Fearless - Comments

  • uhm my talent is drawing and I LOVE IT WHEN THERE IS A LOTZ OF DRAMA/ACTION
    September 13th, 2010 at 02:14am
  • LoveIt((:
    September 13th, 2010 at 12:48am
  • hey!
    that's awesome!
    no! D:

    and ughhhhhh
    talent... idk, sports i guess? O.o... giving ppl advice and listening? i'd make a good therapist ;D ha
    and other one- uhm, idk, i like both :) just depends on what action and what non action there i shaha
    September 12th, 2010 at 03:18am
  • AND.......??? omg dont end a freaking chapter like that! ahhhh! lol..ohkay im good.:D nice chapterr..love it as alwayssss.
    September 12th, 2010 at 03:01am
  • SLOOOP .... that was the sound of me getting sucked into your story now.. I'm stuck!
    Quick answers to questions because I must sleep ... the curse if work
    1. I get people ... that sounds lame but yeah not a particularly useful talent but there it is
    2. um both .... at the same time!
    September 12th, 2010 at 12:36am
  • Oh good Lord, woman! You're gonna kill me with these cliffhangers >.<
    I was totally into the last chapter, it was so cute, but it was so sad at the same time! I love Oliver and Avery, they are just way too cute together.
    Oliver better wake up in the next one, or else I'm gonna be pissed D:<
    And then him and Avery can hold hands and skip off into the sunset, where there will be lots of rainbows and unicorns and everyone will live happily ever after! Right? Good, we're on the same page[:
    Seriously, I'm at the edge of my seat right now. I absolutely cannot wait until the next chapter! :D
    September 11th, 2010 at 11:32pm
  • Yay!
    Oliver's gonna wake up! :D
    Thanks for updating :)
    September 11th, 2010 at 10:17pm
  • Oi.ShizzyNoodles.UPDATE! DD:
    1. What's a talent that you have? (Don't say you have no talent, everyone has some talent. Even if it's being really good at painting nails or finding good deals at Hot Topic. That's talent.) I can write poetry.. I quess that's a talent. >_< Haha. And accordinq to my best friend, I'm amazinq at beinq mean :O I remember I pushed my friend Kris into a pool. I was just standinq behind him, bitinq my nails and qot the urqe to qet him wet.[" I just pushed him in lolx. It was funny[;
    2. Do you prefer lengthy chapters without much action, or short chapters with more actions/cliffhangers? :P Ummm... hard question there. I'm thinkinq short chapters with more actions and cliffhanqers. But cliffhanqers are a pain in the arse when it's a really qood story..
    September 11th, 2010 at 09:24pm
  • 1 hearing
    2 blind
    3 touch
    Yay oli is waking up!!!!!
    September 11th, 2010 at 08:41pm
  • Yeah Oliver is waking up! A cold though? Seriously? Lol did not see that one coming.
    Now for questions!
    1) I really can't think of any talents...I'm a kick ass video game player though haha does that count?
    2) Depends on how well it is all written I guess. I mean a short chapter with lots of action is only going to be good I it is written well, same thing goes for longer chapters.
    September 11th, 2010 at 08:31pm
  • I'll enter!
    I dunno if it'll be any good, and sixth form has jsut started for me, so if i get overwhelmed, i may have to drop out, but other than that, i'll give it a go :)
    1. I don't know what my talent it, but i do have a huge passion for music, and writing lyrics. I don't know specifically what my talen would be, but i'm always being told i'm really creative and imaginative, and I have a 138 Verbal iQ, so i'd hope my lyrics are my strength. I love lyrics, ever since i was a little kid.
    2. it really depends on the quailty of the writng. I like equally, as long as it's not just cliff hangers put in for the sake of it, and i like long chapters as long, as their is a point to it. random drivel bugs me.
    xxx awesome chapter, I love the doctor's confusion, i could imagine him thinking "erm, these brothers are very... close...?"
    September 11th, 2010 at 07:45pm
    How could you just end the chapter like that?! -shakes my fist in fury-
    I kid, I kid. xD
    Seriously though, can not freakin' wait for more!
    The adorableness is insane!! :'D
    September 11th, 2010 at 07:32pm
  • :O Amazing! Must write more soon :) :)
    September 11th, 2010 at 07:30pm
  • 1. What's a talent that you have? (Don't say you have no talent, everyone has some talent. Even if it's being really good at painting nails or finding good deals at Hot Topic. That's talent.)
    2. Do you prefer lengthy chapters without much action, or short chapters with more actions/cliffhangers? :P

    1: I draw, I write, I sing, I play flute, guitar, and piano....

    2: I like long, detailed chapters. But short, action packed chapters have thier place!
    September 11th, 2010 at 07:03pm
  • Questions!
    1. What's a talent that you have? (Don't say you have no talent, everyone has some talent. Even if it's being really good at painting nails or finding good deals at Hot Topic. That's talent.)

    Hmmmm, a talent? I could sit down on the comnputer and read Mibba stories all day, and listen to music without getting bored. Does that count ? haha.

    2. Do you prefer lengthy chapters without much action, or short chapters with more actions/cliffhangers? :P

    I CANT CHOOSE! I love thoose short chapters that keep me on the edge of my seat and then I like fillers where you learn random things about the charecters.

    September 11th, 2010 at 06:40pm
  • 1. hmm... i sing? not like mariah carey. that's belting. i sing classical or things from other countries and in different languages and such. chorus music basically
    2. i like longer chapters :]
    September 11th, 2010 at 06:39pm
  • D< Cliffhanger.
    Oh well I hope he wakes up. <3
    September 11th, 2010 at 06:32pm
  • 1. What's the one sense you would miss most if you suddenly lost all of them?
    2. Would you rather be blind or deaf?
    3. Would you rather lose your sense of touch or taste?

    1: If i couldnt see.... I would kill somebody. All the rest of my senses can go, but If I cant view and make art, I will go insane.

    2: I would rather be deaf. But, I would miss singing and listening to music.

    3:I would rather lose my sense of taste. I happen to like feeling thingg.
    September 11th, 2010 at 06:29am
  • Questions!
    1. I'm a fatty, so deffinetly taste :P
    2. Deaf. If I had to choose, I would want to see people rather than hear them.
    3. This goes back to question number one. I would rather loose my sense of touch lol.

    Thanks for updating :D
    September 11th, 2010 at 05:50am
  • Awww poor oli *hugs oliver*
    September 11th, 2010 at 05:24am