The Heart Does Go On - Comments

  • FrankJScott

    FrankJScott (100)

    United Kingdom
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    FrankJScott (100)

    United Kingdom
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    September 29th, 2023 at 03:57am
  • Pandorica.

    Pandorica. (150)

    Can't wait for the next update. :)
    August 2nd, 2011 at 11:36pm
  • RetteMich

    RetteMich (100)

    United States
    this story is so amazing. i stayed up till 2 am yesterday just reading it. i have gotten completly hooked on it. you're a fantastic writer and i can not wait for the next one! keep the great work up! :)
    July 31st, 2011 at 02:04am
  • Pandorica.

    Pandorica. (150)

    I'm glad you got most of your stuff back!
    I would have cired if that happened to me. :(
    Love this story so much!
    July 10th, 2011 at 06:10pm
  • Pandorica.

    Pandorica. (150)

    I actually didn't see that happening at all. I was shocked when he called her a piece of trash!
    More soon please? I love this story so much.
    I think it's my new favourite!
    July 8th, 2011 at 12:09am
  • Pandorica.

    Pandorica. (150)

    I love this story so much!
    You deserve so many more readers, subs and comments.
    I really can't wait for more.
    Keep up the good work!
    July 6th, 2011 at 06:08am
  • YamiToMangaka

    YamiToMangaka (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    LOL!!!!!! I loved the new chapter and I hope you update soon!!! ....There's not much else I can say..except that I love this story and I think you're doing a great job with it!!! Later.
    June 24th, 2011 at 02:44pm
  • YamiToMangaka

    YamiToMangaka (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    LOL!!! I can see where her dad's coming from though. I mean if my dad were going to LA he would defanately take me, like it or not!....Well, if I were 17 I would have probably moved out by then. See, I was never the one to try and make my parents annoyed, I'm just their little girl who goes along with what they say, no questions asked. Anyway, I love how she ans Seto will be staying together!! Can't wait until the next chapter!!!!
    June 23rd, 2011 at 11:42am
  • TheCoreysGirl

    TheCoreysGirl (200)

    United States
    Wow! I hope Kaiba can use his vampire-like powers of persuasion to make Ella's father see that she prefers to stay in Domino. After all, I can see Kaiba as a very powerful teenage boy... ;)

    I put my head on my desk. This wasn’t fair. I finally had everything I had ever asked for in life, and it was going to be snatched away from me so I could go back to the life that I was so happy to leave behind.

    Every true friend I had ever had in L.A. had turned their back on me or stabbed me in the back and thrown the friendship away. The few friends I did have weren’t true close friends, just acquaintances.

    I had the best and loyal friends someone could ask for here in Domino, and now after this short time I’d have to say goodbye?

    And what about Seto? He was pretty much the perfect boyfriend. People spend their whole lives searching for ‘Mr. Right’ so far was so good, would all my efforts have gone to waste?

    “Don’t worry Ella. I am VERY good at persuading, there’s no way in hell that you would go with your dad. I am happy to let you live in my mansion, and if we cannot convince your Dad to let you stay, then my lawyers can find some loophole that will allow you to stay.” Seto growled.

    The rest of the day I was fairly quiet. I sat by myself at lunch, I didn’t want to face reality and have to explain to all of my friends that I might be saying goodbye so soon.

    How could Dad not tell me? I guess that’s why he had been quiet lately.

    The emotion I was feeling at the end of the day was anger. That’s why when I arrived at Kaiba Corp. after school with Seto; I stormed down floor 3 with Seto hot on my heels, about to confront my father.

    It was so unlike me to ‘speak back to my parents’ I was a good daughter, and usually did as I was told. I don’t think I had ever argued with my father before. But I was not about to give up everything I had received from this move without a fight.

    I stormed into my father’s office, and didn’t back down when he looked up and gave me a slight glare for barging in.

    “What’s this I hear about us moving back to L.A.?” I demanded.

    “Ella, take a seat.” Dad said firmly, I obeyed.

    “I think we can both say we enjoyed L.A. more than we enjoy Domino. All our family and friends are there, and we’re both used to the lifestyle back home. There are more reasons to go back home to L.A. than stay here in Domino.” Dad explained to me.

    “NO THERE’S NOT!” I shouted angrily, which shocked even Dad.

    “And why not?” He asked, clearly annoyed.

    “I’m doing well in school. I’ve made the best friends I could ever make. I happen to be dating a billionaire. I’m fairly sure that Domino is better for me right now than L.A. could be.” I argued.

    “What do you suggest we do then?” Dad sneered.

    “You can move back to L.A, I can live with Seto until the end of the school year and we can decide from there.” I suggested.

