Decembers - Comments

  • chemical romantics.

    chemical romantics. (210)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I've not read anything of yours, the only time I basically speak to you is if I'm gushing over your layouts or themes. I decided this was not on, so here I am! (':

    I'll briefly mention the lovely layout, which I'll reiterate, is lovely. The colour scheme matches perfectly with the tone of the summary. I occasionally find myself disliking the ability to apply customisable layout's to stories - when they're practically surging electricity when the plot sees the poor protagonists parent dying slowly of alcohol poisoning. I'm sure you're aware of the type I'm talking about, it's nice to see it's not distractingly extravagant either. It finds a comfortable equilibrium that adds to the story, as opposed to taking away from it.

    The summary is an instant tug on the heartstrings - I want to cry already, I'm just waiting from the offset for painful twists and turns. I love the way you open up the story; the summary is a part of the tale. I find with most death related stories, all you get are long winding days of agony from the perspective of the main character watching their beloved deteriorate before them, chapter after chapter. Whereas this story bases on Devian dealing with the 'aftermath', if you will, of the loss.

    'even when Cody's heart went still.' I have serious adoration for you after the phrasing of his death, it just made the summary a little bit more special.
    'Maybe he'd just need asistance,' you've overlooked the second s in assistance. It's slightly distracting so I thought I'd mention it. :3

    The prologue really was the perfect start it was fluent and worded beautifully. You really captured their emotion; I felt genuinely heartbroken for everyone involved.

    'his tears landing on the other boy's head, seeing as he had no hair left to lose.' This really brought it home, it was up until that point in my head, but I hadn't registered it. It gave real bitterness to the story.

    '"Dev...I'm scared to die." He whimpered. "Really."' I just wanted to breakdown at this. It was such a powerful, beautiful line. I can feel the powerlessness that Devian feels, and the terror in Cody. Favourite line of the chapter, really.

    I should quickly mention how much I love that you've named the chapters the way you have. It's different to the usual - numbers or song lyrics. It just gives it an air of extra effort, even if it isn't an extravagant task. Again, it's an incredible chapter the emotion is so tangible, it really gets to you. You have a real gift for description and you really get into the mind of the character, it's obvious when you read it you care for the story.

    'The December air never felt colder.' I instantly remembered the title when I read this. It gave me chills - beautiful.

    Oh, this chapter was really telling of the slow change in Devian. It felt incredibly significant and I suppose it is. The speech was almost like a goodbye, I love how solitary it was, giving the feeling that he really was reaching out trying to get to Cody. The Christmas present was a lovely, albeit crushing, touch.

    As I was saying before, the chapter felt significant and was telling of the change in Devian. Mourning is a long process that can seem like it's over and come back and hit you when you least expect it, I feel this happening in him when he meets Bailey. I think the name Bailey really suited the character you introduced by the way; I love names that match character persona!

    Ah, this chapter. It was everything I wanted it to be. I was going to drive myself to an early grave if he'd just continued en route to happiness, but you write it realistically. You also phrase things really nicely and capture the emotion perfectly in your metaphors. It's a trait I've grown fond to in your writing throughout the story thus far.

    You used the phrase 'Time seemed to be standing still.' I thought it fitted perfectly with this story thus far and the chapter especially.

    I think the start of this chapter was both some of the best writing in the story, and the worst. It wasn't bad at any point but the habitual use of 'Devian [insert action]' seemed to really jar the flow which made it slightly unpleasant to read. I think there's a line where skilled repetition merges into overuse and it's not nice to read at all. I think that's the only thing I'd consider changing, but it wasn't ridiculously overbearing so you could probably get away with leaving it if you wanted.

    I like the way the snow still cropped up when you're mentioning it dampening his bed. It's like a residue of the situation he's just ran from, it pulls up the fact that it's an inescapable feeling that's going to linger for a long time. Intentional or not, it was smart bro.

    'No flash-photography will be condoned.' This is exactly the witty tones that make your writing so special. It's something I really adore in writing. Irvine Welsh is one of my favourite authors because he's so crude and witty, I just love reading really out of place sardonic things in writing. It reflects my own mentality to a T.

    The ongoing repetition of December is so subtle and the little themes you're building up, I just love seeing them. It intensifies my need to keep reading.

    '“Spewing from behind your lips like a useless faucet.”' I cackled - honestly.

    I think this chapter is my favourite thus far due to the building relationship between Bailey and Devian. It's a relationship I'm just really fond of watching grow. Bailey is an incredible character, that much I can say for certain.

