Bite the Hand That Feeds - Comments

  • Good job, I liked it. =D
    July 26th, 2011 at 11:54am
  • Awh, fuck.

    Honestly, that's what I kept thinking as I was reading this. Poor Ryan getting so hurt by all these guys he's giving himself away to. He's looking for attention but he's looking in all the wrong places and doing it the total wrong way. He doesn't really know how to ask for the right kind of attention which Brendon gives him. :3 That's what I got out of it, anyway. Not sure how close that is to the actual plotline but hopefully I hit pretty close.

    I also like how it's not really Ryden but it can be. I always love those stories because it pleases everyone. XD The anti-Ryden and the Ryden-shippers. Same with any fandom really because if you announce that it can be seen either way there are no fights and it's better that way. I really love the relationship between Ryan and Brendon whether they're in love or just best friends. Maybe it's your writing style or maybe it's just the way they are but it seems really sweet.

    In short, I love this. :)
    January 2nd, 2011 at 11:45pm
  • I haven't read any of your stories in a while. And I'm glad you're still writing and that you're still around.

    I like how you portrayed the caring relationship that Ryan and Brendon share. I like stories like this that are gentle, though not very sweet, and are slow-paced. I like how Ryan gradually opens up to Brendon and it just . . . hurts a little bit watching him do so. I, personally, know how hard it is to open up. So I can imagine what made Ryan tear up. It's this feeling of knowing you're pushing someone away, despite their goodwill, and knowing that you're hurting yourself by doing so. You know, also, that you're partially doing this to get their attention, but you're still pushing them away.

    It's a horrible emotional vortex to go through. But Ryan opens up, he has the courage to, he gets out of this vicious circle. And I think by opening up, even partially, he begins to value himself. He himself as better than to be toyed with by those men and finally establishes his friendship with Brendon.
    All due to the power of little words, a compliment.

    It's a bittersweet story where you can't really tell the bitterness from the sweetness. It made my chest ache and want a hug. It might be the start of love, or just simply seeking solace at a companion. The way I see it, Ryan grows a little bit through Brendon's subtle and caring gestures and it makes them closer. Brendon's kindness and love bridges the gap. I love him in this because . . . damn. These little things that people do for each other that most of us don't recognize. . . are the key to bringing us closer, are the little twigs we throw to keep the fires of love, friendship etc. burning. He fixes Ryan through touching, through caring questions and it's just so heart-breaking to see. It hurts to read even at the end when they're together in the bunk.

    I just . . . really connected with this. You're an amazing writer (and I don't need to tell you that) and I don't need to patronize you anymore. I take my hat off to you and give it up to you altogether.
    August 19th, 2010 at 05:57am
  • That was beautifully written, I loved it. I will have to check out others of your works
    You is fantastic love, keep writing
    Much Love
    JAzz <2+1
    August 19th, 2010 at 02:11am
  • New story.
    ~1110 words.
    This was not written as Ryden, but it's okay if you see it that way.

    Happy [?] reading!

    Comments are love and thank you in advance if you leave one.

    August 19th, 2010 at 01:43am