    “I’m not having my 17 year old daughter live with her boyfriend. That’s totally trashy and you’re too young to be living with your boyfriend!” Dad argued.

    “Fine! Drag me back to L.A. in the middle of the school year. Don’t expect me to get good results in school! I’ll be unable to cope with everything and will have to end up a McDonalds worker who lives in Louisiana because I won’t be able to afford to live in L.A!” I loudly complained, and stormed out of his office.

    I saw Seto waiting outside.

    “He’s all yours if you can get him to come around.” I muttered, and stormed off to the elevator, wanting to be as far away from my Dad as possible at this moment.

    Very brilliant chapter! Update as soon as you can, please. :)
    June 22nd, 2011 at 11:07am
  • carrotpig

    carrotpig (100)

    Yami gets better, I promise haha :) well actually, I was going to use that moment for a storyline in the future but right before I was about to use it, I decided not to. Spoiler alert but him and Ella work out their differences instead, even though they don't address the problem it's implied they're on good terms :)

    And yeah, drunk people are very different whilst drunk. While I'm sober, I'm really nice. However last night I got HAMMERED, and apparently I purposely lost my wallet and bragged to my friend 'I'm only doing this because sober me is a stupid bitch and deserves to lose her wallet, haha take that, bitch' I'm not happy about having to travel an hour to the police station it was handed to :P
    June 21st, 2011 at 11:10am
  • YamiToMangaka

    YamiToMangaka (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    WTF!!! o.O Seto COMPLAMENTING Joey?!!!!! OK, I think we'll need a doctor....NOW!!! LOL!!! I love it how Yami finally voiced hi feelings but I don't like how he did it. I think the story is great so far and I love how they all have almost completely different personalitys when they're drunk, but then again I don't know if that's normal seeing as I can't handle the tast of most drinks like that, nor have I seen or talked to a drunk...I live a very sheltered life...ish. Anyway, please update soon cuz I'm dying to find out more!!!!! Later.
    June 20th, 2011 at 03:14pm
  • TheCoreysGirl

    TheCoreysGirl (200)

    United States
    You're welcome. Glad I can brighten a fellow writer's day. :)

    “Now, it’s time for your present.” Seto said, and dug something out of his pocket.

    He passed me a jewelry box, which had a big blue ribbon on it.

    “Open it.” He instructed me, which I did.

    I gasped, inside it was a beautiful necklace. It mirrored a bracelet I always wore, the pendant was rectangular and had the words ‘Twinkle, twinkle little star” with a star next to it.

    “The crystals in the star are real diamonds.” Seto explained to me.

    I didn’t know what to do other than hug him. This was too generous for words.

    “I noticed the string which your pendant on your bracelet was getting a little ratty so I got this necklace custom made for you. You always seem to wear that bracelet, so I knew it means something to you.” Seto explained.

    “Yeah.” I replied, not really knowing what to say.

    “What does it mean to you? If you don’t mind me asking.” Seto asked.

    I sighed a little. I hated talking about my past, and I hated talking about exes to current boyfriends (I found it rude and uncalled for, I guess when my first boyfriend wouldn’t shut up about how good his exes were I gained a distaste for it)

    However, I guess Seto had a right to know. He did buy me this necklace after all.

    “I bought it a few days before my ex boyfriend in LA and I broke up. My eyes were drawn to it, it was at that point I realised that the stars in my eyes had just become dirt on my face; I was walking down the boulevard of broken dreams. But this bracelet made me feel better. Although it’s from the nursery rhyme, the words sort of spoke to me, as if telling me to ‘shine on!’ When my boyfriend cheated on me, this bracelet was the one that gave me courage to break up with him. Ever since then, I wear this bracelet at all times to remind me of that courage, and to remind me not to let anyone like him get me down and avoid those kinds of people.” I explained.

    “Has it worked?” Seto asked, pointing to the bracelet.

    “Let’s see. I managed to score a rich yet sweet guy like you. I think I stayed true to the bracelet.” I giggled, wrapping my arms around Seto’s neck.

    We stayed like this for a moment, but Seto led me to his bed to sit, I could see he wanted to discuss something.

    “Have you ever wondered why I spoil you?” Seto asked me.

    “I’d be lying if I said no. But I’ve always been taught to never look a gift horse in the mouth. I always just put it down to me being your girlfriend, you being rich.” I shrugged.

    “You’re sort of right, I do have the cash assets to spoil my girl. But that’s not why I shower you with gifts. What I’m going to tell you, you’re going to hate me.” Seto sighed.

    “W-why?” I stuttered, being afraid of his answer.

    I love Seto! I didn’t want to hate him!

