My Opinion Doesn't Matter - Comments

  • I’ve read the first five chapters. I think you definitely have a lot of potential as a writer. You write well. I think you just need to work on perfecting your own distinct writing style. However, I think you should proofread a little more. There are several grammatical errors and awkwardly worded sentences. You also tend to over-describe actions. But again, I think you have a lot of ability and potential.

    I think this story is easy to relate to for teenagers. I definitely relate to it. While I’m not constrained like Veronica, I totally get the whole idea of being misunderstood. I think you have the characterization of Veronica as a teenager budding on independence and self-reliance (and basically just wanting to make her own decisions) down pat. She acts and thinks just like a rebellious teenager. Anyway, I think she has a lot of potential for character growth throughout this story.
    July 3rd, 2012 at 07:28am
  • this is so good, i totally feel for ronnie. i think we've all had someone try and stifle our creativity, but it sucks so bad when it's your PARENTS doing it. poor her.

    the detail and sentence structure is great in this, by the way, i really really liked it.
    June 10th, 2012 at 08:27pm
  • You should update! I totally love it!
    February 23rd, 2011 at 03:48am
  • Kinda sorta lovin' this story so far :D
    So far it seems you're pretty much a talented writer :D
    I think in one way or another Ronnie is so very relate-able to many.
    Keep me updated XD
    October 20th, 2010 at 03:49am
  • This is a great story.
    I feel so bad for Ronnie, my parents encourage me to write while her parents discourage her to write.
    Writing is way to express your self and become one with the characters.

    October 12th, 2010 at 12:38am
  • Ahh, Tara(:
    Your a genius.
    I love the story so far(:
    It's different from what you usually do. (:
    The introduction hooked me. The last paragraph really got me emotional. I could only imagine how Ronnie must have felt when her parents discouraged her about being an author. I know how that feels for your own parents to tell you, that you won't get anywhere in life, doing what you love :(
    Looking forward to moar updates! (:
    September 14th, 2010 at 06:53pm