Lost. In someone else's body - Comments

  • That one shot made me want more. I was hooked from the begining to end I really wish there was more to see what happens with the girl. AWESOME. Keep writting. :)
    June 15th, 2011 at 07:45am
  • Holy shit...that was...incredible...
    I have never read a one shot that ensnared me so quickly and so thoroughly.
    You provided a real window...no, a door for us (the readers) into another persons mind.
    You wrote with such emotion, it made me really relate to the person.
    I hope you keep writing other stories because you have amazing talent that's hard to come by nowadays.
    October 21st, 2010 at 03:05pm
  • I really felt like I could somehow relate to this. You did an amazing job and you definitely have a talent. Keep up the awesome writing cause I'd love to check out more of your work. :]
    October 7th, 2010 at 09:14pm
  • Holy crap, that was good...sad...and depressing but still good. I mean it had me from the first word to the end and I was looking for the next chapter but then I noticed you have it as a one shot and I was like "Well that freaking blows...I want more." Still it was captivating to the last word.

    Only possible problem I saw is the very first part of the eleventh section it says "I am the person that always smiling” maybe I’m reading it wrong but uhmm shouldn’t it be “I am the person that’s always smiling,” or “I am the person that always smiles,”…like I said maybe I read it wrong, if so feel free to send me a very rude message or what not, but I’m just trying to help.

    Other then that, it was simply wonderful. It had a great opening line, a story, emotion, and a great finish. Like I said before I was hooked from being to end and wanting more. That is what writers should be like, and you have talent. Keep writing I’d like to read more things from you.
    September 12th, 2010 at 10:51am