So Easy To Love - Comments

  • Read this all tonight. It's currently 3:13am & I have work at 7! haha
    I loved this. It is completely amazing! I love the bond between Tom and Blair too. It makes me curious as to how strong there bond will be when he finds out Oliver and Blair are together. Will he be upset, angry, or happy for them? I have so many questions I want to know but you kind of left it for our imagination to settle on what happens to them in the future. Great Story!
    July 18th, 2012 at 12:16pm
  • Hey :)

    This comment may be kind of weird, because first: I'm flashed by the story, second: I'm German and so my english might suck and third: There is pretty much to say in my head, but I guess, I won't find words for the half of it. But let's get this thing started.

    I loved the story. It was really... fascinating.
    I mean, it isn't that special when you think about the plot, the storyline and so. Just a sweet, little lovestory, which the reader just have to love because it's that ... great.
    I think the title is great.
    So easy to love
    Could mean that loving is easy or that someone is easy to love. In end I wouldn't dare saying that this story has a meaning which is called: Loving is easy, because it surely isn't between Blair and Oliver. But I always liked the idea of a title which isn't that clear and gives the reader the opportunity to interpret somethings.

    I have to admit, that this story was for me the reason for being on mibba. I found the translation of a german girl on myfanfiction, but she doesn't translate more than chapter eight and I really wanted to read more, because Oli and Blair... they were kind of contagious. I need to know their whole story. So yesterday I found the german story and then the english one and today I finished them. It's really sad that you don't write a sequal. I would love to read me, get to know how they work with each other and in this relationship. But it's the authors choice, I guess.

    coming up to the characters.
    She is kinda cute. A clumsy, afraid, cute person which is so easy to love. I do like her more than I like 'Mary', even though I have to confess that Mary is kinda funnier. But Blair's thoughts were always more my taste. [This sentence would make sense in german, I don't know how it make sense in english...] The only thing that bothered me about Blair is that she took that long to get angry. I understand, she is a person who runs away from fights and arguments, but this jerk - Oli - does hurt her every single minute and she doesn't even get angry. So the scene when Oli comes to talk to her and she is the one who walks away or the scene when she runs to the stage, asking him why he hates her, are kind of my favorite. So, that's about Blair.

    Oli, Oli, Oli.
    He is kind of ... exhausting. He is cute. And he worries about Blair [I loved the scene when she loses her backstagepass and he freaks out after she has this fear attack(?).] But he is so destroying this whole thing every minute. If he loves Blair - no matter if he wanna give it shot or not - how could he possibly fuck other girls and let her know of it? That's so ... not fair. I really tried to hate him for that. Doesn't work that much. In the end he seems to be even more afraid than Blair is. I kinda like that part of him.

    My hero of the story.
    Gosh, I love this guy. He is so great.
    I ... whoooa.
    You see, I'm kinda freaking about him. But he is sooo much greater than Oli in this story and there were a few moments when I thought he would be in love with Blair - and I still thinking about it - but he is surely the best friend for her. And I do fall for the best friends most of the time. So, great, really great!

    What's left to say?
    I liked the british accent, even though it's harder to read for a german girl like me than the american 'normal' english is by itself. But I liked it a lot although.
    And about the happy end... they do deserve it, but I probably appreciate a sad, dramatic ending more. It's kind of crazy that I write this right now, because most likely I would hate you for writing one. xD So there is a part of me which is happy now with having blair and oli happy, and a part of me that had expected a little more drama... a fight or something and Oli kisses her or somthing like that to keep her mouth shout... sounds like a happy end, doesn't it?

    Well, I do finish my comment now, because I think the most I wrote is rubbish and grammatically not correct, but I hope you see that I've tried and know that I loved your story.

    P.S. My comments in german are actually better than this one. Sorry. ;D
    May 31st, 2011 at 10:09am
  • amazing<3
    March 10th, 2011 at 06:13pm
  • Oh this was so perfect!! They're prefect. fhahjrgrsf. I loved it (:
    January 11th, 2011 at 07:43am
  • "I love yeh too, Twitch,"
    ^^Cutest thing ever.
    I loved this story.
    I'm sad it's over :(
    November 25th, 2010 at 07:42am
  • It's so bittersweet to see this story end, but the ending was absolutely adorable. I'm so glad they finally got together, because you're right, they do deserve a happy ending :)
    Can't wait to read the other story that you are starting to write because you are an awesome writer!
    October 31st, 2010 at 05:03am
  • I'm so sad that this story is over! It's such a great story. :) I'll deffenitly share this story with people on here! Excited for the new story. =D
    October 31st, 2010 at 03:29am
  • Ighht. Im ready for my new and improved comment. I seriously think its the least I can do.

