89.4 Zombie Radio - Comments

  • Yes I am a very happy person right now, and wait how did I get the name Eric? I forget lol
    November 18th, 2010 at 07:25pm
  • Eve!
    I fucking love you too!
    You have no idea!
    I was PISSED when I got home today.
    I was walking down the street hoping, wishing, praying that some stupid prick would try something dumb like mug me or at least bump into me so that I would have a half legit reason to beat the bloody fuck out of someone...That is how pissed I was!
    And then...I read as Trevor finally got his and I became happy!
    It made me giggle...
    They are back!
    We are family!
    I got all my sister's and me!
    Future Roomie!
    I have a favor to ask...
    Once you find your Layla...put like a tie on the door or something when she is over...
    I so do not wanna walk in on that shit going down like the Titanic...
    I loved Kwame's little speech right in front of Nolan!
    It sounds like something I would do.
    Bob and Jessie reign supreme!
    I am still ever loyal to Samurai Bob though...
    I love how they killed yet another car!
    What the fuck is up with that?
    They are like bloody cursed!
    DJ double tap!
    I was thinking of him...They are off to safety and he is all lonesome in his radio tower spreading the word and bad music...huh...kinda makes me think of god...
    Congrats to Eric!
    And to the dude who won her heart...if Eve ever needs to beat you up I will be there filming it!
    Cuz that shit would be so funny...
    My dad never did the whole shotgun thing.
    I asked him once why.
    He said that in spite of my craziness I never brought home any weirdos or guys that he disapproved of in general.
    Of course I never did tell him about that one boyfriend who smacked me...
    But I am stronger because of it!
    I am a fighter like Christina Aguilera!
    Ben 10!
    I used to love that show.
    I watched it in mexico.
    Fun times.
    For Halloween can I dress you up as a prostitute like Randy's cousin?
    I think it was her cousin...
    I was thinking of that today and it made me smile.
    If you say yes you can dress me up however you want.
    And I do not mean that in a dirty way.
    I mean that in the Spongebob way.
    Like that one time he dresses Squidward as a salmon and took him around town.
    The story is coming to an end!
    What will the sequel entail?
    Will they still be traveling to the island?
    Will Aiden and Celeste get answers and revenge?
    Actually...fuck them
    When will I get answers?
    Will the doc Find love?
    Will Kwame hook up with Roxy and have delicious half blood babies?
    Just because that would crack me up.
    Will the queens try to take over the world?
    How long can zombies go without eating?
    I mean...eventually survivors are gonna get smart or eaten...
    What happens when their food source is gone?
    The creators of the virus...do they live or are they victims to their own plague?
    Is there something bigger and stringer than a queen?
    How the fuck are they gonna get to the island?
    Do any of them know how to...uh...work a boat?
    So many question!
    I can think of at least 8 more right now but I dont want to go on an on...
    So to finish this comment.
    Eve...I love you!
    My brain is planing something special for your brain tonight...
    Read up on Menage and you will get a good idea :p
    November 18th, 2010 at 01:07pm
  • Your an asshole for writing to much in your author's notes!
    But I am gay...so it works for me...
    *wink wink*
    not really
    bad joke
    no offense to gay's
    I'm bi
    Only Eve understands me!
    Well...Julie and Randy do to but yeah.
    We are family!
    I got all my sisters and me!
    you gotta love the 80's...
    They are so bad they are...bad but you cant help but have them as a secret guilty pleasure...
    You know what I am talking about!
    Trevor is cucu for coco puffs!
    And the Jake (jake?) getting his cop on!
    I know he is a bit older but damn that was kinda hot...he can handcuff me anytime!
    Kwame my man!
    He done me proud!
    He is over Riley and onto someone better!
    Just as long as he doesnt go gay and go for the doctor...cuz that would flippin break my heart.
    Dylan still...I dont know...makes me uncomfortable.
    Its not her lack of commitment...its her...I dont know.
    She just makes me nervous.
    The time frames of the two groups match!
    Celeste...hmmmm...I understand where she is coming from but I dont agree, but then again, it is her decision to make.
    It is coming to an end!
    Horror...not so much cuz I know there is gonna be one mouthgasmic sequel.
    But I wonder how you are gonna wrap things up for this one.
    Will there be fire works?
    Should I bring out the KY Intense and couliflower?
    Epicness man...just epic like going Scryer at Shatthrah after BC came out...
    November 15th, 2010 at 02:46pm
  • DUDE!!!!!!
    i wanna open a brothel too!
    I was begining to wonder if they would ever encounter anyone else...
    They are all psychos!
