89.4 Zombie Radio - Comments

  • Da Julez! You is back!
    I missed you Stevie!
    Girl crush! I knew your were kinky about Jessie.
    I so have a girl crush on Justin's brain...and yes, I have decided his brain is female, just so I can say "girl crush".
    Onwards toward the story!
    Do I even need to say that I loved the chapter? No...But I will anyway!
    I LOVED the chapter.
    It made me happy...because you (well, Aiden did but you know what I mean) killed zombie babies
    I hate my job, and my job is working with babies and in my present state of mine I would not even twitch at killing zombie babies. And yes, i do realize there is a special place in hell just for me. I cant help it if my job has made me bitter about children and now I never want to have any...except if they are like LuoBo. That is his name! Translation: white carrot. That name is so kick ass. And he is so cute. he has this look...he is gonna be such a lady killer when he grows up, no shit. he is probably may favorite baby eva!
    Ok, here is my own moral question thing? How bad of a person does it make me that I kind of want Trevor to be slowly turning into a zombie so that it creates drama AND they get rid of him...?
    And dammit! I was kinda hoping I would know what was happening with Layla and Bob behind closed doors. And now we have 3 groups.
    QUESTION: three points of view right? Aiden, Bob and Jessie. How are we supposed to know what happens to the group in the house if none of those three characters are with them? I had missed Luke by the way. Will you be adding a point of view or imma just have to suck it up until they get back together?
    And WHEN will you tell me who took the bus?
    You are killing me bro...killing me softly with his love...oh God...the eighties are worst than zombies.
    Now I cant get that song out of my head...
    Does anyone remember what else I was gonna say?
    Oh oh oh!
    The homey LexaMig much appreciates the pimping out! I am still pimping you out but through my otha contacts, cuz I am beast like that.
    Brain you long time with all my chemicals!
    October 21st, 2010 at 02:00pm
    ive been kinda out of it this week with tests and labs and homework and terrorizing people. But im free now!!!
    so i... with a great-happy-bubbly-out-there comment, shall express my feelings to you.Yes, yes.
    i am 100% absolutely a jessie fan!! go team jessie!!!
    i have a girl crush on her and im happy about it so...yeah!
    im an idiot BUT i do make being an idiot look good.
    ~(^o^~) ~(^o^)~ (~^o^)~
    October 21st, 2010 at 07:43am
  • Oh oh oh!
    Don't cry!
    Yes. Me Alex is the team Bob groupie.
    But my more respectable Stevie Twin Da Julez is team Jessie.
    Julie is the Laika...something user-name with the pig ridding Gir.
    And please! Dont make Justin (I still feel weird calling him that...) stop writing.
    You, him and this story are about the only things keeping me sane in China.
    If you stop then I will be forced to loose my hold on reality, pretend to be a bird and jump out of my 17th story apartment window.
    And then Julez will be hella pissed and be forced to travel across the country to kill you with her sexy army man.
    And then Justin (ugh, i need to give you like a nickname or something cuz I keep thinking Bieber and that makes me want to gag.) will be pissed and have to fight the sexy army man to the death.
    And then when my sister sees both her man and Justin dead she will be so heartbroken that she will kill herself.
    See! We all lose!
    October 20th, 2010 at 10:17am
  • Awwwww!
    Thank you!
    I love this story so dont ever stop!
    Imma just have to work harder on pimping your story out to other Mibbians!
    As for adding italics, you have to use this code this At the beginning of the text you need to put these brackets [ ] if you want I italics then in between the brackets put an "i" if you want bold lettering put a "b". Example
    • .At the end of the desired altered text add the brackets and letter once more but wit a / before the letter. [/*I hope that makes sense. That also works for centering, applying colors and shit. * represents whatever the code/letter is.
      I loved this chapter! And yes, and 80's wooing sound did come to mind...more like to mouth, I actually wooed and did an air fist pump.
      I like how yous slipped in some new info and gave a recap without making it boring.
      That right there was impressive.
      Layla taking care of her man!
      My sis is Team Jessie, She is just not as big as a groupie as I am...she has a life to live, good grades to keep, a sexy boy in the military after her, people to torment...she is a busy 16 year old.
