Defining. - Comments

  • Oh, why thank you! :) And yeah, I can dig Bob, aha. That's what I was aiming for pretty much, they were both assholes in their own ways and in the end they worked for each other that well because no one else would accept those kind of qualities. Oo, potentially. I didn't want to extend it but leave it as a short story, but perhaps I may write another chapter actually.
    December 27th, 2011 at 04:42am
  • Tis an interesting story.That guy whatever his name is (for the duration of this comment lets call him Bob) was a complete dick. That is why I felt he suited the story quite nicely. The girl also seemed like a douche but that in the end is probably why they suited each other. When they are not together they have to be assholes to others. It was a good story I am hoping that a potential second chapter is released.
    December 26th, 2011 at 06:12pm
  • A big thanks to both of you! :)
    And Sherlann, that is exactly why I didn't want names. I'm glad someone picked up on that! And it makes me happy to be told I have a 'style'. I can see a trend in what I write, but it's still nice to be told.
    So again, thank you!
    August 9th, 2010 at 12:04pm
  • Lalalalalaaa, I'm going to over stimulate your brain with compliments because you deserve it and I want this to help you get motivated to write more :) Because you're my friend and I care about you and your right brain's well being!

    These are little bits of the story that I really enjoyed. They were bits that just pulled it all together, for me at least:

    There was no such thing as awkward eye contact when you were fucking baked as hell.

    She smiled to herself and kept walking; she was just a silly teenager whose confessions of love came out all too easily whilst intoxicated. He was just a silly boy who didn’t know emotions, his body was filled with hormones – there was no room for a heart in there.

    This moment defined her and broke him.

    “One day, you’re going to have to take things seriously,” he sighed, “But for now, you’re right.”

    I think no names was a good idea. I think no names, to me, makes it so these two people can be anyone. A lot of teens find themselves in some sort of love/lust situation like this. It makes it open for whoever you want it to be, ya know? At least that's how I took it.
    I love your style. It's quite enjoyable. It's fun to read.
    Ummm...I'm just really glad you kicked your ass :D
    August 8th, 2010 at 04:33pm
  • Wow. Just. Wow.
    That was really good.
    I loved how the characters were developed and how each of their stories were the same, but yet different.
    This was a really great piece and your writing is amazing.
    August 7th, 2010 at 06:04pm