    I love how Julie got offended about the can of beans, I would have too!
    Though I would have ketp the army guy...even if he was an idiot.
    Army means weapon training.
    Extra person we dont trust means bait of necessary.
    Yes...I am that much of a cold hearted bitch.
    shout out to randy!
    Remind me to ask her how far along she is...
    Ans I just made it sound like she is prego...
    I love our threesome!
    i just realized that I read out loud my favorite lines...
    Like the de niro line...or the whole drill seargent with a mental problem and a gun...
    my uncle used to be a drill ...how the fuck do you spell seargent?
    he is tiny, but has a big scary voice that had them motherfuckers doing pushups until they puked.
    He told me...
    I giggled.
    Gut feeling!
    Gotta love em.
    dude, why dont they get to have sex if there is a kid in the house?
    its not like parents go celibate after having kids!
    I would have flipped a cow had she said that too me.
    And then...no matter how tired I was I would have done it anyway.
    Just to piss her off...
    ok, not really
    I have some decency...
    I would have just imagined I was and then chuckled evily to myslef.
    the end...
    November 14th, 2010 at 03:52am
  • Eric!
    Dalton is all yours!
    Agirl can dream.
    But its all good!
    I have a not so secret thing for kwame...just cuz he cracks me up
    but now!
    I am over kwame!
    I want to marry you and have your bass playing, zombie writing, white ass babies!
    Cuz this chapter was so fucking awesome!
    I got my answer which was better that what I had hopes for.
    The fellow brit got his ass kicked by his own weapon.
    I agree with the doc...gerard butler...id so turn gay for him if I was a guy.
    Aidens answer...fuck yes! Best answer eva!
    I loved celeste's answer!
    And holy shit! She spoke!
    Dude,,,why doesnt she speak!
    Oh my gawd!
    Roxy and Kwame!
    Heart to heart!
    He almost cried...
    Its ok, Lexi is here to make him feel all better...
    Randy is the only person who calls me lexi...its weird...i love it
    Dude! a zombie mudskipper!
    or better yet...a zombie horse!
    and then I would ride it like I was rollplaying my undead mount from WoW
    I used to have an undead warlock...named Zaphire...
    and she had an undead horse
    with fire in its eyes...
    and it was fast
    and sexy...
    but then I got a dragon
    and it was cooler
    *shifty eyes*
    Randy is starting to rub off on me!
    That sounds dirty...
    Dude, Eve, love of my brain...
    I am so honored that you dedicated such a kick ass chapter to me.
    I brain you long time with all my chemicals and grey matter!
    I am a pimp that has a pimp...
    I am just that good.
    My sister calls me a hoe though...so it fits
    Dude...what is the baby powder for?
    That is just Kinkyyyyyyyy!
    I have a question!
    is Dj double tap alone in the world?
    Cus DJ double tap deserves him some loving!
    They all do!
    I want happy endings dammit!
    Not really.
    I want the ending you have planed...cuz you write amazingly and I know that you wont disappoint!
    More please!
    Cuz I am just a glutton and cant get enough!
    or am I a nympho?
    seeing as how we are having sex via literature?
    Me confused now...
    Btw...this chapter...was orgasmic...
    Like the best I have ever had!
    Like randy and that mouthgasmic cookie of hers...
    November 10th, 2010 at 12:46pm
  • But Dalton is mine :(
    November 7th, 2010 at 11:43pm
  • Dalton...rap!
    Damn, now I need me a Dalton so I can order him to rap for me at any random given time.
    I love picking on Bob!
    Nolan is pretty hard core...I kinda like him.
    Ha...Bob is slightly more sterile...the magic of a cold shower :p
    The queen is alive...well that gave me the heebeebageebees from hell.
    I feel unseasy...loud car...zombie eradicating the living.
    And Awwwwwwwwwwww I cant wait for the next chapter!
    Though I have a feeling imma hate you and love you for it.
    Dude...not only Roxy but Kwame as well. Roxy will sound like a broken record but how the fuck will Kwame even speak?
    Imma ask this one more time...and if I dont get the answer I like you and Bob are going to be having one more thing in common and I assure you it is not something you want in common with him...What the fuck happened inside the house?
    Now...imma go skip to the shower so I can get ready to hunt me down some food. I kinda wanna hit mcdonalds again but I know I shouldnt. Damn my lazyness. I could cook but...then I'd have to go grocery shopping. Fuck this. Where can I get a rich man with a maid to mooch off of?
    November 7th, 2010 at 08:03am
  • Dude!
    I was ranting about my bra today at work!
    It is a sign!