      I spaced on what else I was gonna say...
      Date! I wanna see what Dalton comes up with!
      You know me.
      I am doing my Mibba groupie happy dance right now and thinking about buying a white t-shirt that I can pimp into my Team Bob shirt. I so wanna dress up as a hoe and ask you to like sign my boob or something...ew...cousin moment again. Scratch that, you can sign my shirt, I'll ask Alice to sign my boob.
      More chapters!
      Write slave of Alice, work!
    October 20th, 2010 at 10:08am
  • So question is the one Stevie Twin Team Jessie then? I need some people on team Jessie everyone is Team Bob where are the people that like me?! I need some people on my Team or I will go cry and make Justin stop writing this story :( now I shall go pout
    October 19th, 2010 at 06:56pm
  • Uhhhhh. Wow.
    Basically, this story is the best thing since sliced bread.
    And sliced bread is good!
    Zombies are my total obsession (I'm a closet zombie nerd :p)
    And this is the best zombie story I've EVER read.
    I love you for coming up with this story.
    Much, MUCH. Love.
    Can't wait for the next chapter :)
    October 18th, 2010 at 07:53pm
  • Well my mom is only half japanese my grandma is full
    October 18th, 2010 at 05:39pm
  • Ashley/Jessie/Alice - I know your real name :P I usually refer to you as Alice though. I want your mom...not in the kinky way, in the "I wish my mom was asian" kind of way. My mom is puertorican and all she gave me besides a Russian stripper name is a fat ass...

    Justin/Bob/Tyrone - So LexaMig always makes you feel good, eh? Honey, you haven't seen nothin' yet. Just tell me when and where and I'll show you just how good I can really make you feel...
    Ew...I feel like I just flirted with my cousin or something...but you just made it too easy. My mind is just so far down in the gutter today...
    Fan girl moment!!! OMG!!! You pimped me out! Thank you for the shout out! It filled me with sweet sugary goodness! Specially cuz you called me your Homey...that just about made the rest of my year, I swear, Christmas morning and male strippers ain't got nothing on how awesome that shout out was! I brain you long time with whip cream and fuzzy handcuffs for that shout out!
    Roxy is PIIIIIISED! I love it! How wrong is it that i totally want her to hook up with the cop? Just so I can play out the fantasy in my head with the handcuffs. Maybe if she gets some loving she'll chill xD or it could just be gutter mind speaking. Will they get the bus back? Who took it? BTW, I loved Roxy's stress reliever. Killing a zombie in a bathroom...
    Oh! The doc is gay! Nice, That was totally out of the blue. I was like what the flip and then I was like awww and then I was like I want tea.
    Bob chapter. That has got to be the most epic title ever! I really hope they meat up with the rets soon so Bob can get the doc to patch him up cuz if he like punctures a lung imma have to cry. And me drying makes me angry, and me angry leads to a very good impersonation of Roxy. For realz...that whole thing about her being pissed if she found the bus empty, is something I would have said...I like my revenge.
    The fight was epic! Dude, I was freaking out all through it. And I loved (and by loved I mean that I was really creeped out and freaked) how Lucky died. True psycho man...makes me wonder what else is hiding in that twisted little brain of yours...
    Dude...how old is Bob, I just realized I have no idea how old he is...
    Nakedness! Honestly I would leave the clothes, bad memories and shit. Just take a shower and steal Bob's clothes. Make him walk around half naked in revenge for his pervy comment :P
    Now...I must shower! Cuz I spilled my damn tea all over myself. I am just glad is was cold tea. If not i'd be hella pissed right now and my comment would be less love-filled seeing as how the whole tea incident is your fault.
    And oh oh oh! I just remembered. One of my favorite parts...Bob's thank you speech. That was so flippin epic! Epic like going Scryer in Shattrah and getting the blue staff.
    Second favorite part. The whole discussion about Pulp Fiction. I love how Bob was totally derailed by Dalton saying that he had not seen it. That is something that would have gone down between me and my twin. We will be in the middle of something hella intense and then have a total squirrel moment. Stupid hoe...I miss her. She is the peanut butter to my celery...
