The Moth - Comments

  • Wow. Short, but sweet, indeed! :)
    First off, I have to say the title intrigued me. Not even sure why, really. I guess it just seemed a peculiar creature to choose, but of course, having read the drabble it made a lot of sense. The moth is helpless, and unable to control what's happening, until the tone shifts and the moth is freed, and ecstatic. I love the way you start and begin with three words, particularly since the tone of the first 3 is so helpless, and each of the words progressively get shorter, as if it represents the emotions plummeting, and also literal image of the metaphor. Plus, I spy alliteration! ;D Okay, I'll shut up about the devices you used now. Basically, I loved it. :3 Particularly the phrases "sickly sweet" and "exotic elation". The sounds those words create together is amazing.
    Also, by the end it almost feels as if the moth has transformed into a powerful bird of prey. :) It's quite awesome. I'm glad that's how it feels. Arms
    August 13th, 2010 at 10:25pm