SHYNE - Comments

  • PaigeyPantsFTW

    PaigeyPantsFTW (100)

    United States
    I really really liked this a whole lot.
    and that last one was pretty much
    hilarious. (:
    April 8th, 2011 at 05:15am
  • boyking

    boyking (100)

    United States
    dfkjkslfjsl I liked this chapter. I liked the innocence (that's the wrong word but let's pretend it applies because my mind is way off today) of it, how their family gets along so well and it's all so playful and 'normal', I quite like how they're being portrayed (but I have no idea if this'll last, which only emphasizes how intrigued I am to see what you have planned!). And at some points, I manage to forget that Yuri is one of the characters, but not because you're not writing his character well because that's the most ridiculous thing I could ever type EVER, but just because you don't make it blatantly obvious. DAMN IT HANNAH I'm not making sense, because the whole point of what I just went on about was when I realize again that it's Yuri I get this silly smile on my face because he's so lovely and the way you've written his personality is so lovely and I can almost HEAR is lovely accent (shall I use the word lovely one more time?)

    “Well, I don’t have a vagina,” her brother chipped in, munching toast.

    I liked that part, only because of the 'munching toast' bit you added made it seem what he was saying so casual and that made me laugh. SO YEAH I hope you like these comments even if they're not always entirely relevant. But I like this story, and I like how quickly you're updating. And thank you again for all the dedications. :3
    April 8th, 2011 at 12:59am
  • boyking

    boyking (100)

    United States
    HOLY SHIT. I don't know, but I really liked this. Maybe I liked it especially because for some reason I had to reread it five times and even now I still don't think I one hundred percent understand it. But that's okay, I kind of like it better that way. ...He patted the gravestone like he had so often patted his wife’s legs, that part was so lovely and wonderful and touching to me because it seemed like such a strong comparison between two things that were so opposite but he was still connecting it to a memory.

    There was one part in the beginning though, where she goes, 'how just much..." should it be 'just how much' instead? The way it was worded felt funny to me, but it could just be how I read it or what I'm used to. But once again, I quite adored chapter number three, and I can already tell that this is going to become a quick favourite of mine. <3333
    April 7th, 2011 at 02:43am
  • animal soup

    animal soup (100)

    United States
    April 7th, 2011 at 01:01am
  • boyking

    boyking (100)

    United States
    I was already smiling with the first sentence, how Dylan was trying various versions of 'mom' to get her attention because I do that often as if it'll get her to come faster or something, and I could just hear his urgency for some reason and it was so cute I don't know I read too far into it, OH WELL. And I did chuckle a little bit at the 'breast' bit only because I could imagine you writing it and I guessed maybe you were cringing A LITTLE bit at anything sexual that was going on but even if you didn't I IMAGINED it happening and laughed anyways. I loved the description 'bony fingers' for some reason, I thought it stuck out really well and sounded lovely. And I'm just so intrigued by everything that is going on and I can't wait for more and I want to know what's going to happen in the next one (only ninety eight left now!) because I believe this is the only Yuri story I've ever read on any site so I'm definitely enjoying this. I also liked the bit of foreign language you included. <33
    April 6th, 2011 at 01:46am
  • boyking

    boyking (100)

    United States
    First off, I love you. This is genius and lovely and wonderful and I've only read the summery so far. ...but at the end of it all you will be left with a pair of skeletons, people who lived and loved and died in 10, 000 words. I'm twitching over here, ugh ugh ugh. Anyways, how do you manage to come up with such interesting, and detailed passages with only one hundred words? I WILL NEVER understand. I loved how you wrote it, it seemed really different and original and unique and this is only the FIRST bit and I'm kind of squirming and smiling like a lunatic at the thought of ninety nine more and this is probably far too exciting for me. One reason being because it's about Yuri, and he's the loveliest human being and I want to sit with him all day long to hear him talk and join him in eating chicken wings (I loved how you squeezed a bit in about chicken wings too) and the second reason being because it's you who's writing this and anything you put out or any idea you come up with is automatically pure brilliance, there's no shitting around. ANYWAYS this got long, and I'm sorry your first comment is me rambling but yes, I love this and I'm already subscribed. (and thank you for the dedication!) <3333
    April 6th, 2011 at 12:53am