89.4 Zombie Radio - Comments

  • Ok to clear this all up my real name is Ashley yes, it is just so common my nickname is Alice, my best friend gave it to me other people agree that I remind them of Alice Cullen from Twilight. Jessie is just my characters name but Justin has just gotten used to Jessie, and so Jessie is now also one of my nicknames, so I either go by Ashley, Alice or Jessie. I did scold Justin for that I'm like I have never gone by the name Ashley on mibba it has always been Alice, lol. So whatever you prefer to call me is fine. Just one of those three
    October 5th, 2010 at 04:49pm
    Screw the blue staff Jimmy!, We are going for the epics, EPICS!!!!
    I loved it!
    Hurray for Jessie but my heart goes out to Bob who just got his heart broken...
    Dude! Creeper!
    Creeper that just drugged them...
    I love me a good sadist teehee. Bring on the blades and salt buahahahahahahahahahahaha
    And I have a question...if her name is Ashley, why doesnt she like it? Or is her name not Ashley? I am confused...
    I dont like my name, I have a stripper name. Which is why my sister gave me a new one. Instead of S****a, I am now Alexandra, Alex for short yes yes. Same with her, Instead of V******a, she is now Julienne, Jules or Julie for short. Not that you care probably but just wanted to share.
    And of course bring on the heroes...
    I want a T-Shirt! You know I am team Bob! Maybe my Stevie Twin could be team Jessie, I think Jules would like Jessie.
    Hmmm, now i need to have a deep discussion about zombies, Bob, Jessie and sadists with her. Good bonding time yes yes.
    October 5th, 2010 at 04:25pm
  • lol yeah I am pretty awesome and we managed to almost get kicked out of meijers the next night. We were playing in the toy isle and I was making the new bop it toy rap basically. I was making it repeatedly go off so fast it sounded like it was rapping, a worker walked over so we walked away and this dude followed all the way until I walked into the womens bras and stuff, lol
    October 5th, 2010 at 03:51pm
  • Ok, so it took me two days to read through all the chapters, and I really like the story. I don't think I've read anything quite like it. I love the idea of a DJ holed up somewhere broadcasting to any survivors, it would be awesome if they managed to meet the guy that got everyone together.

