Scream Queen - Comments

  • goldchains

    goldchains (100)

    United States
    I want this to be made as a script, and made into a movie (: you'll know I'll be FIRST in line to buy tickets.
    'Clicks Subrscription button' 'adds to subscription list'. Whenever I'm tired and sulky, I know this story will cheer me up (:

    And oh yeah....I'll be collaborating I'm making tiny stories with ideas that have been in my head for days, before I officially start. OH, my collaborator will be with Janerua93;; - I just love her :3
    I made two stories. One with Tom Kaulitz and Chris Brown :) Ooo la la.
    And also a Eminem story too, it's pretty gut-wrenching, but yeah. I was wondering if you would check it out?

    These two stories will probably be the last stories I'll write. Because when I'm collaborating with anyone, I'm really in the zone on making chapters PERFECT. So yeah, you don't have to if you want, but I think it'll be awesome if an amazing writer would check out my horrible writing (:
    July 30th, 2011 at 06:40am