See What We Seas - Comments

  • disasterologist.

    disasterologist. (105)

    United States
    aww, this was lovely!
    i love chris drew and nsn and your writing style is wonderful.
    i love how abstract everything is but also how sweet and simple. nice work!
    May 6th, 2012 at 07:07am
  • silk tea.

    silk tea. (400)

    United States
    I adored this.
    The style of your writing is excellent.
    I am amazed by this, it's just wonderful.
    August 20th, 2010 at 01:57am
  • weed demon

    weed demon (100)

    United States
    I liked this. And despite the fact that I've already seen the music video, it was still a bit confusing.
    Regardless, I loved the way you wrote this. :]
    August 7th, 2010 at 09:46am
  • wicked ways

    wicked ways (100)

    Ah, this is such an awesome idea.
    I really love it :D
    Sorry for the lame comment but I feel a bit ill right now, so bye xD
    But so awesome!
    August 7th, 2010 at 02:03am
  • Kupo

    Kupo (210)

    United States
    This was definitely one of the more interesting pieces that I've read.
    I read it once, without watching the music video, and I was a little confused, but then I watched the video and it suddenly made sense.
    The only problem I really have with it is that it's basically the music video with thoughts. I would've liked if you put your spin on it a little more.
    But I am in love with the fact that I didn't find any grammatical errors ♥
    August 5th, 2010 at 11:55pm
  • tholomew plague.

    tholomew plague. (200)

    United States
    I like you style of writing.
    This was a pretty good story.
    Good job.
    August 5th, 2010 at 10:25pm
  • legacy .

    legacy . (100)

    Story Review Game:

    Okay, so first off, I don’t really see the need of putting the title together. I mean, I’m sitting here trying to think of how it could be significant and I’ve got nothing. In actuality, the more I stare at it, the more it annoys me.

    I would’ve liked there to be a summary as well. I’d like to get a small hint of what I’m going to read. You’re layout is gorgeous though.

    Blue frosted sugar cookies were the start of the journey.
    - Okay, so as I skimmed down through it, I really didn’t like how you didn’t relate back to this. I have no idea how cookies tie into this story at all. To me, it sort of seems like they came from no where.

    He surfaced on the shallow end, the waves licked at his form, beckoning him out to sea.
    - Going on, I’m assuming he got into the bath, and then dreamed that he emerged from the ocean? But as I read on I starting to second guess that idea. I’m really confused.

    Wanderers, stuck on the other side. Hopelessly waiting for their rescue.
    - This got me thinking that he was in some sort of limbo? But again, I’m not sure. There are so many ideas running through my head as to what’s going on - each one more unlikely then the first. I’m hoping things clear up for me soon.

    I don't think the story makes much sense if you haven't watched the video.
    - I hope that that’s my problem. That I didn’t watch the video and so it doesn’t make sense to me. I quite literally had no idea what was going on in this, and I don’t even know what to guess it could be.

    I really liked your writing style - don’t get me wrong. The way that you wrote this was amazing. It was beautiful and poetic - you definitely have an amazing handle on words, you know how to use them to your advantage. I’m just not a huge fan of the story you told, and that’s probably mostly because I didn’t understand what was going on and so I didn’t really enjoy what I was reading. If I had realized that watching a video would have helped with my understanding, I would have watched it first, but personally, I don’t like having to know about something before I read a fic on it, ya know? I mean, I love it when I can sit down and read a MCR fic without knowing anything about the band but I can still understand it. Or if I can not read a book, yet still understand and follow what’s happening in a fic based on it.

    Anyway, like I said, your writing style is an epic win. The story was just not one for me.
    August 5th, 2010 at 06:28pm
  • legacy .

    legacy . (100)

    Story Review Game:

    Okay, so first off, I don’t really see the need of putting the title together. I mean, I’m sitting here trying to think of how it could be significant and I’ve got nothing. In actuality, the more I stare at it, the more it annoys me.

    I would’ve liked there to be a summary as well. I’d like to get a small hint of what I’m going to read. You’re layout is gorgeous though.

    Blue frosted sugar cookies were the start of the journey.
    - Okay, so as I skimmed down through it, I really didn’t like how you didn’t relate back to this. I have no idea how cookies tie into this story at all. To me, it sort of seems like they came from no where.

    He surfaced on the shallow end, the waves licked at his form, beckoning him out to sea.
    - Going on, I’m assuming he got into the bath, and then dreamed that he emerged from the ocean? But as I read on I starting to second guess that idea. I’m really confused.

    Wanderers, stuck on the other side. Hopelessly waiting for their rescue.
    - This got me thinking that he was in some sort of limbo? But again, I’m not sure. There are so many ideas running through my head as to what’s going on - each one more unlikely then the first. I’m hoping things clear up for me soon.

    I don't think the story makes much sense if you haven't watched the video.
    - I hope that that’s my problem. That I didn’t watch the video and so it doesn’t make sense to me. I quite literally had no idea what was going on in this, and I don’t even know what to guess it could be.

    I really liked your writing style - don’t get me wrong. The way that you wrote this was amazing. It was beautiful and poetic - you definitely have an amazing handle on words, you know how to use them to your advantage. I’m just not a huge fan of the story you told, and that’s probably mostly because I didn’t understand what was going on and so I didn’t really enjoy what I was reading. If I had realized that watching a video would have helped with my understanding, I would have watched it first, but personally, I don’t like having to know about something before I read a fic on it, ya know? I mean, I love it when I can sit down and read a MCR fic without knowing anything about the band but I can still understand it. Or if I can not read a book, yet still understand and follow what’s happening in a fic based on it.

    Anyway, like I said, your writing style is an epic win. The story was just not one for me.
    August 5th, 2010 at 06:28pm
  • LoveDefined

    LoveDefined (100)

    United States
    nevershoutnever is guenis? love the
    COOKIES!!!! WHO WANTS TO LIVE IN A WORLD WITHOUT COOKIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    August 5th, 2010 at 06:20am