    “When I first employed you back when you first moved to Domino, I performed a Google search on you. I found your livejournal, and I found a depressing entry you had written about your ex boyfriend.” Seto sighed.

    “Which one? There were many” I replied, remembering all the emo crap I used to write in there.

    “I didn’t go through your whole journal, I did not have the time. I haven’t gone back since either. I just remember what you wrote on your 17th birthday, the words you used were so strong, even before I knew you properly you made me feel sorrow for you for a few seconds.” Seto sighed.

    “Oh, the one where I wrote that I spent so much money on his Christmas, Valentines and Birthday presents and he said he couldn’t buy me a birthday present because he was saving for something, and then I told him I understood but asked him just to get me either a card or a $5 present and he told me I was a selfish materialistic bitch who needed presents to show people cared about her, and didn’t talk to me for the rest of my birthday? Yeah, I remember that one.” I said bitterly.

    “What was he saving up for anyway?” Seto asked curiously.

    “A new computer.” I gritted through my teeth.

    I wasn’t angry that he couldn’t even buy me a card, well not anymore. I’m angry at myself for investing so many resources and emotions into a loser like him, and making myself look so silly in front of others i.e. Seto.

    “This is why I spoil you. Because you deserve it. Even before I got to know you, I knew you weren’t a spoilt brat who was money and power hungry. You didn’t like me and continued to stand up to me until you got to know me as a person, which also proves you aren’t after money. You’re the girl who has stolen my heart for all the right reasons, and I would pay any price just to see you smile.” Seto said, cocking up my chin and giving me a passionate kiss.

    “I love you Seto. But you don’t need to buy me gifts just to see me smile. Just spending time with you is all I need.” I smiled, and blushed a little.

    “I really do love you Ella.” Seto informed me, resting his forehead against mine and looking into my eyes.

    “I love you too.” I replied.

    Very sweet! I'm glad Ella told Seto the truth in the form of a confession (although it wasn't the Catholic type, of course), and I'm glad Seto listened to her, and then made a confession of his own as well. Honesty is a very important virtue, and people are right when they say that honesty is the best policy. :)

    Update as soon as you can, please. :)
    June 11th, 2011 at 03:28am
  • carrotpig

    carrotpig (100)

    According to this it's October 25:

    I remember skipping it in the story though, 'cause a) it was too hard to write and b) it wouldn't have fitted in with the flow of the story at the time.

    No idea where their sources come from, but they've got everybody's birthday. Yugi's was on the 4th of June. I'm guessing there was a fact page in the manga, it always had little things like that, but I never got around to reading the entire series.
    June 9th, 2011 at 01:31am
  • YamiToMangaka

    YamiToMangaka (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    WOW O.O I LOVED IT!!!! I think the christmas thing was really sweet! Hey, Quiestion for you, what would you buy for a guy that has everything? And what would a guy who has everything buy for a girl who could buy anything if she wanted to? Seto's B-Day is a hard thing to plan...does anyone know when his original B-day is? Cuz if you don't know I'm going for September. Love the story and I can't wait for more.
    June 8th, 2011 at 02:28pm
  • TheCoreysGirl

    TheCoreysGirl (200)

    United States
    Ooh, I can't wait to read the next chapter. Very intriguing and creative, too. :)
    June 7th, 2011 at 09:06am
  • TheCoreysGirl

    TheCoreysGirl (200)

    United States
    Awesome so far! :) I like it, especially this part:

    I sighed as I leaned my head on Duke’s car window. It was a happy sigh; I was remembering how my Christmases used to go.

    I used to wake up as late as possible at my mother’s house, in the bad parts of L.A. My mum’s white trash family would be there, drinking at 10am in the morning. By about 2pm they’d be wasted, and be ranting and swearing about topics like rich people, people from other cultures and other things white trash rant about. Then they would bring out their fists and fight over each other’s alcohol, and then mother would get angry with me for avoiding this and refusing to get into the photos and pretend to play happy families.

    Then father would pick me up and we’d go to his family. They would either be rude towards me or completely ignore, because the only time they ever saw me was at Christmas, and they felt I wasn’t part of the family and thought I was an intruder. One or two of the wives would feel sorry for me and talk to me, but everyone else would fawn over my cousin and how good she was, and treat me like something they stepped on.

    Well, this Christmas I was spending lunch with all of my friends in a pleasant atmosphere, where we will talk and be merry.

    Dinner would be spent with the man I love, and his awesome little brother who is also my friend.

    So take that white trash family, I’m going out with one of those ‘rich people’ you’ll be bitching about today. And take that father’s family, I bet my cousin isn’t going out with the world’s youngest CEO.

