Raindrops. - Comments

  • One thing I noticed throughout the drabble is how you kept referring to the colors of the sky as a palette. It, to me, gives the impression that the sky is just a simple and sometimes random mix of colors that an artists uses to create a masterpiece. It was just something that really stuck out to me maybe because you continued to use the word all through the piece.

    I really like the differing paragraphs, with one being about the clear sky and the sun, while the other was describing a cloudy, rainy day. Just something like that makes me just love piece like this one. And what makes this even better is that you said what the sun and the rain mean to the character. This was just simply amazing and I loved it, if you couldn't already tell.
    July 11th, 2013 at 12:52am
  • I love the layout it`s amazing
    it`s really cute I really loved it(: it`s really creative and shows how much beauty is in everything
    December 10th, 2010 at 01:38am
  • First, the layout is absolutely gorgeous and it goes well with the banner, which is also gorgeous (: Second, this entire drabble is so pretty and maybe even inspiring. The sentences are so beautiful; they flow amazingly well. The imagery is gorgeous and just. Okay, I'm rambling over here xD I can go on for years on how amazing and beautiful and wonderful this is.
    Basically, everyone said what I wanted to say :]
    Lovely job! <3
    October 23rd, 2010 at 01:20am
  • Wow. This is amazing. You wrote it brilliantly too and the layout is gorgeous.
    October 17th, 2010 at 05:19pm
  • I think the best word to describe this is magical. You're writing about something that alot of people loathe, and making it seem beautiful, and I love it.

    You have the most amazing description. Your third paragraph especially is honestly just stunning. You capture the little details so well, and your writing is very observant and you use some very vivid vocabulary to create the picture.

    I was just wondering if the line which says, "There’s nothing like catching a piece of the sky in the palm of your hair..." should say palm of your hand instead. However, it's such a pretty image, thinking about catching the sky. It's lovely.

    Oh, it's gorgeous, m'dear.
    October 17th, 2010 at 02:00pm
  • First of all I loved the layout, I think it fits perfectly with the drabble.
    I love the picture you paint into my head with the words you use.
    There are some grammatical errors, just like the people above mentioned, maybe you should go back and revise it. C:

    I loved this line:
    I like the sun, but I love the rain.
    The reason I like is because I feel the same way.

    It was good. :]
    October 17th, 2010 at 06:15am
  • I like the layout :) It's simple and the picture is so pretty.
    One minute the [skies] filled – you mean “sky's”?
    so many [it’s] unable to even begin counting them. – I think the pronoun is kinda strange. What does it refer to?

    I like how the clouds are described as “paper.” That's new, and yet I can imagine it too.
    There’s nothing like catching a piece of the sky in the palm of your hair – I love this description! I never thought of rain that way, as a piece of the sky.

    feeling [it’s reminds] cling to every strand of your hair. – I'm sorry if the constant correcting is irritating. I'm kinda OC when it comes to this. xD

    Aside from the typos, I really liked this. It's so positive and refreshing, and I love stories that can make me look at things in a new way, like how this makes me look at rain in a new way. Good job! :)
    September 29th, 2010 at 12:58am
  • I enjoyed reading this. Like everyone else said, your use of imagery is great and I like how you try to find original ways of describing things. The last paragraph especially was fantastic; I loved the idea of 'catching a piece of the sky'.

    I noticed some little mistakes in that part though- There’s nothing like catching a piece of the sky in the palm of your hair, feeling it’s reminds cling to every strand of your hair.

    Did you mean palm of your hand and remains instead of reminds?

    But anyway, overall, great job. :) I liked how you made a small, everyday thing like rain sound interesting and almost romantic.
    September 5th, 2010 at 06:48pm
  • I really liked this. My absolute favorite line in this is: The magic seeps through your clothes and runs against your skin, and somehow the enchantment runs into your veins. That is just gorgeous, it really is. It's powerful and descriptive and I just really love it. <3

    Also, the layout is so pretty; I love the picture. I think you did a really lovely job with this piece.
    September 5th, 2010 at 12:52am
  • I really love this. It is a really beautiful yet soft piece. I love the way you word things. You use such vivid descriptions and imagery, makes me feel like I'm actually in the story. I think you conveyed a lot for such a small piece. Great writing.
    September 4th, 2010 at 11:35pm
  • This was such a beautiful, lovely and well-written piece. Sentence after sentence, I was falling more and more in love with this story. I was so excited about writing my comment after reading that I wrote the same word three times. You have some of the most gorgeous phrases, if I could quote them all, I would. Rain is a wonderful dancing partner I'm remembering that one from the top of my head, but the one line that I actually copied was, It adds to the mystery of it, but despite my inquisitive nature, I never want to spoil the magic by finding out. -- wow!!
    September 3rd, 2010 at 01:28am
    I think it's probably one of my favourites by you.
    And thats part of the reason I love the rain so much too. :)
    September 2nd, 2010 at 06:02pm
  • Omg. I loved it. :)
    September 2nd, 2010 at 02:28am