    Definately Team Bob, Jessie is alright but sometimes she annoys me. Especially after she got rid of all the cd's bob risked his life to get back, way uncalled for if you ask me. Anyway it's all pretty well written, and I will definately be tuning in to see what happens at the campsite.
    October 5th, 2010 at 05:38am
  • Dude!
    Why did it have to be a centipede? Those and cockroaches are the only insects that turn me into I mindless shrieking idiot. Needless to say I was creeped the fuck out. IT made me happy about the brain though and getting some answers.I wish I could go open up a brain now though...I have only done hearts and eyes, a brain would be so cool. Once upon a time I wanted to go into forensics, until I discovered that I fail at school cuz me and the whole showing up for class thing dont mix...
    Roxy is your sister...ish? I am now in love with your sister! Roxy makes me giggle. And well, people who know me know that I only giggle on special occasions, and only about evil things.
    Camp site scares me...Zombies, cabins, getting lost in the woods or something...just doesnt sound smart.
    Ha, Walmart adventure, Ashley is awesome.
    October 4th, 2010 at 09:34am
  • Haha! I just finished. Ch. 10. About 2/3 of the story to go. This sssooo needs to be made into a movie.
    October 4th, 2010 at 06:07am
  • Dude, I just finnished ch 8 (so behind) and...that was so disgusting. But, it helped the story.
    October 1st, 2010 at 11:41pm
  • I'm next too, cuz I'm mothafuckin' black and shit!
    I laughed so hard at that.
    Well, until I realized that the stupid latina girl is next in line after the black dude...then it wasnt so funny, I don wanna be eaten by zombies!
    Hot and cold? really? You just ruined that game for me! I am never gonna be able to play it without thinking of bloody zombies!
    I really need to stop reading these updates at night, it only leads to me sleeping with the lights on, bundled up in a corner, waking up whenever I hear something remotely suspicious.
    Smart zombies scare me...what is with the black mark though? I wonder if it is the same people that created the virus are behind that...on the other hand, I do love me a good sadist.
    October 1st, 2010 at 05:03pm
  • Jessie is hard core and I wanna kick ass like her but I am Team Bob. I don't know why, but the fact that I like saying the word "Bob" is definitely a factor. Yes, My IQ just dropped 20 points after that statement.
    I freaked when the lights went out! It really did not help that my upstairs neighbors dropped something really heavy at that exact moment making me shriek worst than my dad that one time he turned into a five year old girl when we were watching "The ring".
    Creepy...being watched...(insert shiver as I look around my apartment and make sure the door is locked...not that my door would help at all, I swear that thing could not keep back a full grown man, let alone a hoard of hungry Chinese zombies)
    September 29th, 2010 at 04:01pm
  • Yes and he made it attack my character, and it doesn't bother me. what bothers me is you know those twins from the Shining they freak me out I watched that movie three days ago and I'm still freaked they're just gonna pop up somewhere and tell me to stay with them forever. But hey I'm glad that its having this effect on people, in our opinion that is awesome this is what we like to know. Sorry it freaked you out but on another view its good. Hope it doesn't make you stop reading it though. I also hope everyone enjoys the upcoming chapters there's some great stuff coming up and on chapter is gonna be based off a dream that I had not too long ago. So I hope you all like it and I might start writing again sometime soon I don't know, I might just let Justin finish this story then start up in the next one. Sorry if Justin didn't want you all to know it's a series but it is. So I might just start writing again the next story
    September 28th, 2010 at 05:06pm
  • I am just gonna say that this shit is awesome!
    It lead to a really beautiful father-daughter moment where we were discussing the end of the world, zombie bodily functions and how it is all part of a plot by the Chinese government to brain wash america and take over...
    So now...imma take a shower and go sleep with the light on. Cuz I'm freaked out and the neighbor's baby wont stop shrieking and it reminds me of that one zombie girl with the mark on her head and...yeah
    I know I am supposed to be a grown as woman, being 20 and independent and all that shit, but right now I am all about the scared glances at the door, the hiding under the covers and the praying to the gods that the zombies dont get me until I learn how to use a gun...a very big gun.
    Yes, I am that pathetic,
    I blame you.
    September 27th, 2010 at 06:12pm
  • Haha! Sorry Ashley, I keep having typo issues with the name. I sincerely apologize. You can beat me for every typo next time you see me. Lol
    September 16th, 2010 at 02:07am
  • oh and Justin may I once again point out my name is spelled Jessie not Jesse I'm not a guy I'm a chick, I don't mean to be picky but thats just how I am you know that
    September 15th, 2010 at 05:57pm
  • I'm sorry, I'm rarely on here because of college and work, but let me go check it out, but thank you even though Justin is doing most of the work right now, he is doing an awesome job portraying me and everything. So right now most of the credit is going to him, but I promise I will start writing asap.
    September 15th, 2010 at 05:52pm
  • So, I've read up to ch. 7 so far. This story is great. Just the right combo of comedy and action. Best story on Mibba so far. I sent two of you comments on your Mibba pages, and you never responded to me. :(
    September 15th, 2010 at 07:43am
  • Hes a cop,they don't make much, and they crashed the car! And I'll change the word woman! Just for you. Lol (See folks, she really is that difficult.)
    September 13th, 2010 at 10:10pm
  • Justin good job portraying me but 2 things. One, I don't use the word bust unless I'm referring to boobs or a head statue. Other than those two things you can bust something, lol. Two, you don't know me and cars very well apparently. You know I'd write a car so much nicer than that. Like I'd go with an Impala, preferably a 1969 Impala, black with black leather interior. If you got another car for my chapter, ask me first please. But other than that you are doing awesome. Oh and people I promise that once I get a chance to write and post I will be back to write my parts I promise. It's just with college and work right now I'm fighting to find time to do homework. But I promise I will be back to write asap.

    Love ya, Alice
    September 13th, 2010 at 05:51pm
  • You are the greatest person ever and I appreciate your feedback. Glad you like it. Thank you.
    August 28th, 2010 at 08:56am
  • Haha...see I didn't know, cuz I didn't watch Zombieland. Chapters three and four were both very well written. Keep up the good work, ya'll! :) Oh yeah, BTW, I LOVED the list of bands in chapter four.
    August 27th, 2010 at 04:12am
  • No the Lacey and Daryl are just used for their looks. Then then there was no DJ in Zombieland. We just liked the Double Tap for a DJ name, lol
    August 18th, 2010 at 12:02am