Kings and Queens of Promise - Comments

  • Aww, this story was so fun to read. Em and Jared are just too adorable and of course Eli.<3 I'm really excited about the sequel. :P
    February 19th, 2011 at 02:33am
  • i loved this story!
    can't wait till the sequel! :)
    February 19th, 2011 at 12:55am
  • Nestled in the crook of her elbow was little Sebastian, smiling up at me with his sky-colored eyes sparkling

    “Brian’s selling the mansion?!”
    But...but...wait...ALL on the beach?? Then chaos and fun are still sure to happen!

    PUPPY! Duuude, we did give the best gift of all!!!

    "Special circumstances"=they are cool, smexi gay guys! lol

    YAY! YOU TELL THAT BITCH! I laughed sooo hard!!!

    AWE! BABY!! *huggles Em and Ellie*
    Blue eyes? *cuddles Ellie some more*

    Waiiiiittt.............“You son of a bitch.”<<<<That! Why is he pissed? Did Jared somehow change it? Its good if he did! Buuut this cliffhanger is evil and leaves me curious...

    AWE!!!! ADORABLE!!!!! *huggles baby picture*

    Sequel announcment made my day! I'm soo excited! Annnd this comment will only be #97...sadface. I wanna be the 100th commenter!

    MORE SOON?!?!?!?! PWEASE???
    February 18th, 2011 at 04:21pm
  • ZOMG, can I say fucking amazing?!! Thank you for that cliff hanger though. :o Now I'm dying to know what will happen next. I had a feeling the baby would have blue eyes. :D I fucking hate that Trisha bitch! I have this feeling she's not going to stop..! Yes, you look adorable in the picture. :)
    February 18th, 2011 at 08:49am
  • LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!
    February 18th, 2011 at 03:17am
  • What what?! Only two chapters left?? Nooo.. This story is too good! I agree with VioletTwist you better make a sequel haha. No seriously, you should. xD I really love the banner. <3 Congrats too VioletTwist for an awesome banner! :P
    February 17th, 2011 at 08:02am
  • Yaaay! You made my day with the epic chapter, the praise of the banner and the dedication. My heart absolutely melted with tiny Bastian. And Bri's tenderness? *sighs* I love it all! More soon and you best be making a sequel!
    February 17th, 2011 at 06:32am
  • Hahaha bitch! I'm from San francisco! We are very friendly People! We're the only city in the world that can riot without any injuries! Hahaha I can't say much about the smelly part though we have way too many hipsters to smell good hahaha ANYWAY I really like your story and I don't think I've ever actually commented so.... yeah. The other day I was thinking "Man, Frankie and Zacky would make such a cute couple, why hasn't anyone written them together?!" then I remembered you did so good job in being awesome hahaha

    -Beer :)
    February 15th, 2011 at 07:53am
  • Aw, the chapters were so adorable. :D I just hope that bitch Trisha doesn't get in the way.. although I know she will. :o Btw, i liked you banner. <3
    February 14th, 2011 at 02:55am
  • BABY! *cuddles own tummy* ANNNDD BRI? *cuddles him as well*
    Ugh...freak out and funk typical. Stupid guys >.<

    “No, mine!” Brian declared, holding Violet against him.
    Awe <3

    “Screw you,” Violet exclaimed, throwing her shoe at Jared
    o.O you HAVE to be stalking me to know I'd actually do that...I love it!

    Hahahaha I'm loving this version of Never Have I Ever. Now I reaaaally wanna play it!

    "I never got a tattoo,” I said. There went everyone in the room
    I has a tat in here?? Epic! Haha and I really haven't done a body shot...but mostly cause I'm not quite old enough for alcohol. And in this story, I be about to pop.

    "I’ve never been pregnant,” Frank grinned, making Violet cuss.

    “Violet wins!” I exclaimed, reaching over to give her a high five. “And with four to spare!”
    OWNED! *dances* Its sad cause I usually mlose that game xD guess I need to play with those guys for real lol And I'm okay with winning by default!

    More soon whileI go work on that banner!!
    February 14th, 2011 at 02:25am
  • Its Trisha? Not Tasha? Eh, oh well. Looved the update and flying and me getting to teleport. Holy crap Bri is trying to scare me! And I havent got to start the banner but dad is being...a parent. But soon!!
    February 13th, 2011 at 10:54pm
  • Holy shit, that was just plain amazing! Finally, Jared told Em how he feels about her, and she realizes she loves him. <3 And before things start to get perfect.. some blonde bimbo gets in the freaking way! Ugh! O.O
    February 12th, 2011 at 10:13am
  • Oh wow. Tasha I won't finish that sentence. Instead, I'll launch into how maybe now that Jared has admitted his feelings for her. Which made me happy. As did the fact that the new friend is named Violet. Cause while it's not me. I can pretend based on the mutal name. Makes me smile. This was an intense update but I adored it. More soon?
    February 12th, 2011 at 05:23am
  • Holy supernatural, Batman! She's getting wings! Does this means she is kinda like an angel?? More importantly, will Jared finally do something bout his love for her now? More soon!!!
    February 11th, 2011 at 05:59pm
  • Wings? Ahahahah... Love it... And thanks for the update!
    February 11th, 2011 at 05:06pm
  • HO-LEE SHIT!!! This story is seriously amazing!! This is in the top five stories I've ever read on mibba!! And I've read a shit load of mibba stories!! I love your writing style, you had me hooked before chapter one was even over!!

    I knew it!! I knew she was going to get wings!! Hell yeah!! What's goin to happen to the baby?? And WHEN is she going to get with Jared?!? Why can't Em just realize that they are meant for eachother?!

    Well, I could keep ranting on about how amazing this story is and all the things I like about it, bit it's past 3 am and I'm tired!! So, you have successfully gained ANOTHER subscriber!!

    All typos compliments of my iPhone.
    February 11th, 2011 at 10:14am
  • I could've sworn I commented >.<
    But plllleeeaaassse don't punish Em for our failure to comment! She can't marry Pierre! She just can't! And during that entire moment I was doing the fish know *open mouth, close mouth, open mouth, close mouth*
    JARED! *tackles* He's gots ta marry Em! *nods*
    BABY! *cuddles Em's tummy containing girl*
    HA! Oh's not funny that Pierre's in pain? Oops...*kicks ground*

    Update soon??

    (I hope I commented enough to make up for my lack of commenting before)
    P.S: I commented as I read so wrote my thouhgts as I saw it
    January 26th, 2011 at 04:26am
    Its obviosly not gonna work between them, its to much.... Just..No, not Em and Pierre. Its not right.
    Now Em and Jared, that would work out perfect!
    Trust me :D

    January 26th, 2011 at 12:20am
  • She's gonna marry Pierre?
    January 25th, 2011 at 10:19pm
  • more please....:)
    January 25th, 2011 at 09:15pm