    So, This chapter really caught me off guard. Since it was going so bad with her and what she was thinking, and how she was over thinking every single thing. Also, how Oliver just was not cooaperating and how he was just like 'nope, i seriously do not wanna hurt you' I THOUGHT IT WAS SWEET, but sorta selfish (like she said) at the same time. Can you seriously just do that? If you love the person, then you'll give it your all and at least give it a go, and try your hardest at it. All he needed was a little push, which was what she gave him..

    I was so happy when he kissed her :D i awwed so long <3 " I LOVE YOU TOO TWICH" Oh my god, i just about died from happyness ^_^ Im so glad that it finally happened for her. Shes that girl. Not the band manager anymore. I AGREE, tbh i think a sequel might ruin this, but i love this one. Im so fucking stoked for you're gone <3 aha, gunna go comment that one now, Thanks for this amazing story <333
    October 30th, 2010 at 08:57pm
  • It was simply amazing.
    I loved it.
    October 30th, 2010 at 11:15am
  • I'm crying. No... I'm bawling my fucking eyes out. Why? I'll give you five reasons.

    1. They're together.
    2. He finally admitted her wanted her.
    3. He gave in.
    4. This was a happily-ever-after. One of the best.

    I seriously... I didn't want this to end at all. I wanted it to go on forever, and ever, and ever. But then it ended. And the ending just had to be so good that now I can't hate you for ending it. Because it was so adorable. I really loved how you used the quote at the end. It blended right it.

    I'm going to go die of happiness now.
    October 29th, 2010 at 08:16am
  • Awhh <3 loved it. Im not usally one for fanfiction but i couldnt stop reading. and i have school in the morning too @.@
    October 29th, 2010 at 08:02am
  • Bob marley quote c:
    October 29th, 2010 at 05:05am
  • I have to say this has been one of my favorite Oliver stories. Blair reminded me of almost like a mom, which girl tour managers usually get pinned as. . But I loved how caring she was for everyone. However I think she should have had a bit more balls instead of being an emotional roller coaster all the time. I could understand both points of their characters very easily, it was a very fun story. Loved the very cliche perfect ending.
    October 28th, 2010 at 09:24pm
  • God I loved this so much. It was the perfect type of cliche. I loved how Blair just blurted out that she loved Oliver. I also LOVED the ending of the chapter, like the final paragraph and sentence. Is that from something, the last sentence? I feel like I've ward it before.

    Time fr my super long an ridiculous final comment. :3

    I loved this because it was different. Blair was different, the twists were different, everything, but at the same time it wasn't outrageous or ridiculous. I loved Blair's relationship with all of the guys, especially Tom. :3 I also loved the scenes between Oliver and Blair, ESPECIALLY the pool scene. Hnnnng the pool scene ;3

    this was such a great story, and I can't wait for your new Oliver story :3 <3
    October 28th, 2010 at 12:57pm
  • Awwww they're finally together. Loved the ending. It warmed my heart :)
    October 28th, 2010 at 10:16am
  • Oh no, it's over
    I'm sad, yet happy.
    They're together and I like how
    you put that "nothing is set in stone"
    I totally believe that. And no sequel just makes this more special
    I'll be re-reading this many times. Now... off to the new Oliver story!
    October 28th, 2010 at 08:16am
  • *sobs* that was beautiful!!! ahwahhhhhhhh*more sobs* precious even.
    i'm so sad it's over, i'm totally thrilled that they ended up together, and i understand what you mean about the sequel. i think that the way it ended was just perfect.
    Amazing ending to an amazing story,i give it a kajillion stars!
    October 28th, 2010 at 08:00am
  • Most beautiful story ever ;')
    I don't even know how a story can be beautiful... but it is.
    October 28th, 2010 at 07:16am
  • awh its all over, this was a really good story! awh its so cute that they got together in the end, that they gave it a shot! i really like how it ended actually, its like everything was built up until this moment where blair just said all she wanted to say and oliver just couldn't help himself! i'm happy for them! this was such a cute story, really loved it alot! i'm well excited for this new story, i need to get read the latest chapter!
    October 28th, 2010 at 06:51am
  • That was the last chapter!!!!!! Ugh, I'm so sad now D:! I thought maybe this could have went farther, but now that I think about it, maybe it might ruin it, like you said. Because if they just continue this thing back and forth..yeah, I don't think the readers would really like that, it would get pretty yeah, I like how it ended XD. It was nice...Oli finally just going for it, them both taking the chance together..haha XD.
    October 28th, 2010 at 05:57am