    October 18th, 2010 at 02:04pm
  • My real name is Ashley and yes I do hate it because it is so common. I had common names, I want a different name that is not common at all, yeah. I know too many people with the same name as me. Thats why I go by my nicknames, sure I answer to Ashley not happily but I do, I hate that my mom let my dad name me, because my mom was going to give me a japanese or hawiian name, cause my mom is half japanese and was raised in hawaii for a little while. My moms mom is full japanese
    October 16th, 2010 at 08:46pm
  • Son of a sideways gang rape on Tuesday....
    Just flippin wow.
    Big sexy rainbow...I laughed so hard. Sound like something me or my Stevie twin would say...actually, I think we have said it...
    Why does the whole truck think feel like a set up to me?
    And I can so relate to Bob. I hated high school and if the world ended I would so go to private school just to have the pleasure of killing the teen-aged zombies in the most gruesome way possible. Hell, if it weren't a guaranteed ticket to the death penalty, I Would probably do that now...
    Acid trip! No!!! you drugged them!! And then heroine!! WHY!!!!!!!
    It pains me...
    Gentle as a lamb...Are you trying to ruin sex for me now, too? Just kidding...kinda
    My heart is still beating do fast...so creeped out right now. I love it. This whole story is like an Acid trip for me. Creeps me out but I love and want more...
    More than love it.
    I brain it with all my chemicals.
    Justin/Bob/Tyrone...I brain you long time. :P
    Ashley/Jessie/Alice...make Justin tell write what happened to the bus and others. And the fantastic four! Pretty please! If you do I will give you a shiny coin, a bottle of whip cream (cuz whip cream is awesome) and a hard whip (and actual whip, I wont whip you). Yay!
    October 16th, 2010 at 08:54am
  • Ashley/Jessie/Alice...eres la musa que inspira las palabras que fluyen de la mente de Justin...yes yes.
    Thank you for not ruining the surprise though...I am so excited to find out!
    October 15th, 2010 at 09:15am
  • Actually its Ashley/Jessie/Alice because it reminds me of Sally Jessie Raphael. If you don't know who that is, she was an old talk show host when I was a kid... I feel older everyday, its going to happen to all of you too. Be forewarned. And as far as what happens... just keep reading. Mwahahahaha!!!
    October 14th, 2010 at 09:18pm
  • so all of that is a question for Justin to answer. since I don't have a whole lot of extra time to write I just give him ideas, lol. But I remember talking about that stolen bus and I don't want to ruin anything, but I'm sure Jessie will be a very mad character if it's gone when she gets back, lol. I like my cars and I like them nice. I mean we had to leave the beautiful black 69 impala for the bus we better have it back when I get back or else we can hear me go off about cars again, and how I will not get in one that I don't like, lol. Here's me signing off as justin now calls me, Jessie/Ashley/Alice did I get that right Justin?
    October 14th, 2010 at 05:01pm
    My Stevie twin has made an appearance! I told you she would like Jessie! And she said some werid shit I am not quite sure she understood....
    Julez! I brain you, you hoe!
    Any who...
    Dude, I was about to throw a hissy fir when I saw that the chapter was Aiden's point of view and I would be knowing what happened to The fantastic four...but then I saw how awesome the chapter was and forgave you and fell in love with the story all over again.
    Kwame! he is a turkey. He cracks me up. I wish I could do highly inappropriate things with him. Don't judge me! Its the flippin apocalypse! Someone needs to start repopulating the world!
    Roxy and Jack for the win! Leaders! Yes!
    Hm...who is Riley again? I always suck at separating secondary characters...
    This update cracked me up so bad! Its could also bee the half a bottle of french wine currently in my system...but I am pretty sure it is the story since it is epic even when I am sober.
    And someone stole the bus...that is just awesome. I wanna know who it was. Will they get it back? Will said person/people be added to the story? Will world peace ever be possible?
    On to more writing gosling of Da Julez!
    October 14th, 2010 at 03:40pm
  • So... My stevie twin basically threatened to stab my imaginary pony if i didnt read or comment on this story.
    I have to admit, Jessie kinda reminds me of...me.
    I also decided that this magical zombie story, fill me nutty soul with lots and lots of peanuts. YAY for me!
