lacta (100)

    United States
    Please update soon again. :)
    December 28th, 2010 at 07:09pm
  • Lacta

    Lacta (100)

    United States
    Eek, please update soon, Kristen!
    August 27th, 2010 at 03:18am
  • Lacta

    Lacta (100)

    United States
    Chapter 3

    HAHA, 'relentless' was one of my vocabulary words that my teacher gave me before she left and retired. Seeing that word brings back memories. :D

    Oh wow. This is funny. Haha, wow. I liked how it ended. They seem to be people that will get along either very well, or very badly in the future. Well, I can't wait to see. I'm excited for what will come next. So... you better update soon okay? So I can read more while I'm on my stupid writer's block. It's really boring me to death when I'm on a writer's block. It's the worst. So I need many many many things to read. Especially good stories like this. Good job.

    Please update soon. :)
    August 17th, 2010 at 11:57pm
  • Lacta

    Lacta (100)

    United States
    Chapter 2

    Whoa, that's so intense and awesome! I love the description here, it gave me enough to imagine, and enough to have room to tweak it. It was awesome. You know, there's these books that give you a huge paragraph like... 20 lines long describing one thing. I could completely imagine it, but it doesn't give me enough room to think either, so then it bores me. Your description doesn't do that, it gives me room to wriggle around, like a loose worm tunnel... Okay that was a weird simile I just made. x] But it's awesome how you do that!

    Anyways, I DID think about it during band camp. I was sitting there, scribbling on my paper, watching the teacher yell at us to pay attention and snap our instruments up. My friend to my right almost fell asleep because it was too boring and easy. And my other friend was concentrating very hard, since this was hard for her... for some odd reason. And I... I was just daydreaming. Oh yeah, it was cool.

    Anyways, I think this story deserves as many readers as November in the Seventh, if not more. I mean... where are they? xD Really... I guess this isn't reading season or something. That must be it. Because this story is RAD, and awesome. Did I just say 'rad?' x] I never use that word.

    Good job, my dear friend! :D
    August 17th, 2010 at 11:48pm
  • Lacta

    Lacta (100)

    United States
    Chapter 1
    And now my sister, denying her own lover her and my trust before us.

    That was the only typo I found. And I gotta say, I thought I read carefully too. xD Well, impressive. Only one! I usually have at least 5 in my chapters, when I look closely. x]

    This is awesome! I really liked it. The wording was great and I loved how you broke the paragraphs in some of the places. It was perfect. I could also feel the emotion running out of the screen. It was cool. Also, how you started this story out with repitition was impressive. Good job! Now I have to go to band camp so I can't really read any further, but for sure, while I'm sitting there with my instrument, being bored out of my mind, I will be thinking about this story. I shall return, my dear! I shall return!
    August 17th, 2010 at 01:59pm