Maybe It's Not My Weekend - Comments

  • Judging for the Band, Song, Story contest:

    First off: This story was extremely well written. I enjoyed the grammar, figurative language, adjectives, and metaphors that you used. It made the story just that much better. The plot was great; captured my attention from the start. The introduction was just plain awesome. I thought that you had some great 'scenes' and the ending and the whole 'seventeen girls' part was so cute. I loved how you had at the end that they were married and you said 'her Nikolai'. Wonderful story!
    October 29th, 2011 at 06:30pm
  • Alright thought it was very good. Original plot. I felt the last part of the last sentence is weak yet at the same time isn't.... Just though I'd mention that. I feel it was very sweet. I really enjoyed it I just felt there has to be a reason the way she is and I think it maybe cool to include that but then again mystey has it's benefits as well. Either way well done it was very good.
    October 12th, 2011 at 04:13am
  • What can I say first? Well I really liked your story! As far as I can tell there were no mistakes. I loved how you put it into third person. Your wording and detailing were wonderful. Just saying that Skye has dated a lot of people... More than I ever heard of. Which was a bit unrealistic, but I still liked it(: It was so sweet how Nikolai called seventeen other girls just to find Skye.

    Well thats my review. Sorry it sucked. Just remember keep writing and don't let anybody ever tell you different.
    October 6th, 2011 at 02:46am
  • Hahaha, you've done the impossible, and that makes you mighty. :D

    So I'm going to comment on this as I read:

    So first off, I'm liking it. Hakuna Matata! It means no worries! For the rest of your days! Hrm, also I have to say, I like the background and font colour that you picked. The ambience is very nice. :D

    This is a beautiful line, right here, "They're just attracted to each other. And once they connect, they never let go."

    And wow. WOW. That's a lot of men. D:
    Skye's a bit of player. And reaaally? That's how many men a woman will date in her lifetime? D:?

    Skye's a bit of a daredevil I say, as well as a player. What if that handsome biker from the dentist's office was a rapist? Or a serial killer? I think she's a bit lucky as well for that. That and not contracting any STDs/STIs.

    Hrm, I'm liking this form of writing by the way!

    Aww, I stand corrected. Skye's not a player, she's just a push-over. D:. How cute and flattering of her in such an endearing way.

    Heheheheh, go SKYE!


    I'm not sure if this is what you were aiming for, but this is kind of reminding me of Cinderella. :O!


    I. ENJOYED. THAT. D:!!!!
    Come back and write!!!

    That was so sweet of Nikolai. D:!

    Kudos to you. I can't believe you pulled it off. xD. I throughly, THROUGHLY, enjoyed this story. :D
    August 14th, 2010 at 10:35pm