    So keep updating and giving me peanuts because i will give you lost of brownies!!
    a two word julie is not a happy julie!!!
    And just so you know, i have officially taken you under my wing.i am mother goode and you are my gosling.
    October 13th, 2010 at 11:47pm
  • Yes I found my inner Roxy and all that happened to the Jessie character has been okay-ed by me first but I just told him to go all out and do whatever it's just a story
    October 13th, 2010 at 02:38am
  • Because I was anticipating this chapter I did a whole preparation ritual.
    I took a nice hot shower, put on my favorite pajamas, closed the curtains so that it was all nice and creepy looking and then I snuggled into the sofa with a nice soft blanket and started reading.
    I decided to start with the previous Jessie chapter, just so I could get in the mood...and then Bob came around. DJ double tap is back and broadcasting across the nation! He would, he is hardcore.
    Bob and Dalton killed the car...men, I swear! It's nice that they got some action, nicer that it was in a graveyard, not so nice that the idiots are now lost.
    I loved Bob in that chapter. He is in lurfles!
    But the juicy stuff that had me cackling like a maniac and utterly disgusted at the same time was Jessie's chapter. Lucky is sick! (I like your movie references btw, I love both movies you mentioned)
    And I think it is safe to say that I will never, never, ever, in the history of eternity, beyond and even in any possible and impossible alternate universes, eat mayonnaise ever again. I might be able to recover and eat hot dogs...but not for a very long time.
    And he licked them! Ew! He touched Layla...I jumped off my seat and was so close to taking another shower just because the thought of it disgusted me so bad and made me feel dirty. So nasty...cant see me but I am freaking out as I write this...
    The coffin was a relief though. I am not claustrophobic, I am more afraid of the dark. So the coffin I could handle. Just close my eyes and try to fall asleep. That way it goes by faster and sleeping regulates breathing patterns so I would not have to worry about running out of air sooner just because I was panicking and hyperventilating.
    I do really hope the Lover Duo arrives before the H does. I dont want them drugged! No! I do however he hope he plays with them a bit longer before attempting to drug them. teehee. Toy with their natural emotions before turning into pseudo-zombies.
    Something just occurred to me! can they get infected from beef?...please say no.
    Double updates, Bob kicking ass, a graveyard, snack for the zombies, Jessie finding her inner Roxy and some nasty ass hot dogs...perfect way to spend my day. Better than sex.
    ...Ok, not really, maybe not sex...better than a night with my favorite boys...Johnny, Ben and Jerry
    October 11th, 2010 at 06:49am
    And as a side note...you WOULD have a thing for Ashley Green, you WOULD test the whole texting with your phone, you WOULD give directions to your father's house...and if I live in Ohio, I WOULD go toilet paper his house, maybe whip cream his car as well...
    Ok, on to the chapter!
    Oh my Goddess! Which is the censured version of what really came to mind as I was reading it...
    Dont touch the nipples! I cringed so bad at that! Us girls need those you know!
    Please tell me that was just spit that went into her mouth...I almost threw up when I read that, still gag when I think of it...
    The branding I could take but I cant believe Gabe got himself killed!
    Betty and Veronica...
    My twin is gonna flip when she reads that! Julienne's (Jules) real name is Veronica. And now she is a trained zombie...
    Lol, make out session, of course...That made me giggle...until I remembered that Lucky was in the background getting his jollies off of that. (where did that expression even come from anyway?)
    I was jumping off of my seat, cringing, gagging, shivering and deliciously chuckling my little black heart out all through this chapter. How wrong is it that I loved ever second of it...
    I still have that creepy little grin stretched across my face, you know, the I get when someone is suffering for all the right reasons...
    October 9th, 2010 at 08:15am
  • Holy son of a no good, half-wit, two cent, third rate, dirty hooker in church!
    The anticipation!
    Bob is in LURV!!!!!!!!
    Damn, I am so jealous.
    I missed the black dude with the name I dont know how to spell. He warms my heart...
    Let the torture begin!!!!
    October 8th, 2010 at 07:53pm
  • Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh
    It all makes sense now.
    I will probably stick to Alice, cuz if I dont I will get confused with story events and real life events cuz well, I get easily confused.
    October 6th, 2010 at 08:58am