Ingemisco - Comments

  • FrankJScott

    FrankJScott (100)

    United Kingdom
    Please try <a href=>Google</a> before asking <a href=>Excellent Onlne Casino Website</a> e7_3904
    September 29th, 2023 at 08:38am
  • KittyhasClaws

    KittyhasClaws (100)

    United States
    This storry is stunning. I lovew the letter formatting, it's so unique, and the writing it self is original. I love how a letter is used to tell such a sad and touching story. It's so heart breaking but lovely at the same time. I'm at a loss for words but that doesn't really suprise me. I've never been very good with words anyway. I just want to say, You are a fantastic author.
    October 18th, 2012 at 06:08am
  • PaigeyPantsFTW

    PaigeyPantsFTW (100)

    United States
    Goddammit, I've already commented on this twice.
    But this doesn't have the same number of comments as Lacrimosa and ever since you pointed out that they have the same word count, I've wanted everything to be the same. (Watch, someone else is going to comment now and fuck it all up.)

    Have I ever told you that these two are my favorite by you?
    I think it's incredible just. Everything about them.
    Christ, I even went and listened to the music while I was reading.
    and it was just, completely perfect and heartbreaking.
    I really don't understand how you can be so amazing at telling stories.
    I wish I could crawl into your head, for just one minute, just so I could see
    all the cogs working and doing all the things you do best.

    Haha, while I was reading this I thought about pumping out an epicomment
    right here, and right now for these, since I'm wide awake for some out the ass reason
    but I don't think I could rant about these quite as effectively.
    they're too perfect. I wanted to cry while I was reading this,
    and I know I say that about everything you write, but I hope you still understand that
    your writing really does affect me that deeply, every goddamn time.

    I think it might be all the music references. Yeah, that's probably why I love this so much.

    And the thunder cunt line was still my favorite.
    May 2nd, 2011 at 06:54am
  • mysunshiner

    mysunshiner (100)

    That *gasp* was *gasp* amazing!

    April 26th, 2011 at 06:32pm
  • PaigeyPantsFTW

    PaigeyPantsFTW (100)

    United States
    *Thunder Cunt, Awaaaaaaay!

    fuckin' code.
    October 10th, 2010 at 06:25am
  • PaigeyPantsFTW

    PaigeyPantsFTW (100)

    United States
    The third paragraph, it is amazing.
    Bah, this is what I love about your one-shots.
    It steals all of my words and all you're left with is
    generic put-ups.
    But I'll have you know, this is fantastic and I love it.

    "But did you really have to call Ashley a cock-juggling thunder cunt?" <-lol
    Thunder cunt sounds like a super hero name.
    Thunder Cunt, Awaaaaaay!{/i]

    (I also thought it was dumb I hadn't commented on this either.
    I notice the most retarded things sometimes.)
    October 10th, 2010 at 06:24am
  • the woman.

    the woman. (100)

    United States
    Just as perfect as Lacrimosa. I absolutely adore these two boys - Jack and TJ I can see as if they're here, somewhere in my life, and I want to do nothing but help them out. I want them so badly to be together, so badly to get what they want, but the story is so realistic that I'm almost glad that they're not together - it would have made the story less real for me.

    Beautiful phrasing, as always. You seriously need to publish something - I want to be able to say I read you before you were published, and be able to hold these words and read them over and over again, in between the covers of a book and be happy for you. You have some of the greatest talent I have ever seen when it comes to writing, and I am simply blown away.

    But back to the story - it was beautiful. I'm crying as I type this out, and I keep typing these damn mistakes and going back and backspacing, all the while trying to think of words that will do justice to yours, to accurately describe how beautiful your work is, how moving and meaningful, without gushing like a fangirl.

    Too late.

    Ah, well I'll just leave it at this: I absolutely love your writing, when it comes to your style, plot, format, phrasing, and depth of characters. Thank you so much for writing this.
    September 30th, 2010 at 12:10am
  • Serena.

    Serena. (100)

    United States
    Both of these are just beautiful. <3
    September 5th, 2010 at 08:50am
  • Scattered Thoughts

    Scattered Thoughts (100)

    United States
    Thank you so much for submitting your entry on time. (: Sorry for the late review, but I was on vacation for the past week and I needed time to catch up on my sleeping and everything along those lines.

    I can't really find any faults in this entry besides the fact that there were a few sentence fragments here and there. Your layout was very simple. Your story title, chapter title, layout, and plot matched that of its prequel which was a good idea as well. The secret was quite apparent throughout the entire entry, though you did highlight it near the end, as well as specifically sticking it into the story without it being repetitive. Good job there. Your natural talent for writing truly astounds me.

    I love the bit about the diamond lasting forever. It fit the story beautifully, as did the theme about music. His guitars and piano's can't hold him like his true love can. He knows he made the wrong decision and he's going to have to live with it.

    Your spelling and grammar were great as usual. Thank you for proofreading and using spell check. You'd think that everyone uses it, but some people really don't.

