Inside Out - Comments

  • You took an old idea and put an original spin on it. I really, truly liked this. I felt very draw to it, in an almost inexplicable way. Maya is such a sweet character. I liked her a lot, to a degree which is uncommon with most female characters I read about. Her relationship with Nana was just heartwarming. The story itself was really quite tragic, and I felt for Maya's plight. You're fantastic with descriptions, and a lovely storyteller to boot. You really know how to bring a character to life. I think you truly added something to the picture, interpreted it in a very unique way.

    I loved the layout, and your grammar was superb. Beautiful job.
    August 29th, 2010 at 10:49am
  • This story is one of a kind. I'm so glad I read it, because it is now one of my favorites on this site.

    You describe things so perfectly, as if I'm actually there, living it with te characters.

    This story really made me think. And I clung to every sentence.

    I love how it was for her Grandma <3 that was SO sweet. Gosh, I love this.
    August 15th, 2010 at 12:15am
  • The sad thing about this is that it actually happens. In Fiji, it does anyway. Yes, my country's not all white sandy beaches and azure seas.

    Your story line, although not completely original, was touching. The writing style was excellente! and I have no idea why you would not be happy with this one shot! The correlation between the picture and the story however, was a little blurry but I guess its not my place to say anything about that.

    Good one!
    August 14th, 2010 at 05:47am
  • Title

    Kind of mysterious. Makes the reader want to know what it's about.


    Simple, but intriguing.


    Very nice and attention grabbing. I love how it is kind of rhyme-y. Lol


    Very sweet. I love how it is all for her grandmother, though I disagree with her job choice. Grand job! This is very well written and the picture is portrayed awesomely. Keep it up! I really like the details in this, as well.<3
    August 14th, 2010 at 04:49am
  • My, my. So I finally got to reading this, my apologies for the lateness.
    The layout was fantastic.
    Your writing is nice, I like it. :D I expect great things from you in the future.
    I thought the grandmother would die in her sleep. I was scared.
    A few times I was slightly bored, perhaps a bit too much description at some points? But it wasn't all choppy, so good. :D
    August 13th, 2010 at 05:18am
  • Wow. That was superb.
    The writing was excellent. It was little too long for my taste, but it was great anyways.
    I liked the ending a lot, it was a bit of a surprise.
    Thank you for entertaining me. =]
    August 13th, 2010 at 02:48am
  • The layout is simply gorgeous. I'm kind of in love with the background, to be honest, and it really fits the picture. I also think that your writing style is great, it was easy to understand and not too choppy.

    During the first few paragraphs, I was expecting something to have happened to the grandmother. That perhaps she had died in her sleep and you would see Maya having to deal with that? I definitely didn't expect the rest of the story. I was completely awe-struck when I read. <3

    I love, love, love this. Great job!
    August 12th, 2010 at 07:07pm
  • Okay... this story didn't interest me very much, sorry.
    I am the fanfic type, myself.
    But anyway, your writing was kinda hard to read... maybe it was just my crappy eye-sight, I dunno.
    Just... keep writing because you write well, except this story wasn't my type. Sorry...
    August 12th, 2010 at 03:35am
  • I love the layout.
    And the story is lovely.
    You write with such amazing detail it has me like OH MY GODDD!!!!!
    sorry, i spazzed up there. ;D
    August 12th, 2010 at 02:19am
  • Okay, first, amazing layout and picture. Maya is such a cool character who actually reminds me of my cousin - also named Maya (: She's not those wimpy type of characters - does anyone hear the cries of Bella Swan? >.> - and seems to look like the kind of girl who breaks necks and takes names xD
    Anyways, this is amazing, as always. Great job! <3
    August 12th, 2010 at 01:58am
    I forgot to mention, last time, that Maya is my best friends name, though. C:
    I love your writing, the title to this, the layout.
    Everything is amazing. :D
    August 12th, 2010 at 01:24am
  • First off, beautiful layout. My eyes jsut ate it up! ::nomnomnom:: (haha, I've been saying that a lot lately)
    Second off, the detail you wrote it was just so... surreal. The imagery was there and I could picture everything in my head. I just kept reading& reading. And when the ending came, I felt a bit sad that it was over. Maya was just a great character that I could see myself in. I like how she's selfless and strong, despite how much she's hurting. Beautiful really.
    Third off, this wasn't bad! You should be happy with it, miss! I would cry from happiness if I wrote something this marvelous xD Really. I'm being legit here.
    August 11th, 2010 at 11:51pm
  • This was so raw and so unexpected.
    Your detail is rather brilliant. When I read it I felt like I could picture Maya walking off the bus and having the bus driver scoff at her; everything I read I could picture which is what I loved most about this story.
    The whole concept as to why Maya does the things she does is heartbreaking and the idea behind it was simply excellent.
    Everything about this story was great from the layout to the words.
    August 11th, 2010 at 06:02pm
  • I love how you've taken inspiration from the picture, and turned it into something gas amazing. That shows a truly skilled writer.Plus the fact that there are no grammar/spelling errors I could detect makes it simply perfect. You've turned the cliché girl-working-a-club storyline into something completely unique ^-^

    I adore Maya and her grandmother, but the I don't like the others much ¬¬ I hope things get better for Maya, I really do. Subbed! <3
    August 11th, 2010 at 11:05am
  • This reminding me, of myself and my nana!
    It was great! I loved it!
    August 11th, 2010 at 08:45am
  • You are like a writing GOD! <3
    (: I love this detail and I love this story even though everything just broke my heart.

    I love how she's doing everything for her grandma, and I love the ending. The word choices in here just left me breathless. This really didn't seem like 2ooo+ words. D: Like at all. I got so wrapped up in this world of emotions and situations I was like, "woah." P.s. I like how the club is called "The Galaxy," and in an odd way, the background kind of looks like stars. Or maybe I'm just crazy. :)

    Fabulous Job. :) <3
    And I say that because I truly love it. (:
    August 11th, 2010 at 08:02am
  • This is absolutely mesmerizing.

    Your description was just so unexpected, and the plot is so creative it makes me want more.

    Great job, hun!
    August 11th, 2010 at 07:44am
  • -Hugs this story- Ooh, I love this.
    <3 Like - I may as well subscribe so I can read it over, and over, and over again, because I might as well just set up a shrine for it, and kinda obsess over it, yeah?
    You, ma' dear, are an amazing writer with amazing talent, that - I find myself - quite jealous of.
    August 11th, 2010 at 07:08am
  • Wow...that is not at all what I expected...and I loved it! It was great you are just so decriptive in your writing. It was a great story, and I can see it ending up in the top three! Great work!

    love yourself:;
    August 10th, 2010 at 11:11pm
  • I'm somewhat speechless.
    You're so talented, love! Your use of descriptions is just marvelous!
    I love the picture and layout, as well.
    The plot was great.
    Amazing job, as always. :D <3
    August 7th, 2010 at 08:25am