Maiden with a Sparkling Eye - Comments

  • I'm definitely late on this story but I absolutely love it and I hope you update soon (:
    August 27th, 2011 at 08:33am
  • I know I might be a little "late" on commenting this story. But I really do hope that you would consider updating this again. It's sweet, funny and let's face it, it contains Red Sox and Josh Beckett.. does it really get much better? :)

    I just wanted to tell you that I loved it and that I really do hope that you would consider updating this some time soon-ish :)

    May 23rd, 2011 at 08:53pm
  • "Okay then, go get ready. We're heading to the ballpark."

    Josh looked at John confused, "Why?"

    "Because we have nothing better to do." Dustin said, skipping out the front door and down the hallway.

    Dustin Pedroia skipping would be epic. I would pay to see that.
    He needs to call her soon.
    I can't wait to see what happens between these two.
    Update soon? <3
    August 25th, 2010 at 06:55pm
  • Hehe, FUNNY!
    I loved it!
    It didn't suck, be confident, because I loved it and everything you write is amazing!

    August 25th, 2010 at 05:23am
  • "Get your ass off my counter and I'll tell you." Josh snapped.
    "You slapped it the other day, don't act like you don't want me." Dustin settled for a chair instead, and made a hand motion as if to say 'continue'.
    Josh rolled his eyes before speaking. "It was great." He couldn't stop from smiling.
    John smiled at him knowingly, "And? Did you knock the pants of her as Dustin had suggested?"

    I just loved this conversation =)

    August 23rd, 2010 at 11:37pm
  • Loved it! :D
    They are so adorableee.
    "No joke, he took all of Clays clothes and locked them in the closet with the ground crews shit and Clay had to walk around with a towel on until Terry came in and made Pap get him his clothes out of it. It's just too hard not to fuck with rookies."
    Made my day. (:
    So you should update...Soon.
    Just a thought though. (:
    August 16th, 2010 at 09:59pm
    I ended up like giggling and laughing through the whole thing!
    I guess I'm just crazy like that :D
    Keep on keepin' on, mate! xD
    August 16th, 2010 at 05:35am
  • So I'd like you to know that when they ran out of the restaraunt it reminded me of how at bamboozle (i forget which band it was) was all like
    "We went just had appitizers, skipped dinner and went back to your place!!"
    except for the fact that they didn't even have appitizers! *insert cat call*
    buuut instead of going back to her place they went to Jillians
    And i might have sqealed a little when it got to the Gravity part cause I had forgotten about how we were sitting outside listening to music that night! haha, good times.
    but yeah, this was just TOO ADORABLE
    and it had me smiling and giggling the whole way just like Haley was =)
    August 16th, 2010 at 03:52am
  • How did I not know about this?! D:
    But I found it so it's all good.
    Love this. (:

    "Sure, 'ya can. Isn't that why Paps married? Because he wasn't a puss and asked out a girl he didn't know? Because we all know no sane girl would actually know him and still say yes."
    Awe, Paps.

    "Why the fuck are you being so unsure all of a sudden?", Dustin throws his arms up in the air to make a point, "You're Josh Beckett for God sakes!" Walking over to Josh, he grabs him by the shoulders and looks him directly in the eyes.

    "You'll ask her out. She'll say yes, and when we get back to Beantown, you're going to wow the God forsaken pants off that girl!"

    Pedey & his pep talk made me laugh so hard. (:

    He felt like his heart was about to fall out of his butt. It was a foreign feeling to him. He wasn't sure if he liked it.
    Made my day.

    So, update soon? :)
    August 12th, 2010 at 09:57pm
    "Safe sex is happy sex" I was cracking up at that part!
    Well, I was smiling through the whole thing, I absolutely LOVE this story!
    Can't wait for more! :D
    August 12th, 2010 at 08:58pm
  • Sam? How do you just let me get away with not commenting?
    I love this story. And it's great.
    safe sex is happy sex." this made me smile.

    ohhh! and feel free to smack me when i don't comment. i'm a loser.
    August 12th, 2010 at 02:40am
  • I love this one, it's awesome! It's funny and I love itttt!!!
    Just as long as in future chapters the Sox don't whoop too badly on my Mariners, we'll be okay! Haha (:
    August 7th, 2010 at 07:26am
  • "You pretty ladies have a nice day."

    I thought that was quite cute =)
    August 4th, 2010 at 02:29am
  • "Whoever said license pictures we're un-attractive definitely hasn't met this chick."


    I definately think we need to do something tomorrow =)
    cause thennnn we can brainstorm more stuffs
    I still love this story btw

    on to chapter threeeeeeee
    August 4th, 2010 at 02:25am
  • Dearest Sam,
    I know I've owed you a comment on this. Here it is. I LOVE It.
    don't be like me and never update mmkay?
    I love you <3
    August 3rd, 2010 at 07:24pm
  • Hehe :)
    I know whats going to happen, because I helped youuuuu just a wee little bit! =D
    I still can't wait till you post the next chapters though, because this story is THE BOMB
    August 2nd, 2010 at 06:38pm