    Oh! The dynamic between Bailey and Devian is just to die for, (ugh, incredibly bad pun unintended). I love the way they shift so agilely from cynical or witty banter to tense awkwardness. Erfgh, I love everything about their interactions and you write it superbly. Despite the tone of the story, it makes me really cheery. Good characters are possibly my favourite thing in writing.

    'The word “time” carved itself in the back of Devian’s throat.' Love this ridiculous amounts.

    '“Funeral arrangments aren’t set yet.” That sentence trailed off into the snow.' You sly fox.

    I really enjoyed every word of this story; you have a ludicrous amount of talent. I'm instantly immersed in your writing - you have, what is to me, the perfect writing style. This is easily one of my favourite stories of all time on here. You've found yourself another subscriber, without a shadow of a doubt. I'm so glad I hunted down something of yours to read, I really am.

    You should be proud of this. It's fantastic. (:
    September 18th, 2011 at 09:12pm
  • sainted swan

    sainted swan (100)

    United States
    I thought it'd be nice to read a story of yours. Usually I don't read slashes (I used to, but I couldn't find any good ones with a nice layout) but it was good. Though, I did only read the first chapter for now, but I'll def. read more. :] It was really interesting. I feel bad for Cody since he has cancer. :/ Poor guy, but I'll continue reading and such. I can't wait. <3

    But before I enter this comment, I'm just going to say I CAN'T WAIT 2 R3AD DAT N3W ST0RY U R MAKING. D0N'T MAKE ME WAIT 2 L0NG, W0MAN. <3 (You know I'm kidding right? I do want to read it but not so much I'll yell at you. PRETEND YOU DIDN'T SEE THIS AND ACT ;] ANGRY


    But seriously, you have a talent <3
    September 14th, 2011 at 03:46am
  • the moon.

    the moon. (100)

    United States
    Yes! Im the first one to comment on the new chapter! I feel special. I hope devian feels better soon, maybe after the funeral. Hopefully :)

    Anyways, i enjoyed the update, now i must update my stories :D
    August 22nd, 2011 at 08:39pm
  • the moon.

    the moon. (100)

    United States
    I don't know why the comment got sent so quickly, but Devian and Bailey are cute together.
    I like Devian's sarcasm. (:
    August 8th, 2011 at 08:54am
  • the moon.

    the moon. (100)

    United States
    Chapter One
    I got all emotional in the last of the first chapter. :( I usually never read death stories, much rather cancer stories, cause they get me so emotional. I don't understand why this doesn't have 2 billion comments, it's so touching. Devian is a great boyfriend, I have to say that.

    Chapter Two
    Okay the second chapter is more touching than the first, and I cried for Devian. The descriptions is what's making me so emotional. You write so well, dear. At the end, it gave me shivers. I saw how the title came into play.

    Chapter Three
    aww, the part where he was talking to himself in the snow, was sad, but you could see the love for Cody in that speech. As for Bailey, that's more of an aww, because, he made Devian smile, despite what he was feeling before. I give him a fictional virtual thanks for that. (:

    Chapter Four
    It was uneventful, I just have to say I'm in love with this story. :]

    I have to say, you keep amazing me with your writing. I have to subscribe. Even if writer's block comes often.
    August 8th, 2011 at 08:48am
  • The Punisher

    The Punisher (200)

    United States
    While I don't like slashes this one was pretty good. It was well written and very descriptive.I will probably read more due to like I said earlier I'm not big on slashes. Don't take that as an insult you're a good writer from what I've read so far and please continue writing for those who enjoy it much more than I do
    July 27th, 2011 at 10:21pm
  • pepper potts.

    pepper potts. (105)

    United States
    Chapter Three

    Wow, your descriptions are so vivid; they get inside my head, like I am watching the scenes that take place as a shadow.

    I like how the chapter started off with an aura of sadness then ended on a happy note with Devian smiling.

    Sorry my comment are short but you know I love your writing and I really love this story. Is there going to be more?
    November 8th, 2010 at 05:45am
  • pepper potts.

    pepper potts. (105)

    United States
    Chapter Two

    I cried for Devian. The way you wrote his grief felt so real. Every description, detail, and emotion was had this simplistic perfection to it... if that makes sense.