    And I sooo did not need that mental image of men and...yeah.
    There is a kid!
    A kid!
    sorta...that is gonna complicate things.
    There is just no fucking luck with them damn cars is there?
    Happy 50th!
    And ew man. Layla made out with a man covered in zombie blood...that cant be healthy or sanitary...or sexy.
    I love how Bob goes around bugging the girls...I would too.
    This chapter made me laugh so hard!
    It reminded me of something I said to you once lol.
    Pimp out ness!
    I brain you for it!
    My brain is drunk right now but she slurred something about your brain being sexy...
    And I have a question...did they kill the queen as well?
    Zombies grouping together makes me cringe...
    Are we gonna find out how Nolan was not infected?
    And what the fuck happened in the house were the others were left behind while the bus rescue mission was going on?
    Damn you!
    So many mother flippin question!
    November 5th, 2010 at 01:03pm
  • Eve...my beautiful man!
    I brain you foreva!!!!!
    Now I understand all the research and I have decided that when I go back to japan I am taking you with me. Because you are fucking awesome! For realz dude, I mean that.
    I love how excited Bob was! Total little kid!
    And Layla, its kinda sexy when she goes all tough and uses the full name on him.
    I want a man like bob! Only sexy like kwame...
    This chapter kinda made me wish for a zombie apocalypse...also makes me want to hit the gym so that i am in shape for said zombie apocalypse and dont die a horrible death when I am caught by the first zombie that sprints after me.
    I will reserve the gym for when I am back state side though...
    Zombie bear!...I have named him "Karma"
    Dylan...interesting girl, chain smoker and new amigui of Roxy.
    I havnt decided if I like her yet...I kinda dont trust her. She was gonna ditch those guys, who is to say she wont ditch the rest of them
    Shame on Kwame as the truth dawns on him hihi, I feel kinda bad for him, just a lil...not really :P
    I wanna take a shower.
    What happened in the house!!!!!!!?
    Tell me!
    Pretty please!
    With Ashley Green and whip cream on top!
    Well...dont tell me, just write the chapter!
    Cuz what you did was mean!
    It was a tease chapter!
    TEASE i tell you!
    And I cant believe you put in the authors comment that we are having sex via literature!
    I laughed so hard at that!
    I wish I could see peoples faces when they read that!
    I cant wait for them to be reunited!!!
    I love the fantastic four though...Its amazing how they work together. I am kinda jealous of their friendship hehehe.
    Fuck...I just broke a nail...that shit hurts...Its awkward when i type...
    Now I must go...cuz I gotta go read your new story.
    But before I go. My brain wants to give your brain a message
    "Babe, meet me at my place, 9pm, wear what you got at V's S...I'll be waiting...XOXOX
    Eve...you are the most epicly awesome dude ever to write a zombie story and be weird!
    Live long and prosper!
    November 1st, 2010 at 01:54pm
  • Sorry Justin I was tired awesome chapter though
    October 28th, 2010 at 11:19pm
  • Ha! You know what I mean... Do you hear that?"

    "Hear what? We locked everything right? Do you here something coming?"

    "...You could say that."

    ....That right there ladies and gentlemen is why I know want to marry Eve's brain.
    This chapter was epic!
    Epic like Jimmy's blue staff.
    They are married!
    I love how you managed to give Jessie her wedding, she deserves it.
    It was an Awww moment but I still laughed my ass off.
    I love that Layla was so straight forward about it.
    She is woman! Hear her roar...or moan, same thing
    Bob, apparently he has a cocky side too...he thinks they won.
    Finally! A car.
    I sweat, my feet hurt just form reading...
    Awww, your mission warms my heart and brain!
    I brain you long time Eve!
    I am so stopping at a sex shop for a lil somthin' somthin' after Hot Topic cuz your brain sooooooo deserves it.
    So next chapter is a Jessie chapter?
    Damn, i wanna know what Roxy does to the people who took the bus.
    And yes, I am assuming it is people and not person cuz it would just be stupid for one person to steal a whole bus. I mean, Why the fuck would you want a whole gas guzzling bus for yourself?
    Eve, Eric...I thank you from the bottom of my soul for this story.
    I brain you both!
    October 28th, 2010 at 01:39pm
  • Eve!
    Its official!
    I fucking love you!
    Like for life!
    You gave me Kwame awesomness!
    Dude, if you asked I'd give you my first born i'd go out and get prego right now just so that i could give it to you...that is how happy this chapter made me.
    They found the bus!
    Zombie bear!
    Dude...I cant even describe how much I love the whole bear thing...you can tell I'm excited cuz I cant stop saying dude.