    If I could, I'd write a much longer review, but I'd only be repeating what Lisa said as well as gushing the entire time. With that said, I'll leave you with this:

    Your entry was amazing and written beautifully. It flowed expertly and flawlessly and captivated me from the beginning. You have a natural writing ability and should totally pursue a career in the writing industry or treat it as a hobby. Entries like this are the ones that make me happy that we decided to go through with this contest.

    Keep up the amazing work. (:
    August 30th, 2010 at 06:13am
  • animal soup

    animal soup (100)

    United States
    *smacks forehead*

    and and and;

    the diamond reference was just incredible.
    August 25th, 2010 at 11:55pm
  • Ree.

    Ree. (100)

    There's something about the way you write that makes us feel the story, really feel it. My heart was actually tightening with his regret as if it was my own. That's one hell of an amazing ability you have.
    August 25th, 2010 at 11:30pm
  • tigermilk

    tigermilk (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    you know how much you said you liked Heart Swells? I feel exactly the same about this. there are millions of things I want to exclaim in capital letters whilst mashing my keyboard, ending with excessive amounts of punctuation to describe how much I love Ingemisco... but my comments seem to lower the tone of your work... ahem. so I'm just going to say this: IF YOU'RE NOT A PUBLISHED AUTHOR BY THE TIME YOU'RE 23 THEN THERE SHALL BE A RECKONING!!!!!!!!! ;)

    and the way you used the concept of diamonds lasting forever was incredible.
    August 25th, 2010 at 09:13pm
  • rooftopsandbirds

    rooftopsandbirds (100)

    Slovak Republic
    Beautiful. I prefer Lacrimosa, but this one is so well written too, and had some moments that just made me "..."
    Loved it.
    August 25th, 2010 at 08:39pm
  • animal soup

    animal soup (100)

    United States
    Alright, so I'm probably going to make myself late for Biology lab because I'm
    typing this right now, but I don't think I can wait and do it because it will torture me the whole time. (:


    Thank you for submitting your entry!
    I read on the contest page that you almost deleted this.
    Words just can't express how happy I am that you didn't.
    So, really, thank you.

    Firs of all, I adore the layout, as usual.
    It is very simplistic, and the photo you chose was perfect.
    I really love the concept you chose, of having the photo in Lacrimosa
    be of J.T and the photo for this story to be of T.J (and the way that their initials are opposite.)
    You certainly know how to execute your stories stylishly.

    I absolutely loved this entry.
    It is so honest and realistic.
    The raw emotion you employed just flowed right off of the page and into my heart.
    You have such a lovely way of describing your characters thoughts and feelings,
    it is both original and fantastic. The subject matter was intense and believable and
    almost painful to read in certain parts. One of my favorite lines of this entry is this:
    "There was a time when I thought I’d never have to pay a bill, that I’d just wiz through life depending on nothing but the pine of my guitar and the God-given talent in my fingers."
    The way you word things is just beautiful, in my opinion.
    I also really liked that this was in letter format as well,
    and you pulled that off well also.

    I really loved how well this entry flowed.
    It is very impressive when an author can create a complete story by relying on
    thoughts and memories for the most part, and you just pulled it off brilliantly.
    Andy, you just have a way with words and so much natural talent.
    I hope you never stop writing fully, even if you must slow down for school.

    This line was also amazing:
    "You get me, right down to the core. You see my inner workings, like a broken clock, but you don’t mind if the time is off or that the second hand might get stuck every now and then."
    I understand that feeling perfectly, and you describe it flawlessly.
    The way you portray the relationship between the two men is just wonderful.
    This line was also just beautiful and descriptive:
    "I’d try so hard to move my fingers but in the end I just ended up sitting on my stool staring at the piano, this crashing sensation of the ocean heavy on my back and the biggest smile on my face."
    I can't begin to say how much talent you harbor for writing.
    I could quote so many other things within this, honestly.

    I didn't notice and grammar or spelling issues at all, so nice job there.
    Thank you for proof reading, it is greatly appreciated. (:
    I also really loved the way you used your secret.
    You described it and illuminated it though your character's thoughts perfectly.
    It was also done in an original and beautiful fashion.
    I honestly didn't see that coming at all.
    I was sitting there reading and was just like...whoa.
    So good, and realistic as well.
    I think a lot of people have dealt with something similar.

    So, I know I gushed way too much in this review,
    just as I did on Lacrimosa,
    but I really think you did an amazing job.
    Your secret was used well, and you just did a really awesome job over all.
    I could tell you a million other things I liked about this story,
    but my lab is starting and it would take me quite awhile.
    I'm just going to leave you with well done. (:

    Thank you so much for entering our contest,
    and good luck! <3
    August 25th, 2010 at 07:55pm
  • Zooey

    Zooey (100)

    United States
    As usual, you have done a really good job with your story. I've been an avid reader since the start and although I was looking forward to a new chapter for Camp Boulder, this will certainly suffice.
    August 25th, 2010 at 01:55pm