You Got it All - Comments

  • Verloren

    Verloren (100)

    United States
    Also, thanks for pointing out my typos [x
    September 20th, 2010 at 12:18am
  • Verloren

    Verloren (100)

    United States
    I'm working on finishing it, dearie..
    My creativity for this is... pretty dead though.
    I never DID get to her imperfection.
    She's a pathological liar. [x
    September 20th, 2010 at 12:17am
  • Rudie;

    Rudie; (100)

    United States
    "Her chocolate brown hair was bouncing around her shoulder..." Did you mean to put "shoulder" as if it were in a side ponytail, or did you mean shoulders? Because either would work, but I thought I'd point that out for starters.

    "A different one for at school that for with my family..." Typo, I believe. Should probably be "than" instead of "that".

    ""Carls" a voice rang out..." There should be a comma after "Carls".
    ""I see miss perfection is still at her tricks" he said with a wiggle of his eyebrows and a smirk at the filled table..." Same here, you need a comma after "tricks" if not a period. Even so, I loved this sentence it was so cute, and it made me smile.

    "Someone that a person of my caliber shouldn't associate with." I also think this is a nice twist to add in. I really like how she's all but head over heels for a guy that's "abnormal".

    Maybe, in the last paragraph, you should italicize the slightly mysterious "he". That way, it's not so confusing as to whether you're talking about Damien or Mikael.

    So, I'm a little confused here. What exactly was her fault? You didn't really say what it was. You just hinted that there was something wrong with her that only her sister knew. Unless I'm missing it. Was it the fact that she was ever changing and could blend the way she could? The fact that she wanted to be alone and didn't want her popularity in reality? Or was it that she hung around Mikael? I'm a little lost on the imperfection here Linnie..

    But I will say, she was a rather perfect girl. I really like Carli. (: And this could be a promising story if you were to ever finish it up. I'm interested, haha.
    September 19th, 2010 at 11:36am