You Can Take My Life, but You Can't Take It With You - Comments

    I really wanna know what happens next c:
    August 1st, 2011 at 01:53am
  • Love love love this.
    July 8th, 2011 at 07:37am
  • I enjoyed the beginning where you showed how Alex thinks/acts while Jack was asleep. I think you should do that more often. I didn't quite get the reasoning behind why Alex was doing all of this, and I'm sure he's rationalized it in his mind somehow as it being the only way anything could happen.

    The second half, however, was more interesting to me. I'm confused whether Jack kissed Alex so Alex would let him out, or if he legit wanted to kiss him?
    I like how Alex cuddled him in the bathroom.
    I didn't know there was a bathroom, or one that he could reach with the chain on his leg? But I might have forgotten about it from the original description of the room :)

    Good job.
    Sunny-Lee <3
    June 24th, 2011 at 06:44am
  • Favourite lines: This should be something they could just discuss over coffee or something. Kidnapping him was a little unnecessary. And also a little scary.


    "Why would I poison you if I love you, Jack?" Alex questioned, watching him fondly.
    ---I was expecting the answer to be "Why would you chain me up if you love me?"


    "Good boy," Alex murmured, wiping away any excess soup the dribbled down his chin. Jack shut his eyes, trying to block out this moment. "Good boy."
    ---Imagining this, it kind of freaks me out. As if Alex thinks of Jack as some sort of pet. Or...small child that needs praise? I dunno. It's just so...out of place.

    I also enjoyed that Jack thought that the Alex he knew was inside Alex, with his other....personalities? It seems like you're giving the reader hope that Jack will be able to convince Alex to let him go. I dunno... in this situation, I'm sure I'd eventually just be like "O_O I LOVE YOU TOO!" And just agree to get out of it. lol.

    Sunny-Lee <3
    June 18th, 2011 at 06:30am
  • Favourite line: "But, Alex, I don't love you like that. Not the way you want me to."

    Alex lifts his head up, giving Jack a strange smile that makes Jack's blood run cold.

    "But you will," he tells Jack.

    --- Basically, it showed how Alex was thinking, that he has something a bit wrong in his brain. He was acting too normal...too much like it was a joke until that point. It was brilliant :)

    At first, I though that Jack wouldn't be scared by seeing Alex walk in the room, because it completely confused me. If I was chained to a bed and my best friend walked in, my first reaction would be "THANK GOD! Help me get out of here!". I'm unsure why this wasn't Jack's response.

    I do enjoy Stockholm Syndrome though :)
    Gooooood chapter :D

    Sunny-Lee <3
    June 17th, 2011 at 07:01am
  • really good do more pleasee.
    February 14th, 2011 at 12:37am
  • Alex is as mad as a hatter . . . O.o
    I'm frightened for Jack, but I'm also jealous.
    Very kinky.
    If Alex rapes Jack, it wouldn't be considered rape because Jack would like it.
    But, if Alex is truly gone crack-o whack-o, then no one will enjoy it. (x
    I like it, by the way.
    More soon?
    July 22nd, 2010 at 01:39am
  • Can't wait for this to get going! This is like... Saw, or somethinbg! PLEASE update soon!
    July 22nd, 2010 at 12:54am
  • Wow, I love this!
    It's fucking awesome!
    I love the plot so much!
    Please Update soon!!
    I'm begging
    July 21st, 2010 at 08:46pm