    Very brilliant and creative! :)
    June 7th, 2011 at 09:05am
  • TheCoreysGirl

    TheCoreysGirl (200)

    United States
    I like this so far -- especially these parts:

    Before we departed, Yami grabbed my arm to have a look at it.

    Kristy got me REALLY hard. There was a massive bruise on my arm, and it was already turning a black colour.

    “What a nasty girl. She’ll get what’s coming to her, I promise.” Yami said, giving me the thumbs up.

    “Yeah, okay.” I sighed, not believing it.

    After walking into the mansion, Seto immediately saw the bruise on my arm (I had taken my pink blazer off) and demanded to know what happened. I told him the story, and he had the same attitude as Yami and replied with ‘she will pay’ He however had a chuckle when he found out she was a rough Rintama high girl, he said Joey finally met his match.

    Wow. I'm glad that both Yami and Seto agreed that Kristy would pay for what she did to Ella. Very brilliant and creative, too. :) Update as soon as you can, please. :)
    June 2nd, 2011 at 06:51am
  • TheCoreysGirl

    TheCoreysGirl (200)

    United States
    I like this so far -- especially this part:

    “Mr. Brown, get your HANDS OFF MY GIRLFRIEND!” Seto said, ripping Joel off me and throwing him into the foyer of the floor.

    I grabbed my box of stuff and reluctantly followed Seto.

    “Your girlfriend? Just because you’re a rich spoiled brat and get everything material you could want, doesn’t mean that you could get a beautiful girl such as Ella!” Joel spat at Seto.

    I kind of slunk away into the corner. I had never had two guys actually argue about me before, not face-to-face anyway. I had no idea how to handle this.

    “Actually, Ella is my girlfriend again as of last Sunday. Not that I need to prove anything to you.” Seto replied coolly to Joel, and Joel just gave him a glare.

    “Now, we don’t take to sexual harassment very kindly at Kaiba corp. It ruins performance from employees, as well as Kaiba corp. following very strict laws regarding the matter. Therefore I have a legal obligation to handle this, and I will right now. You’re fired as of right now; this is not unfair dismissal so I do not have to give you two weeks notice or pay. You will get your accrued sick pay and annual leave paid out due to legal obligations, but I can make sure you never work in this industry again.” Seto said to Joel.

    “Argh, you’ve ruined this company you brat! This company thrived under Gozaburo; you’ve ruined this company! You’ve turned it into a soft place!” Joel ranted and screamed.

    “Soft?” I asked, stepping in.

    “Ella, you don’t know what it was like when Gozaburo was here. It was a much better place!” Joel whined.

    I tried to find the right words in my head to prove Joel wrong. Hmm, something out of Macbeth sprang back to mind.

    “Joel, people followed Gozaburo’s orders out of fear and not love. No one respected him; he was probably one of the most hated men in the world. Everyone else who worked here when Gozaburo was in charge agrees that Seto runs the company a whole let better than Gozaburo did. And Kaiba Corp. is hardly soft, Seto is still harsh, but he’s fair. He turned the company from a tyrant run business to a traditional bureaucratic company.” I argued.

    “No one cares what a slut has to say!” Joel replied, obviously running out of comebacks.

    Seto sighed, and used the microphone in his trench coat.

    “Roland, we’ve got a situation on our hands. I need you and another security member to toss out the trash.” Seto said into his microphone.

    “If you’re so keen on working in the weapons industry again, please be my guest. I’m going to make sure you never get a job in the gaming industry.” Seto said to Joel.

    Not too long after Roland arrived with a member of security, and they took Joel off who was ranting and screaming.

    “Come into my office.” Seto said, and I took my box and we sat down.

    “Firstly, are you alright?” Seto asked me, concern flashing in his eyes.

    “I’m fine. He just tried to kiss me, something that isn’t uncommon for me, and not the worst that’s happened.” I replied, and Seto just nodded.

    “Well let’s get down to business. Since you’re going to be alone for 2 weeks, would you like to stay at my mansion? I wouldn’t want you to live alone, and I promised your Dad I’d look after you.” Seto offered.

    I took a second to think about it. I liked being home alone, but only for short periods of time. Besides, Seto and I were still in our honeymoon period and every time I wasn’t with him I missed him. That, and I may as well take advantage of this situation, as it wouldn’t come up for a while.

    “I would love to.” I said, a smile playing on my lips.

    Very brilliant! :)
    May 24th, 2011 at 05:47am
  • TheCoreysGirl

    TheCoreysGirl (200)

    United States
    Neat so far! :) I like it. :) Keep it up with your super-neat, very brilliant and awesome writing!
    May 1st, 2011 at 10:40pm