    The ending sent chills down my spine. I loved it.
    November 8th, 2010 at 05:33am
  • pepper potts.

    pepper potts. (105)

    United States
    Chapter One

    Like I said, you made me cry. But that's a good thing. Your story has a lot of real and moving emotions. Anyone would be crazy not to cry. Even though the chapter was sad your writing is truly amazing. Great job babe.
    November 8th, 2010 at 05:27am
  • Lexington.

    Lexington. (100)

    United States
    Ha! Not only did you make 14 year old girls cry but you made 18 year old me cry. And I'm a boy!
    October 1st, 2010 at 11:16pm
  • fen'harel

    fen'harel (560)

    Chapter 2 made me cry so hard. Your descriptions are absolutely amazing and so vivid. Devian's feelings and questions, they're all so realistic and give so much depth to the character. I simply love how this slash isn't about just sex; this is the very first slash in which I've seen such an amazing and romantic relationship without the necessity of bringing up a sex scene to make it appealing to a reader.

    The emotions are simply too much for the reader to bare; they are so beautifully portrayed and us, as readers, understand every single one of them (to an extent), leading to most of us crying over it (as I can see in your past comments).

    I will get to Chapter 3 tomorrow. I really can't stretch out how beautiful this piece is turning out to be.
    September 27th, 2010 at 07:03am
  • understand

    understand (100)

    United States
    i hope you enjoy making little fourteen year old girls cry
    because that was beautiful
    September 18th, 2010 at 04:05pm
  • fen'harel

    fen'harel (560)

    I like the simplicity of your layout. The banner is beautiful and matches perfectly with the summary of your story.

    I never before heard of Hawthorne Heights, so I went ahead and used the song from which the title came as a soundtrack. I can see how it matches with the story's plot. It has this nostalgic note to it and it's beautiful.

    Summary: The summary drew me in. I thought it was nostalgic and rather appealing how you focused on Devian after the lost, instead of focusing totally on how he suffered through Cody's final days.

    Plot: I really liked the plot. I rarely read any death stories, mainly because most of them are teen angst stories centered on the lost itself. Yours, on the other hand, I liked every single bit of it. I like how you set every single paragraph, how it all started, directly into the shock of being diagnosed, then progressed to the struggling Cody had to go through, yet you managed to focus mainly on Devian without making it another cliché angst story.

    In all honesty, my eyes watered through the ending. It was so incredibly sad and sweet at the same time. I simply loved how Devian stood by Cody's side through everything, showing how strong this character really is, how he had to be Cody's rock in order for him to live his last days happy.

    Your descriptions and narration is so simplistic and easily to picture; thus rendering it highly realistic and easy to he eye, for it does not contain flowery bullshit that would simply deteriorate the realism of your piece.

    Dialogue: I really liked how scarce the dialogue was, because, that way, the readers could focus more on Cody's death and how this took its toll on Devian.

    The one piece in which you incorporated dialogue was so sweet. I could really picture this happening. And my very favorite part consist of this:

    Dev...I'm scared to die." He whimpered. "Really."
    This part is my very favorite. It shows how human your characters are, how real. It's just so realistic, something anybody would say when knowing they're about to leave this existence. This just gave depth to your character.

    Characters: As I've stated before, your characters have such depth that I can't even believe they're fictional. Their personalities shine through the whole thing, specially Devin's personality and how strong he had to be for Cody, yet how all of this was putting a huge weight on his shoulders.

    Overall: I absolutely enjoyed reading your story. I really couldn't notice anything bad to say about it. It was entertaining, it evoked emotions into the reader, amazing characters, plot, and dialogue, and this was just the prologue.
    August 19th, 2010 at 03:01am
  • Jet-Star

    Jet-Star (100)

    United States
    ;-; You're gonna make me go all girly and burst into tears when I keep reading this! D:
    I love it, though. :3 Shows how great of a writer you are! :D
    Keep it uuuuupppp. :P
    *Grabs box of tissues and puts it to the side*
    August 19th, 2010 at 02:23am
  • The Good Life

    The Good Life (100)

    First chapter and you already have me all emotional? Please continue, I love this story so much already.
    August 19th, 2010 at 02:08am
  • mike carden.

    mike carden. (100)

    United States
    This story is so depressing, but I can't help but love it. :]
    Amazing chapter, even if Cody did die. ;_;
    August 18th, 2010 at 11:40pm
  • Cash..

    Cash.. (100)

    United States
    First comment ;D love it.
    This story is super duper cute I love it. Oh, I feel sorry for Cody):. Devin's a great boyfriend(: I like both of them very much.

    Next chapter soon please?
    August 18th, 2010 at 10:38am