    Roxy...Lucas maybe? (wait a minute...was it Luke or Lucas? whatever) nice...
    Dude! The flip! I loved How Kwame said that they have to start repopulating at some point! That is something I would say!
    And I think it is obvious the bet he wanted to make hahahahahahha
    But ew. Riley? ugh! I want him to get him some love from a real woman!
    Dude...so new characters coming yes? With gasoline yes?
    I am so excited!
    Can you tell? huh? Can you? How about now?
    It fills my soul with evil thoughts when you pimp me out!
    Thank you!
    Brain you Eve! In the "I wish your brain could be my lesbian lover" kind of way.
    October 27th, 2010 at 03:34pm
  • o.O
    Eve...white boy...can rap?
    Damn, I would so pay to see that.
    Super pout 2.0! I wish I could hear the songs!.
    BTW...I love holding_on's comment.
    havt read the new chapter yet.
    Not till I get home and all that jazz.
    But fear not!
    I WILL be reading it.
    October 27th, 2010 at 07:02am
  • comment

    ha ha still reading
    October 27th, 2010 at 05:03am
  • So Justin and I are making some songs. One of them is called Shout Outs I believe ya'll are in it. Well I believe we said the readers of this story Im unsure. It was pure improv. We are making another one though and it will be all about this story and DJ Double Tap will be given a voice in it. Yes DJ Double Tap will be in the song. It will be a rap song now if only well could find another rapper. Sorry Justin can rap and I can't. Plus the song anyway will require three people
    October 25th, 2010 at 08:41pm
  • Have I mentioned that I hate zombies with guns?
    Well I do...
    I LOVE Layla!
    Already has Bob in place hahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahah
    It fills me with sweet sugary goodness!
    Shower! Finally! i was beginning to wonder...
    Dude! Why hasnt he called!
    That is no bueno!
    Um...in a city full of abandoned cars...why havnt they picked on yet?
    I know Jessie is picky but dude!
    It beats walking any day.
    I am so hitting a shooting range and learning how to shoot when I get back.
    I love how Bib freaked them all out...that would be me.
    Necrophilia...hm, I guess not with this kind of zombie...
    But still ew!
    Layla and her cryptic sex answer teehee.
    Hm...I wonder how that will work out for Jessie and Dalton since she was waiting for marriage and all that jazz... Um...Ask Bob to perform a ceremony? Actually, that is something I would do. Ask a really good friend to perform the ceremony since I dont really have a religion. Besides the whole judge and signing and stuff. Hmm....
    Well arnt I getting ahead of myself?
    Yes I am...
    i cant help it...
    I wonder I wonder
    I'm hungry
    October 25th, 2010 at 02:11pm
  • Wait a damn second!
    Why wont Alice, now Eric, read this chapter?
    This chapter is epic!
    I loved it!
    Perfectly awkward and I think I just fell in love with Bob all over again.
    Seriously, where do I get a guy like him?
    Sigh, Good to have Jessie and Bob back, I love when she calls him an idiot.
    Girls kicking ass! That was all sorts of hot!
    I love Bob's name.
    I love that Layla already gave him the full name treatment.
    This is gonna be a awesome relationship.
    I am now content and disgustingly happy and using my mind powers to hack into your mind and fill you with the desire to write more!
    Is it working?
    And oh!
    You pimped out my short story!
    Justin, Bob, Tyrone, Eve, my bestest mibba homey and gutter roomie...I brain you long time with all my chemicals AND whip cream. Cuz you are just that good.
    October 22nd, 2010 at 01:12pm
  • I have not read the chapter yet, this is just a response to Alice.
    Alex! We are both Alex now...that could be confusing hahaha
    I shall call you Eric! Cuz it is just that pro!
    And since you now have a guy nickname I will give Justin a girl nickname.
    He is now...Eve!
    The E unites you.
    Why does Eve think you are a diseased cat?
    Do you need me to punch him?
    Scratch that, you punch him, I will just giggle with glee in the background.
    October 22nd, 2010 at 06:28am
  • So according to Justin I am now a diseased cat
    October 22nd, 2010 at 02:54am
  • Girl Crush, cool, I can dig that. Lol. Wow that is so not me. I would never say that but oh well now I did. Yay I have fans, I'm happy and Justin can continue writing. So apparently I have been given two new names. Yeah the one guy at the college I go to has decided he is going to call me Alex I have no idea why and the one guy I work with the other day jsut called me Eric the entire night. I have no idea on either, lol
    October 21st, 2010 at 06:58pm